Chapter 45: Chrismas Day

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Ugh so I got in at like 3am last night from being abroad without and damn wifi!! sorry for the delay in the update :/ Hope the length makes up for it!

"Oh would you look at that," Beca hummed, "hey dickhead stop pretending your asleep it's Christmas I know you've been up since 3am," Beca deadpanned as she straddled Chloe's waist.
"Spoilsport," Chloe grinned as she peered at Beca through an eye.
"Great, now I have to start again. Now would you look at that," she said as she gazed up at the plant that she was twirling between her forefinger and thumb.
"I'm pretty sure you're meant to use mistletoe but I'll roll with it," Chloe smirked as she greatly appreciated the feeling of her girlfriends lips on her own, she ran her hand up to Beca's neck to pull her deeper into the kiss.
"Merry Christmas Chlo," Beca grinned.
"Merry Christmas,"

As Chloe trudged into the pairs lounge her jaw fell open.
"Like what I did with the place?" Beca laughed as she sat on the kitchen island.
"So smug Mitchell," Chloe grinned as she gazed around the room. Snowflakes made out of paper littered the room as well as tinsel, baubles hung from any possible place and gentle Christmas music was playing in the background.
"I talked to your brother, he told me you always used to make them as kids," Beca shrugged as she toyed with a snowflake.
"We did," the redhead smiled, "thank you, it's beautiful,"
"Well you deserve it," Beca winked, "a starter gift, here," the brunette pushed a box into the middle of the island as Chloe cocked an eyebrow and picked it up, slowly opening it. It revealed a small snow globe, in the centre was a picture chloe had taken on her phone of the pair. Beca was frowning slightly as Chloe laid her head on her shoulder, clearly laughing too much at a joke she'd just made. She shook the glove lightly, smiling broadly as the small white glitter hearts fluttered around the picture.
"I remember that day," Chloe laughed eyes still focused on the globe as the glitter settled down to the bottom, "thanks again," she smiled as she kissed Beca lightly on the cheek.
"How long'd it take you to do this?" Chloe asked.
"Well I made them earlier in the week and woke up at like 2am to put them up, no hassle," Beca smiled.
"Awh, your like a little elf,"
"Okay I'll let you have that one but only because it's Christmas," Beca fake smiled.
"Shh, really it's because you love me too much," Chloe whispered with a grin as she placed her head on Beca's shoulder from behind.
"Mmm I guess so," she smirked.
"What time are we going to your dads?"
"Oh well he's decided we're having this big dinner at like 1:30 this afternoon so basically it's lunch, only because he and Sheila have 'plans' tonight... So I guess we can leave in just over an hour," Beca used air quotes as she said plans and groaned slightly.
"Plans?" Chloe raised her eyebrows, "do these so called plans not involve us?" She asked mock innocently.
"Ew, I'd really rather not picture that thanks," the brunette grimaced as she swatted at Chloe.

'I hopped off the plane at LAX with a dream and my cardigan, welcome to the land of fame, excess, am I gonna fi-' Chloe was singing to the radio in Beca's car as they drove to John's house, the redhead had swiped at the snow globe on their way out and was shaking it as she sang.
"You're so damn musical, maybe we should switch jobs," Beca spoke.
"I'm not musical, I just sing," Chloe shrugged, "not as well as you but certainly more often,"
"Pfft, you've got an amazing voice,"
"As you do babe," Chloe smiled as she once again gazed at the snow globe.
"Is it just going to be Sheila and your dad?" Chloe continued.
"As far as I know, Sheila and my dad have only been together for around 3 years and only got married last year, sure they'd known eachother before but only as friends of friends, they met one day and hit it off I guess. Sheila had no children and I really hope they're not going to have any so, just us four," Beca shrugged.
"Ah alright," Chloe smiled as they pulled into the Mitchell's drive.
"Let hell begin," Beca rolled her eyes as she hopped out of the car.
"Be nice," Chloe laughed as she nudged Beca's shoulder, "help me with these?" She gestured to the trunk and Beca trudged around the side and hauled a bag out, which had gifts from the pair for John and Sheila and also a few bits of food that John had asked Beca to grab from the store.
"Beca, Chloe, come in, merry Christmas! " John greeted both women at the door, hugging them both.
"Hey, merry Christmas," the pair replied with a grin.
"Ah, thanks a lot Bec, Sheila realised she was out when it was too late to run to the store," John continued as he took the bag from Beca's hand, "Sheila's in the other room," he gestured to the lounge, where Christmas music was playing.
"Chloe, Beca, lovely to see you, merry Christmas," Sheila beamed as the two entered.
"Merry Christmas Sheila thanks for having us," Chloe smiled as she accepted the hug the woman offered.
"Oh please it's a pleasure,"

Beca had to admit, dinner was perfect. The conversation flowed easily from topic to topic and the food was cooked to perfection.
"Becs, c'mon your dads calling us," Chloe tugged at her girlfriends arm from where Beca had been showing the redhead her old room.
"Nooo, I hate this bit," Beca moaned as she tugged back on Chloe's arm and curled up on the bed.
"And this bit is?"
"Gifts," Beca sighed.
"Hey, we only have to go down for a little while then we can come back up here and I can give you my gift," Chloe grinned as she kneeled by the bed and levelled Beca with a stare.
"Does it involve sex?" Beca asked with a eyebrow raised.
"Maybe, not here though," Chloe scrunched up her nose.
"Maybe won't cut it, I refuse," Beca tucked her head into her shoulder.
"Then you give me no choice,"

"Now that takes me back to a seven year old Beca Mitchell who refused to get up one morning," John laughed as he took in the sight of Beca with an intense frown on her face as she lay strewn in Chloe's arms.
"You'd be surprised how often she does this," Beca grumbled.
"Because someone refused to move whenever she has to go somewhere," Chloe smiled triumphantly as she placed Beca carefully on the floor.

"I bloody love your dad," Chloe laughed as the pair were back in the car.
"Well that makes one of us," Beca huffed.
"Awh, c'mon you were cute when you were young, as exhibited by the many photos your dad had of you, some of them your even smiling in," Chloe laughed.
"Seriously can't believe he brought them out," Beca gave in and began laughing.
"At least they liked their gifts,"
"Yeah, well I'm glad you stepped in otherwise it would've been another year of socks for dad and a candle thing for Sheila," Beca shrugged.
"Yeah that would've been... Great," Chloe deadpanned, "and it just gets better, still haven't given you my gift," Chloe winked.
"Likewise," Beca smirked.
"Wait the snow globe and the whole decoration thing?"
"Pfft yeah what great gift," Beca said sarcastically.
"Says the woman who was going to give her father socks! And even so, I don't need anything else," Chloe shrugged.
"Well tough shit because you're getting it,"

Chloe was toying with a snowflake at the pairs apartment when Beca walked in with her hair damp, tied messily in a loose ponytail and a bag in her hand. She sat opposite Chloe and took the contents from the bag, placing them in front of the redhead with a half smile. Chloe rolled her eyes and quickly got up and dug around in a cupboard until she produced a few small packages. She took them and placed them in front of Beca, kissing her cheek before returning to her original place. She nodded her head at Beca, signalling for her to start,
"Ok we can't do this whole thing without talking," Beca laughed. "And we go at the same time, it's weirdly intense otherwise,"
"Agreed," Chloe smiled as she picked up a gift, perfectly wrapped.
"Ah, no not that one, that ones last," Beca said as she took the gift from Chloe's hand and placed it to the side.

A while later and Beca sat with a bottle of her favourite perfume, a new usb for her mixes, an expensive chocolate box and a new scarf, to replace the worn one that the brunette had been wearing for the past months and moaning about  non-stop. Chloe, however still had a gift to open, the one Beca saved for last.
"May I?" She asked and Beca simply nodded, biting her lip as Chloe unwrapped the thin gift. Under the wrapping paper was an envelope, Chloe raised an eyebrow to Beca but proceeded with opening the letter. It was only when she pulled out the two tickets that she let out a gasp.
"No, nooo, Becs you shouldn't have," she said as she glanced up at the brunette, eyes glossy with happy tears.
"I know you wanted to go and see them, take whoever you want," Beca shrugged. It had taken her a few weeks to find where one of Chloe's favourite bands, 'The Script' were playing on their tour and to get two tickets.
"Thank you so much," the redhead smiled as she circled round to the brunette and wrapped her in a hug.
"You're welcome," Beca smiled, "now Christmas sex!" She grinned as Chloe released her.
"As you wish," Chloe smirked.

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