Chapter 47: New Years

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Christmas had been successful and Chloe's family had visited the pair a few days after Boxing Day to go on a tour of the city, they even got to see a bit of Barden, but they had gone back home the day after and now all was back to normal. Well, almost everything, the aftermath of Christmas still lingered very much in the air and the couple's tree still stood solid in the corner of their home, a few needles dropped on the floor, coating the presents that still laid there.
It was the morning of New Year's Eve and as per usual, Beca was strewn in the pairs bed with Chloe clutched around her stomach as her red hair lay on the girls chest. Beca woke and gave out a light chuckle as she took in the sight.
"Chloe," she whispered as she moved a lock of her hair to the side. The older woman mumbled something that Beca couldn't hear and clung tighter to the brunettes core.
"Chlo, I kinda need the bathroom," Beca chuckled.
"Mmm sorry," Chloe mumbled as she rolled away from Beca and shoved her head on a pillow, a light smile gracing her face as she look at Beca through one eye. Beca smiled briefly before sliding out of the bed and squirming towards the bathroom.

Beca splashed some cold water on her face and fixed her slightly tousled hair, deciding eventually to throw it up in a bun. When she walked out the bed was clear of both Chloe and the pairs duvet, Beca laughed as she founded the corner to the living room to see Chloe bundled on the sofa, covered with the duvet.
"What, it's cold, and I'm depressed," She let out groggily from the covers.
"Depressed?" Beca asked as she sat at Chloe's feet and prodded her.
"Yeah, tomorrow," Chloe groaned.
"Oh, yeah that, c'mon I thought you loved work," Beca teased. Chloe stuck her arm out from the covers and gave Beca the middle finger and she laughed.
"Why don't you go back to bed? You didn't have to get up," Beca spoke softly and Chloe shrugged. Beca laughed lightly as she stood up and circled to the back of the couch, she leant down and kissed Chloe's head before going to the kitchen and starting on breakfast.

"Someone's more awake than earlier," Beca laughed as she peered over the magazine she was reading as Chloe walked into the room and gave her a lopsided smile.
"Have to be for tonight," Chloe grinned as she stood behind Beca and peered over her, using her shoulder as a rest for her head.
"Yeah, who's going? Is it still just the guys? " Beca asked.
"Us, Bree, Stace, Jesse, obviously and I think Jesse's bringing that girl," Chloe smirked.
"Oh yeah, what's her name again?"
"I think it's Eleanor or something, I only really know from you," Chloe shrugged.
For New Year's, Jesse was hosting a 'get together' as he called it at his apartment for their main group, and a when he'd been out with his friends last week he'd met this Eleanor girl. Neither Beca or Chloe knew anything about her other than her name as Jesse refused to give any more details.
"Worst thing is that you can't drink much because of bloody work tomorrow," Beca grumbled.
"Half the students will come in with hangovers," Chloe shrugged again with a laugh.
"Is that you encouraging your girlfriend to go into her workplace and work in the music department when she wouldn't like loud noises!" Beca mocked offence.
"I'd find it funny," Chloe smirked as Beca scowled.

As Jesse's door swung open it revealed Stacie with a giddy smile and two drinks already in her hand,
"Happy New Year!!" She smiled as she engulfed both girls in a hug, managing to not spill the drinks.
"It's only 8," Beca laughed.
"Yeah the drinks are here all night! Woo!" Stacie laughed and Beca and Chloe shared a look before shrugging and gladly accepting the drink before ditching their jackets and greeting the others.
"Chloe, Beca," Jesse greeted as he saw the two women, giving them both a hug, "this is Eleanor," he continued as she followed up behind him.
"Eleanor, this is Beca, my best friend, and her girlfriend Chloe who is an asset to our drama department," he grinned as he introduced the women. Eleanor was tall, yet not taller than Jesse and had soft brown eyes to accompany her black hair which hung straight along her back. Her skin was fairly tanned and her smile was broad,
"Chloe, Beca, Jesse speak's a lot about of you, it's nice to finally put face to words," she nodded.
"Likewise," Beca replied as she wrapped her arm around Chloe's waist with a grin.
"I'm gonna get a drink," Eleanor said as she span away from the group. Jesse turned to cock an eyebrow at the pair,
"She seems lovely Jess," Chloe spoke first.
"Yeah and doesn't seem to mind that everyone here with you are women and are all lesbians," Beca shrugged with a tease, "sounds like a catch," she laughed, accompanied with Chloe.
"Hey! I met her with the lads," Jesse punched Beca's arm playfully, "Bec can I have a word?" He more asked Chloe as she gave the pair a grin and spun away to speak with Aubrey and Stacie.
"So did you do it?" Jesse asked.
"Yeah it's basically all set, I dunno," Beca shrugged.
"Do you need help?"
"Yeah maybe, but not here, I'll talk to you tomorrow about it yeah?"
"Awesome," he smiled as he gave Beca a side hug, "so what d'ya really think about Eleanor?"
"She's nice, honestly. But is she really not bothered about tonight, you being surrounded by girls?" She asked.
"Bec she knows you're all dating one of the other so she really not bothered," Jess shrugged.
"Good, I just want to make sure she won't do a runner," Beca smiled softly.
"I'll make sure she knows what you'll do to her," Jesse laughed.
"Speaking of, I think someone wants to talk to you, I'll leave you two to it," Beca smiled as she got up and joined the rest of them, casting a quick wink towards Eleanor on the way with a chuckle.

'10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4..' The group watched as the year came to an end and turned to eachother, closing together on the count of one to do the cliché movie thing and kiss the one they love at the start or end of the year.
"Happy new year," they all chimed as Chloe stood with her hands wrapped around Beca's neck, Stacie had her hand around Stacie's waist and Eleanor was engulfed in Jesse's hug, all had huge grins on their faces.

A/N: Time jump in a few chapters!!

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