Chapter 2

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I awoke and sat up on the bed and stretched slightly before looking around, turning to the small table beside me, a sandwich had been left there for me to eat, Ham and cheese, my favourite! I guess Charles had read my mind again. I started munching on it as I looked around the room again, taking in what was around me; medical equipment and a small sink on the worktop at the far end of the room; a long rectangular light fixed to the ceiling above me; the small heart monitor to my left hand side, still attached and beeping; large cabinets with medicines and bandages on the wall to the right of me; and an X-ray machine behind me. I sat eating for a few minutes before Hank came back into the room.
"Ah, Emily, you're awake! Feeling better?" He questioned with a smile on his face.
"Much better, thank you" I beamed, finishing my food.
"That's good to hear. You ready to come out and meet some of the students here? They are excited to meet you!"
"I-I guess" I shakily replied, a little nervous. He noticed my shakiness and gave me a pat on the back.
"There's nothing to be afraid of, everyone here is very friendly" he reassured me, smiling again. I nodded before detaching the heart monitor and standing up. I stretched my body up, popping a few joints. Hank lead me out of the room and through a long, light blue corridor towards an elevator. We stepped in and he pressed the button to go up. When we had reached the nest floor, the doors opened and we stepped out. I followed him down a short wooden corridor, looking around me I saw mutants from a number of ages strolling around, talking and laughing to each other. I smiled before finding myself in front of a small wooden door. Hank knocked before entering.
"She's awake" he told the people on the other side.
"Good, let her in" I heard the professor say. Hank held the door open for me and I stepped into the room, the professor was sat behind an oak desk, a large window occupied the space behind him. A standing lamp occupied the far right corner and a few chairs were placed against both the left and right walls. Four chairs on the left were occupied by who I presumed were students, they all looked to be around my age and they turned to look at me as I entered. The first was a red headed girl with greyish blue eyes and fair skin, the second was a brown haired boy with a red visor over his eyes, the third was a white haired girl with black/dark brown eyes and hazel coloured skin, the last was a silver haired boy with dark brown eyes and goggles atop his head. I gave them all a quick smile before turning to the professor, he gestured for me to sit in the chair in front of his desk, I did so and smiled at him.
"Emily, it's good to see you recovered, you had a good 12 hours of sleep after we last spoke" the professor chuckled, my eyes widened a little bit after I heard how long I had slept for, was I really that exhausted?
"I want you to meet some of the students," he continued, "Emily, say hello to Jean Grey, Scott Summer, Ororo Munroe, and Peter Maximoff" I turned to the four students and gave them a small smile as they smiled and waved at me.
"These four are close friends and have been in the school for a while now, I thought they would be the best to get to know first, they can show you around the school and help you get settled in." Jean stood up and walked over to me, she grabbed my hand and gleefully dragged me out of the office.
"I'm so glad to have someone new around here" she squealed, "it's been a while since we have had a newcomer." I smiled at her and heard the other three come up behind me, I turned and greeted them all. They led me up the stairs just outside of the professors office while asking me a barrage of questions.
"So, Emily, where are you from?" Ororo quizzed.
"Uhm well I am originally from London, but I was taken from my family when I was 12 and brought to a lab in manhattan, that is where I have been ever since, besides now of course" I responded shakily, distressed at the thought of the place i had been kept in for the past 6 years.
"What is your mutation?" Scott quickly added.
"I can transform into any living creature that I want, bugs, birds, mammals, you name it" I beamed, "what about you guys? What can you all do?"
"Well," Jean started, "I am telepathic and telekinetic, Ororo can control the weather, Scott can constantly shoot deadly red beams from his eyes, hence the glasses, and Peter there has super human speed". I glanced at each of them in turn, fascinated by what they can do. They all led me down a corridor at the top of the stairs and Peter opened a room on the left hand side.
"This is your bedroom, you are sharing with Jean and Ororo" he informed me, stepping to the side to let me in. There was a window directly opposite the door with 3 single beds lined up against the back wall, each bed had a small nightstand on the left hand side of it. To the right of the door was a small bookshelf filled with a variety of different books and to the left was a small desk with a chair underneath it.
"There are some clothes on your bed that Jean has let you borrow for now," he said pointing to the bed on the far right, "we will all take you out shopping at some point to get you some more." I turned and smiled at him, he smiled back exposing his adorable dimples.
"Thank you Peter" I chirped. The four of them stepped out of the room to allow me to change. I slipped on the red top, navy jeans and red converse that had been set out for me before stepping back out of the room to the others to finish the tour. They showed me where Peter and Scott's room was (in case I ever needed them), the library, cafeteria, social room, danger room and the classrooms. Every student we came across looked so content with their lives, I feel that now, I may be too.

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