Chapter 19: Worries

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It was the following Monday at the afternoon lunch break where Beca sauntered in to the staff workroom and looked around for Jesse, Chloe, Stacie and Aubrey as usual. She hadn't talked to Chloe since they had kissed in Saturday and she really needed to talk to her, so she was surprised when she didn't see Chloe sat at the table with the others.
"Hey, has anyone seen Chloe I need to speak to her," Beca asked as she sat down at the table next to Stacie.
"Well because someone was late this morning they didn't go to the briefing before first class..." Aubrey said, giving a pointed look at Beca.
"Hey! I overslept okay... What's this got to do with Chloe," Beca mumbled.
"What Bree's trying to say is that Chloe called in ill this morning." Stacie interrupted before Aubrey spoke, smiling at the brunette, "what do you need to talk to her about anyways," Stacie winked.
"Nothing." Beca mumbled, looking at her hands which tapped nervously on the table.
"Becs, c'mon..." Aubrey teased.

Before the blonde could say any more Jesse excused the pair and led Beca to an empty classroom near the hall, telling Stacie and Aubrey that they needed to track down students for detentions at the end of the day.
"You and Chloe okay Bec?" Jesse asked as he leaned against a table.
"Urgh I hope so dude," Beca pinched the bridge of her nose and huffed, leaning back in one of the plastic chairs in the classroom.
"Why... What's happened between you two?" Jesse turned a bit worried as he took in Beca's state.
"Erm well it was Friday and we were at hers and... Well long story short we kissed..?" Beca peered up at Jesse who had a mixture of shock and excitement.
"Dude that's great.. Well that is if she kissed you back.."
"Yeah she did, but now she's hot here and like what if I've scared her off. What if she doesn't even want to be my friend let alone anything else and what if Friday evening was just her like feeling bad for me or something. Dude what do I say to her? What do I do?" Beca groaned into her hands. Jesse went and sat next to her and placed his hand awkwardly on her shoulder.
"Becs I highly doubt that's happened. I see the way she looks at you and you clearly mean a lot to her. I'm pretty sure she really is just ill and she'll be back tomorrow or the day after. Maybe you could go see her or just text her." Jesse suggested with a smile.
"Mmm yeah sure, that's actually a good idea. At least then we can talk about what happened. Thanks Jess," Beca smiled, feeling a little better.
"Good good, no problem. Right I better go, I need to do some spying on Staubrey," Jesse winked. Beca simply laughed,
"Yeah... We need to devise a plan to get those too to realise they like eachother," Beca smiled to herself, winking at Jesse as he swung the door open. He simply chuckled and walked out of the door with a quick wave over her shoulder.
Beca pulled her phone out of her pocket and sent a text to Chloe.

Me: Hey Beale... You alright? Heard you were ill xox

A few minutes later Beca's phone chimed with a text from Chloe.

Beale: Hey Becs, yeah I'm okay just feeling a bit under the weather and a bit dizzy. Sorry for not telling you earlier I just phoned your father to call in sick then went back to bed.. Xox
Me: That's okay as long as your feeling better now :) xox
Beale: Yeah I am a little, think sleep helped... Thanks for wondering :) xox
Me: Anytime, gotta get to class, get well soon xox

With that Beca tucked her phone back in the pocket of her skinny jeans and sighed, swinging back on her chair. So she hadn't scared Chloe off she generally was ill, when she passed the teachers lounge she have a quick smile and a thumbs up to Jesse to tell him everything was okay, he simply nodded with a wide smile.
"What was that about Jesse," Aubrey cocked an eyebrow at him but was smiling.
"Nothing Posen, nothing," Jesse smiled, happy that Beca and Chloe were still okay and that Beca wasn't panicking anymore.

It was after the day at Barden had finished and Beca decided to stop by at Chloe's to check on her and maybe have a chat about their kiss if Chloe was well enough. She tapped if Chloe's door lightly and waited for her to answer, palms sweating.
Chloe swung the door open to a smiling Beca with a bouquet of flowers in her hand, smiling awkwardly at the redhead.
"Oh my gosh, come in," Chloe laughed as she stood aside so Beca could pass through.
"Er, these are for you I wasn't sure what to get but I though these tulips looked quite nice..." Beca trailed off as she handed the bouquet to Chloe awkwardly.
"Relax Becs they're lovely, thank you," Chloe smiled as her hand brushed over Beca's as she took the flowers, "make yourself at home, I'm surprised you already haven't to be fair, I'll be right back," Chloe joked and wandered slowly into the kitchen to fetch a vase.
Beca was sat on Chloe's sofa going through what to say in her head, she was really nervous. Suddenly she heard a smash from the kitchen, she immediately jumped up from the sofa and practically ran into the kitchen,
"Chlo, you alright?" She asked as she approached the doorway.
"Mmhmm yeah I'm good, just um dropped a vase." Chloe smiled at Becax shaking slightly.
"Chlo.." Beca walked slowly towards Chloe. The redhead looked around the room for something to clean the glass up with and as she took a few steps she fell slightly. Luckily, Beca was nimble and managed to catch the girl in her arms. She gently lifted Chloe back into her feet but kept an arm around her waist to support her.
"Okay missy how about we get you to a seat," Beca kept her arm around Chloe's waist as she guided the girl to the sofa. "Stay here. I'll take these and sort out the kitchen, just chill," the brunette smiled as she took the tulips from Chloe's hand and walked back to the kitchen.
After Beca had tidied up the glass she walked back into the lounge where Chloe was and placed the tulips on the girls coffee table. She turned to talk to the redhead to see that she had fallen asleep on the couch, Beca simply smiled as she went upstairs to fetch a blanket and drape it over Chloe as she settled in and switched on the TV quietly as Chloe slept.

It was a couple of hours later when Chloe stirred slightly and rested her head against the brunettes shoulder, linking the pairs arms together and sinking into Beca's warmth. Beca simply smiled and kissed the girls forehead, she knew she was going to wake up soon but she let Chloe be for the moment as the girl clearly wasn't feeling better. When Chloe's eyes eventually fluttered open the redhead went to sit up but instantly clutched her head and seemed to rock a bit.
"Easy tiger, you okay... Like honestly Chlo?" Beca's face shifted to worry as she took in Chloe's state.
"I dunno Becs I thought I was getting better but, maybe not. I'm just quite dizzy, I'm fine now that I'm say down and had a sleep, sorry about that by the way, but yeah I'm not sure," Chloe explained.
"Alright Chloe we'll stay here and um... Yeah just yeah," Beca said, she wanted to talk to Chloe about Friday night but she wasn't sure if Chloe was up to that at the moment. She sighed and simply stared at the tulips on the coffee table and her eyebrows knitted together in thought.
"Whatcha thinking Einstein," Chloe smiled as she lied her head back on the brunettes shoulder.
"Hmm... Oh no it's nothing really,"
"Beca Mitchell don't lie to me. You can talk to me," Chloe smiled as she lied her hand on top of Beca's.

Beca took a breath and sunk deeper into the sofa, gaze still fixed on the tulips,
"Um well I wanted to maybe talk to you about what happened on Friday, I mean, if your up for it," Beca mumbled.
"Sure, I'm up for it... If you are that is I don't want to push you," Chloe took Beca's hand in her own and began playing with the girls fingers.
"Yeah I'm good. So I'm I guess I wanted to say that I, erm, I really like you Chlo, like a lot. And I'm not really good with emotions and that so that's why I kept it to myself for ages. And when like we kissed on Friday I was like on top of the world honestly because I really like you and we've become so close in months that might've taken me years to get with someone else. You just make me feel so relaxed and happy and I hope what happened won't ruin us, even if it leads to nothing else, which don't get me wrong I would love but it's up to you Chlo," Beca stuttered as she flicked her gaze between the flowers and Chloe's hand that was clasped around her own, emitting what felt like a burning heat.
"Wow, Becs that's like so sweet. I also want to say that I like you a lot too and when you left in Friday I couldn't stop smiling and thought about it all weekend. You're special Becs, I knew that from my first day and whether that's as friends or as something else, it doesn't matter as long as I don't lose you. And I would also really like us to be together..." Chloe trailed off, lifter her head off the girls shoulder to lock eyes with her, Chloe's eyes were glassy with tears after hearing what Beca had said and a blush was present on both of the girls cheeks.
"Chloe Beale... Will you be my girlfriend?" Beca asked sheepishly as she let a small smile creep on her lips.
"Well... Errrrm, how about..." Chloe trailed off as she leaned in and crashed her lips onto Beca's. Beca soon reciprocated and the two were in a heated make out session before Chloe pulled away, rested their foreheads together and clasped their hands,
"I think yes," she smiled and Beca kissed her again.

The two couldn't erase the smiles from their faces as they lied under the blanket in the sofa, Chloe's head tucked softly into Beca's side whilst the brunette gently stroked the girls hair. After a while they both dozed off.

Longest chapter I've written. If you guys want anything to happen between Beca and Chloe then you can leave a comment or message me and I'll try and include it at some point in the story! Thanks :)

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