"Wrong." Sehun said in a are you stupid type of tone.

"Ah you look like a delinquent?" I questioned.

Sehun just crossed his arms and shaked his head offended.

"I don't know. I missed you?" I mumbled.

"Finally." Sehun sighed. "Was that so hard to say?" He asked.

"Yeah now bye." I waved.

"Ok bye. If you're in trouble call me! Or come to my house if you're homeless!" Sehun shouted as I ran away.

Such a nagging dongseong I sighed.

I entered a convenience store and began gathering my supplies. Hoping like a ninja, I quickly found everything and paid for it. Walking out I put on a white mask for sick people and munched on chips. I applied on some eyeliner in the bathrooms and finally stepped out.

I hailed a taxi and with a nervous but anticipating heart, and went off to Chanyeol's penthouse.

I wonder what happened to my sticky notes and pictures I drew. After I paid the taxi driver, I stepped out and indeed there were some ladies and a couple of men waiting to be interviewed. There were some men in black suits surrounding the area which I believe were bodyguards.

I seemed to be the last one as I walked behind a woman. The garden looked different. It wasn't green and colorful like before but the flowers wilted and the grass turned an ugly yellow. The penthouse still looked the same from the appearance-clean, elegant, and standing proudly.

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't realize that I was next until someone coughed at me. I straightened my back and tightened the hold of my backpack straps as I stepped inside.


"He-hello." I bowed as the man sitting in front of me gestured for me to sit down.

He was the blonde one from two years ago I noted. His hair seemed longer than before and he looked sterner now that he was working. He cleared his voice as he asked for my name.

"Baekhyun, uh Byun Baekhyun." I replied to which he raised a brow.

"Where's your profile and previous work documents?" He questioned twirling a pen between his fingers.

"I-I just moved here so I don't have any." I responded.

"Well Mr. Byun that's very hard for us to go further than this step." He sighed while organizing a stack of papers.

"B-but I'll do my best! Please I really need this job. It's important." I mumbled.

Sighing, he said "Look Mr. Byun everyone says they do their best and how important a job is to them. What else can you do that others can't?"

"I-I" I racked my brain trying to think of something-anything that other people don't have but me.

He reached for the doorknob as I confidently answered "I can bring happiness to your boss again."

I bit my lip and thought how stupid that sounds. Now I'm totally not getting the job.

"You're hired." He said to which I widened my eyes at him.

"Really? Seriously? Like real?" I asked as I pinched my cheeks and it hurts. "Ow it hurts! It hurts!" I jumped up and down in joy that my cheek hurts.

"By the way I'm Kris but call me Mr. Wu." He stretched out his hand for me to shake.

"Thank-thank you Kr-Mr. Wu!" I said as I beamed behind my stuffy mask.

"Why are you wearing that white mask? Are you sick?" Kris asked.

"No but ah I um feel shy showing my face." I came up with an excuse.

Kris looked at me for a little while staring at my eyes before he snapped out of it. "You look so familiar." He whispered.

"Yes?" I asked but he just shook his head and found a stack of papers before he told me to sign.

I learned to read through each word and I suddenly remembered the work contract that I signed with Chanyeol. My blood froze-I didn't finish my time-do-does that mean I have to pay 80 million dollars?

Kris coughed which snapped me out of my wandering brain and I skimmed through the last few pages and just signed it. I handed the packet back and Kris told me the basic rules.

"You know how to clean right?" Kris asked and to that I replied "Yes sir."

"You basically cook three meals a day, clean the house, help Mr. Park with whatever needed and that should be about it." Kris finished.

Wait cook? I'm terrible at that! I'm screwed.

"Yes Mr. Wu." I answered and gave a bow.

"Great you may work today and salary is given every week. You may reside in the room across from Mr. Park." Kris instructed.

Wait a room across from him? B-but Chanyeol told me that he only had one bedroom in his house.

"W-wait but doesn't Mr. Park only have one room?" I asked with my eyebrows scrunched in confusion.

"What are you talking about? Mr. Park always had two bedrooms just in case for guests but he just kept it locked." Kris informed.

Suddenly my face felt very warm as I thought about the month I stayed in his house. B-but Chanyeol told me he only had one room! Aish I got tricked and to believe him with that annoying smirk.

"Th-thank you." I said and went off upstairs.

The house was empty so I entered the room that I got assigned. Pushing it open I was greeted with a chilly room. It consisted of a simple bed, a small desk, and a closet at the far corner. There were no bathrooms connected so that meant I have to use one from the hallways. The room felt eerie because of the blood red walls and low temperature but on the plus side there was a balcony and plenty of sun seeped in.

I started unpacking from my backpack and there wasn't much. I hung my three t-shirts and two pairs of jeans up in my closet. Then I left the rest of my clothes inside my backpack.

I was bored from sitting on the bed and doing nothing so I wandered around the house. Smiling, I noticed that the post its and pictures were where I left it and suddenly I remembered about Channie.

Rushing back up, I entered Chanyeol's room but pouted when the teddy bear was no where in sight. I looked around and right when I decided to give up I saw an ear from beneath the sheets on the bed.

Smiling widely, I clambered over and pulled Channie out from beneath the suffocating sheets.

"Aww you must feel so stuffy. Luckily I found you. Right?" I asked as I hugged it to my chest.

"What are you doing in my room?" A deep husky voice asked as I turned around to see Chanyeol standing by the doorway with his arms crossed.


Choose a color! (May or may not affect what happens) hehehe. See you guys in a year! 👹👹👹

A). Black
B). Red
C). White
D). Brown

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