Chapter 8

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-Peter's POV-

The last thing I remember was being shot and collapsing in front in Em, fear gripping her face. After that, everything became cold, dark and wet. I remember nothing else. I woke up on a wooden bed in a small shack, surrounded by animals; foxes; squirrels; rabbits. They were all huddling to keep me warm. A blanket was placed over my body and a bandage was wrapped around my middle, covering my bullet wound. My eyes slowly gazed around the room. There was a small bedside table with a lamp on it to my left, paintings lined the four wooden walls of the room. A chest of drawers and a wardrobe were opposite my bed, accompanied by a tall mirror. A window was above my head, showing nothing but forest. The wooden door on the wall to the left of me opened and in walked a girl with ebony skin and dark hair, she was followed by a light skinned boy with chestnut hair, they both looked to be around 22/23.
"Oh, you're finally awake!" The girl said, walking to the side of the bed. The animals quickly shifted away to give her room to sit down.
"I'll go and get him some food" the boy said, leaving the room as the girl nodded.
"Hello," she continued "my name is Shannon Burns, that was Thomas Davison. What's your name?"The girl asked, smiling.
"Peter, Peter Maximoff" I managed to squeak out. "Where's Emily?"
"We saw what happened to you and your friend and we were going to intervene, but everything was over so quickly. We managed to save you afterwards, but I am afraid we don't know what happened to her" a frown took over her face. The boy, Thomas, walked back in with a small tray of food and placed it on the bedside table.
"Wh-where am I?" I managed to ask, weakly.
"A mile or so East of where you were attacked. We thought this shack would be a good place to hide you until you came around." Thomas replied, handing me a small sandwich. I attempted to sit up but was still in some pain, so I laid down again. I saw the animals again and decided to question the two of them.
"How do you get them to do that?" I asked, pointing at all of the animals sat around.
"I have the power to control animals. That's how we managed to get you out of the water, I summoned dolphins to catch you and bring you to shore" Shannon announced proudly.
"When we brought you in I used my healing powers to resuscitate you, remove the bullet from you and fix up your wound as much as I could. There are a few stitches in it as I couldn't fix you up completely, so be careful and don't strain yourself" Thomas added. I gave him a thankful smile as I continued to eat the food he had brought me. A thought suddenly hit me.
"How long have I been out for?"
"A good few hours I'm afraid" Thomas replied, to my dismay.
"Oh shit. I gotta get up. I gotta find Emily! Who knows what those bastards are doing to her right now!" I panicked, trying to get up again, only to wince in pain and be forced back down.
"Peter, you are still very weak from blood loss. As much as you don't want to, you need to rest for a while longer!" Shannon scalded.
"But every minute I am here is another minute she is being tortured!" I retorted, fighting the pain to get up. I managed to bring myself to my feet but I quickly collapsed into a heap on the floor. They both helped me back up and sat me on the bed.
"Peter, please listen to them" a familiar voice pleaded. We all turned to see the professor entering through the door of the room, closely followed by Jean and Kurt, they must have used Cerebro to find me.
"Professor! I-I-I'm so sorry. I let you down, I let her down, I let everyone down" Tears started to sting my eyes.
"Nothing was your fault, Peter, you did all you could to protect her" the professor comforted me, placing a hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him as the tears started to spill from my eyes. Jean came and sat next to me, throwing an arm over my shoulder to pull me in for a hug.
"We know where she is, Peter," She piped up, squeezing my shoulders,
"But we also know what they plan to do with her. They want to turn her into a weapon against mutants. They plan to use her powers against us to wipe us out. We need to get to her before they wipe her memories." She was also trying to choke back tears, even Kurt looked close to crying.
"Peter, we are going to go and find her, but you need to stay here until you have recovered" I tried to get up and protest, but pain shot through me once again, so I reluctantly sat back down.
"We will tale care of him" I heard Shannon say. The professor replied with a quick 'thank you' before he and Kurt left the room.
"We will find her" Jean promised, hugging me once more and giving me a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving the room. I listened out as the jet took off before I laid back down on the bed, curling up on my side slightly.
"Peter, can we get you anything?" Shannon quietly asked, sitting on the edge of the bed. I slowly shook my head and they must have understood that I wanted to be alone as the two of them quickly left the room, closing the door behind them. I let more tears flow from my eyes. I let this happen. They got her because of me. I may never see her again, and I may never get the chance to tell her how I feel about her. She will forget us, and it will all be my fault...

Wild - A Quicksilver (Peter Maximoff) fanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang