Chapter 43

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Two beds stood next to each other in the middle of a medical room, both with an unconscious figure laying on them. One, a man, badly beaten and bruised after being enslaved by humans. Some of his internal injuries - the broken ribs, the fractured skull, the collapsed lung - healed by another, but the external injuries still showed heavily.
The other person, a girl, her body covered head-to-toe in burns. As with the man, many of her injuries had been healed, but her charred body was difficult to save, almost difficult to identify. She almost wasn't saved at all. A door between her and her friends, her family, took the combined strengths of all to take down.
The room was almost silent, the faint beeps of the heart monitors being the only things audible, and the slight weeping of their families sitting by their bedsides. Silent tears roll down a father's cheeks as he watches over his sleeping son, willing him to wake. The twin cradles her brother's hand in her own, rubbing it softly as she sobs lightly, her spare arm around her younger sibling, who's head is in her hands as she weeps.
A young boy sat by the bed of the girl. He remembers the memories of when the two were younger and tears too roll down his cheeks. His lip quivers and he chokes on his words as he speaks.
"Emily." He breathes out.
"Please don't leave me, not when I have only just found you again." He cries more, squeezing his eyes shut and gripping the girl's hand in his own. He places a shaky kiss to her hand and leans his head on the edge of the bed. Behind him, a wheelchair bound man tries to reach the minds of the two, attempting to bring them round from their unconscious states. A man with glasses sits by the edge of the room, watching, waiting to see if his help will be needed at any given moment should either of the two lose their heartbeat.
Outside of the room, a crowed is waiting, hoping. A telepath is embraced by her lover, a boy with shades covering his powerful eyes, as her body trembles with worry. A small puppy curls up into the lap of another girl. She strokes the pup's head as the head of a teleporter rests on her shoulder. A healer squeezes the hand of a weather witch for comfort as they speak of fond memories they have of the two on the beds.
The telepath in the room lowers his hands from his head, a small smile forming on his lips.
"They're going to be fine." He says, earning looks of astonishment from everyone else in the room. He had managed to find his way into working parts of their minds, parts that were awake and kicking, waiting for the rest of the body to be the same.
"Come now," the telepath continued.
"It's late, we should all get some rest." Those by the beds were hesitant, but soon decided it was for the best. There loved ones were going to be fine, after all. They all said their goodnights to the bodies before exiting the room quietly, the man with the glasses staying behind in case of an emergency, but even he too decided to rest his eyes whilst he had some peace. The room fell quiet again and the hallway cleared out. Gentle beeps filled the silence. Gentle, synchronised beeps. Even though they could not hear, feel or see each other, the two still remained connected mentally, the bond they shared binding their hearts.
A twitch occurred. A small, almost unnoticeable finger twitch on the girl. Her hand began to move, creeping closer to the man, almost as if a magnet was pulling her. His fingers seemed to realise as they soon mimicked her slow movements. Their hands eventually met and held onto each other with a loose grip. Heads slowly started to turn, facing each other. Eyes opened ever so slightly and the two smiled weak but loving smiles before slipping quietly back to sleep.
In that moment in time, that breif moment of consciousness, they knew that everything was going to be alright.

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