Chapter 38

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As I awoke the next morning, I felt arms around my waist. I smiled and turned to see Peter laying next to me, still asleep and nuzzled into my neck, I had decided to stay in his room for the night. Peter was shirtless but had his boxers on, whereas I had borrowed one of his shirts to sleep in, as well as my own underwear. I stared at his sleeping face for a while, admiring how adorable he looked whilst in dreamland. I pushed away some of his hair that had fallen into his face during the night and placed a sweet, lingering kiss to his cheek before I started to untangle his arms from my waist. As I began to get up, I felt a gentle grip take hold of my left wrist and pull me back to the bed.
"Where do you think you're going?" Peter's husky voice asked as his arms wrapped back around my body and his weary eyes locked with mine.
"To get breakfast?" I yawned, still quite tired myself. Peter shook his head.
"Nope. Not allowed." He stated, kissing my cheek.
"You need to stay here and cuddle."
"But what if I don't want to cuddle?"
Peter pouted before replying.
"Well I'm afraid you have no choice!" He declared, tightening his grip on me so that I couldn't get up. I giggled at his childish behaviour.
"Fiiine. But don't complain if my stomach starts to growl!" I joked, laying my head on his bare chest. He took a deep breathe through his nose before raising a hand to stroke my hair, occasionally massaging my scalp with his fingertips.
"Did you enjoy yesterday?" Peter asked after a short while. I looked up at him and placed a kiss onto his lips before replying.
"You know I did." I smiled, but I then raised an eyebrow.
"Why do you ask?"
"W-well it was our first time after all, a-and I just wasn't sure how you f-felt abo-about it." He stuttered in reply, biting his lip and looking at me with worried eyes.
"If you are worried about your performance, then don't be, you were amazing." I assured him, leaning my arms onto his chest before kissing him again. He let out a breathe of relief before smiling.
"I'm surprised you managed to keep yourself slow though, that's unusual for you." I said, making Peter blush a little.
"Yeah, well, I didn't wanna hurt you. I think the first time should always be taken slow." He answered, pulling my chin so that our eyes met. He began to pull my lips to his but we were interrupted by the loud growl of my stomach.
"I warned you!" I giggled, making Peter roll his eyes and smile before smashing his lips into mine to silence my laughter.
"C'mon then, lets go get some food." He announced, speeding off of the bed. I got up too and then walked over to the door whilst he got changed.
"Where're you going? You're in your underwear!" He said, grabbing my hand to prevent me from leaving the room.
"I need clean clothes!" I whined.
"I was just gonna quickly run to my room and change!" Peter chuckled and shook his head before walking over to his wardrobe, he began to dig through it.
"No need, you can borrow some of mine." He declared, pulling out a selection of shirts and bottoms for me to choose from. I walked over and had a quick dig through his clothes before finally deciding on a Eurythmics top and some grey jogging bottoms. I stripped off the shirt I was currently wearing and felt Peter's arms around my waist before I could put the new top on. He dragged me in front of a mirror and began eyeing my almost completely naked body up and down in the reflection.
"So beautiful." He whispered in my ear, kissing beneath it and allowing his lips to linger. I managed to push him away long enough for me to get his shirt on. He pouted and watched as I slipped on the bottoms and turned to face him.
"Meanie." He said. I poked my tongue out at him and smiled. He  suddenly came up behind me with a hairbrush and gently brushed through my hair for me.
"You do hair?" I queried, a bit surprised.
"Yeah. Having a younger sister gets you used to these things." He replied, shrugging. When he was done, he chucked the brush onto his bed and picked me up.
"I can walk you know!"
"I know, but it's more fun this way." He said, nuzzling his nose with mine before running us down for breakfast.

The following three days carried on as normal; food; lessons; cuddles with Peter. On the Thursday, I decided it was time we got out of the mansion for a bit. We were laying on Peter's bed, as usual, when I decided it was time for another date.
"Peter?" I spoke.
"Yeah, babe?" He responded.
"Wanna go to the park? Not to play or anything, just go for a walk I guess." I suggested.
"Why walk when we can run and then come back here to cuddle some more?"
"Because some of us actually want to spend some time outdoors after not seeing any of it for 6 years!"
Peter raised his hands in a defensive manner.
"Alright then. Let's get moving shall we?" He said, getting up off of the bed. I got up and ran a quick brush through my hair, seeing as it was messy from laying down, before heading over to the door.
"Just gonna go get changed real quick, meet me at the front door!" I called as I walked out. I ran down the corridor and over to my room. It didn't take long for me to pick out a summery outfit that was comfortable to walk around in, and soon enough I was meeting Peter down at the front door to the mansion. We decided that we would tun to the park, but from there we were walking. There was so much of the area I hadn't seen yet, such as the large lake that was tucked away in the trees. We must have spent at least 45 minutes wandering around the lake alone before we decided to sit down on a bench to just admire the view. We watched a variety of ducks glide gracefully over the waters surface, distorting the reflection of the trees as they went. It was the most peaceful scene you could imagine, especially since there was no one else around. I leaned my head on Peter's shoulder and held his hand in mine as I took the serenity of the scene in. It felt like nothing in the world could destroy this moment, but of course something had to.
The bushes behind us soon seemed to buzz with voices and the cracking of twigs. I couldn't make out what any of the voices were saying seeing as there were so many, but I brushed it off as noisy teenagers.
"Wanna move benches? Some people don't know how to keep quiet!" I said to Peter, clearly irritated by the voices behind us. He agreed and we stood up to move around the lake, but all of our plans were halted by the feeling of a sharp pain in my back. I screamed out and heard that Peter did too. I reached around to where the pain was coming from and felt an object sticking out of my back, a tranquilliser dart! I began to panic and I turned around to see a large group of people with masks covering their faces, heading over to us. Peter tried to use his speed to get us away, but something was preventing him from using his powers, the dart must have had a special serum in it, I soon found I couldn't use my powers either. Peter grabbed my hand and began running away from the group, dragging me along behind him, but that proved difficult as our vision started to become blurry. My body collapsed to the floor, soon followed by Peter's. We could hear the voices approaching again, closer and closer. I felt a hand brush over mine and I looked up to see Peter's eyes, locking into mine.
"We're gonna be ok." He said.
"We're... Gonna..." He Managed out again before his head fell to the floor and he became unconscious. I looked over to our attackers, barely making out their bodies as my vision continued to swim. I could barely make out a single voice say:
"You're ours now." Before my eyes finally shut and my head fell to the floor.

Crappy chapter, I know, but it was time for more bad things to happen!
I don't think this story is going to have many chapters left, but we will see.
Hope you're enjoying it, thank you for reading xxx 😊

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