Chapter 39: A treat

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Beca woke that morning, wrapped in her own sheets, a note scrawled and left atop of her phone.
Left a 6, sorry, have to get some clothes! See you at work, I love you.
Ps. I left you a treat in the oven - C xo

Beca smiled at the note from her girlfriend and she mulled over the word, girlfriend. It was coming up next month to their year anniversary, one whole year. Yet to Beca it felt like so much longer, they just fitted together as a pair perfectly, completing the other in any way they could and complimenting them otherwise. Even though the year had flown by without a second glance, Beca realised that the one person who she now couldn't bare to face another day without was the bubbly redhead, the one who had come oh so suddenly into her life and flipped it totally. Beca's heart warmed as she recounted all the times they spent together, wrapped up in blankets in the winter watching movies or listening to music, the times spent snuggled together in bed as Beca's fingers played delicately with the over woman's curls, warm coffee's brought at any time of day, usually accompanied by food, the time in the cabin. Every day with the redhead flashed quickly through the brunettes mind as her fingers turned the note round and round, she smiled broadly and closed her eyes, revelling in the memories before she sighed and slipped out of bed, grabbing an oversized shirt to cover her body.

The balloons from the previous night still scattered the floor, some were deflated but other bounced merrily as Beca trudged through them. She remembered Chloe's note and cautiously checked the oven, to see a stack of pancakes... Of course. It had its own little note on it, reading 'for my hungry little 28 year old' and Beca chuckled slightly as she took a seat at her kitchen island and ate.

- - - - -
Beca stumbled through the door of her room an hour later, grumbling to herself about the raised ledge just outside that most of the time made her trip and almost spill her coffee all down her laptop. She was pissed off, pissed off at an idiot who decided to crash on her way to work, luckily catching it o the news on her phone and leaving early yet still having to wait in traffic. The brunette huffed as she slumped down in her chair, she eyed the piano in the corner of the room out of her eye and reluctantly wheeled herself over to it. She familiarised herself with the keys and smiled as she saw just how easily her fingers danced over them, suddenly feeling peaceful as the first few notes were played. She played the melody softly as memories flooded her mind of her mom and all the firms spent in front of a piano just like this in the family's old home, Christmas, thanksgiving, birthdays, they all required a special duet from the musicians and they never disappointed.

"That was beautiful," Chloe spoke as she sat with her head propped up on her knees, back leaning against Beca's desk as she sat on the floor.
"So chairs and knocking are both so overrated huh?" Beca asked as a smirk played over her smile. Chloe just shrugged and Beca came to sit next to her, immediately resting her head on her shoulder. Chloe reached for the brunettes hand and played with her fingers as she spoke,
"Where'd you learn that one?"
"Taught by my mom, just something she overheard somewhere I guess," Beca sighed as she brought Chloe's hand up and kissed her knuckles tentatively.
"I like it," Chloe smiled gently as she leant her head back against the desk.
"So did she," the brunette whispered. Chloe placed a small kiss on her head before rising from the floor and offering her hand to Beca who took in and was then engulfed in a hug, Beca let out a slight chuckle as she allowed Chloe to pull away and wipe a stray tear that had cascaded down her cheek.
"She'd be so proud of you," Chloe whispered and Beca nodded and buried her head back into Chloe's collerbone, mumbling her thanks.
"You okay? I kinda gotta go..." Chloe trailed off.
"Yep I'm good, speak to you at lunch," Beca mumbled as she sniffed once then smiled warmly at Chloe who nodded and gave her hand a quick sqeeze before leaving the room. 'God I love that woman' Beca thought as she gathered herself together and got prepared for the day ahead.

"Guys, how are the Bella's getting on?" Jesse asked as he slumped down on a chair in the staff room.
"They're good, we're nailing the songs we just need some improving to the choreography timings. Our first comp is in December," Stacie replied.
"What songs are you using?" He asked.
"Some of Beca's mixes," Chloe smiled.
"Surprised you let them do that Becs,"
"Yeah and if they ask for any more they'll have to prise them from my cold, dead hands," she smirked up at the group.
"Is that in invitation?" Aubrey spoke up as she joined the four around their usual spot, taking her usual place next to Stacie and smiling at the brunette. Beca simply glared jokingly over at Aubrey while the others simply chuckled.
That lunch break was spent as usual, the five of them aimlessly chatting about whatever topic came up. Be it the Bella's, Aubrey and Stacie's new realitionship, or even funny stories and gossip from the kids they taught. As Chloe glanced round at the other four, smiles plastering their faces at something Jesse had said about a student, she grinned broadly, rubbing her fingers once again over Beca's knuckles and gave the hand she held a squeeze. This is how she could live, she loved the four of them and the endless chats they could all engage in, and in that moment, she was so glad she chose to teach at Barden.

The Bella's aren't really a main thing in this fic, sorry if you'd like them to be! I don't really know much about what happens, even from the movies so it wouldn't be very good...

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