Chapter 15: Decisions, Decisions

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It had been a fortnight since Beca and Chloe had met for coffee and spent the day together. Of course, the pair still interacted during the school day but were both super busy with work. They had both been helping to prepare their students for their 'gigs' for the concert. They just hadn't got round to meeting eachother at the weekends yet.

Beca was impressed by not only her pupils talent, but their excitement about the concert, even though it was around 6 months away. Beca's students had managed to create a choir between them and some other students not taking music, they were to perform on the night. There was also a few other students doing solo's or duets and some were playing their instruments, such as a flute and a guitar solo was yet to be discussed. Busy busy busy...
Whereas Chloe had a few of her students reciting monologues or poems from famous writers throughout the years. She, also, has a group of students willing to perform a section of the classic Romeo & Juliet. The redhead was proud of her students for being creative and not all wanting to do the same thing. But once again, busy busy busy.

The pair understood why they hadn't spoken or seen eachother as much, it would all quieten down eventually and they could return to their weekend meetings and general banter they share. As the brunette sat in her third period, she began thinking of the redhead that had caught her attention so much in the past 3 months that she'd been there, it seemed like longer for Beca but it wasn't, which confused her slightly.

Beca had been observing Chloe more and more as she got to know her. Aside from Jesse, she was the main person that the brunette was close with concerning her work colleagues, and Beca liked that she worked with Chloe. That way, she could watch Chloe more carefully. On various occasions, Beca had had a free period and had either hung outside Chloe's classroom and sometimes was invited in whilst Chloe taught. It was amazing to watch the enthusiasm she shared with her students. She was always smiling, and gosh did Beca love her smile, and Beca was surprised to see that her students shared the same enthusiasm and clearly loved Chloe's teaching.
Beca had admitted to herself that she liked Chloe, a lot more than friends. She was the sort of beacon in Beca's life, the redhead had a sense of home about her that relaxed Beca immediately and the small girl had never felt so happy and contempt as she was when she was with Chloe. Beca had decided that the next time she met up with Chloe outside of school, she would at least tell her she was gay... See how Chloe reacts.

As she thought of the redhead, she glanced around her classroom as her students were scattered around the large hall, some practicing for the concert and some sat quietly doing some work Beca had set. Some of her pupils had begged for her to let them practice instead of doing the work, she eventually caved and let them do it, the work wasn't that important anyway.
There was a knock on the door and Beca glanced over to the door and saw the exact face she had been thinking of, Beca smiled and nodded her head, signalling Chloe could come in. The redhead walked into the room and looked around, smiling whilst making her way to Beca's desk.

"Hey, I'm not interrupting am I? I had a free and I don't want to do work so I thought I could hang here but if you're busy that's alright." Chloe blabbered.
"Relax Chloe, look around... I'm not doing anything and they know you anyway, it's okay you can stay," Beca laughed. Chloe simply giggled and nodded before grabbing a chair and pulling it up next to the brunette at her desk.

The pair had been chatting a bit and Beca had shown Chloe what some of her students were doing as they were dotted around the room practicing.
"Hey, sorry to interrupt but I need a bit of help on my piano solo... Miss Mitchell would you be able to help?" A boy approached the pair. He had brown, swept over hair and also played soccer for the school football team. He was quite popular with the girls but most of the boys thought he was a bit cocky.
"Yeah, course. Bumper this is Miss Beale, you may have met her already I'm not sure but yeah. And Miss Beale, this is Bumper, who I told you is playing 'Für Elise' on the piano for the concert." Beca introduced the pair who had not formally met before. "You can come with if you want, it won't take long and maybe then Bumper can play you his piece?" Beca looked to Bumper who nodded with a smile and Chloe got up and followed the pair to the black piano in the corner of the room.

Bumper was struggling to play the middle section of the piece. Beca decided the best way to help the boy was to play the piece for him in slow before playing it together on different octaves.
Chloe leaned against the wall behind the piano and watched as Beca interacted with Bumper. When the brunette teacher began playing Chloe was mesmerised, she herself was never any good at piano, although when she was 15 she had achieved grade 3 on the flute, therefore anyone who could play piano was amazing to her. But watching as Beca's fingers nimbly danced over the keys to the perfect tune of the piece, it was beautiful. Sure, Chloe had seen Beca play a few times before but every time she focused more in the petite brunette, she looked beautiful and completely in her element, not even needing to look at the keys to know where to place her fingers next. In short, it just amazed her.
As Bumper and Beca played together in different octaves, Bumper got the hang of the melody and could finally play it alone. He played Chloe his piece and she loved it, Beca gave him a few tips on how to make it flow better and sound nicer but it was all constructive criticism.

Soon after the lesson was finished and as the students packed away and began filing out of the door Chloe went to talk to Beca,
"That was really nice how you helped that Bumper boy so well earlier. And can I just say you are flipping amazing at playing piano like it blows me away every time Becs!" Chloe smiled.
"Well he needed help what else could I do," Beca laughed nervously, "and thanks I really love playing it relaxes me so much,"
"I can see why, the music is so smooth. Anyway I have a class now so I better be off and by the looks of it so have you," Chloe pointed to the gathering of pupils outside her door, gradually increasing as more students stood around waiting for Beca, "shit I really better be off, catch you at lunch I guess. Bye!"
"Bye Chloe," Beca laughed as she watched the redhead wave a hand over her head and fly out of the door and down the corridor.

I have a few exams on at the moment so the next chapter may not be up until the weekend or later... Sorry! I'll try to get it up earlier :) enjoy!

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