Chapter 26: The Last Day

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"That's quite a bunch of flowers, chocolates... bubble bath? Dude who on earth got you bubble bath?" Beca was in the drama room after their first period, with the students on a break and was laughing, flicking her eyes over Chloe's desk.
"Hey! It's nice, maybe they thought I'd have too much of the normal stuff. Look, smell," Chloe unscrewed a bottle of bubble bath and offered it to Beca. The brunette cocked her eyebrow and leant forward to smell the product, before she pulled away Chloe managed to just tip the bottle so a bit of it got on the DJ's nose, she laughed.
"How did I know you were gonna do that," Beca smirked, wiping her nose, "well at least I won't forget what it smelt like."
"Well aren't you positive this morning," Chloe smiled, screwing back on the bottle top and placing it back on her desk.
"Last day of work, holidays to look forward to, going away with my girlfriend... Spending time with you as well of course," Beca spun round aimlessly, smiling gently, but she stopped when Chloe smacked her on the head. "Ok sorry chlo, if it makes it better, you're much better than her anyway," Beca kissed the redhead lightly before carrying on spinning.
"Yeah whatever, you better be, or you'll be sleeping outside wherever we're going," she smiled and winked.
"What if there's no inside in the first place," Beca deadpanned. Chloe's eyes widened as she looked at Beca who simply smiled cockily.
"I hate you sometimes Mitchell," she laughed.
"Hate you too Beale," Beca winked, "better go, things to do, people to y'know, inspire," Beca smirked as she kissed Chloe on the cheek and strolled out of the door. The redhead simply shook her head and laughed lightly, her girlfriend was such a dork.

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful for both women, the occasional student offered them a gift to say thank you if they were leaving that year but that was about it. Both Chloe and Beca took a relaxed response to their last few lessons, choosing to offer many choices to their students for work and let them choose what to do, it was less hassle for them anyway.

Jesse, Aubrey, Stacie, Beca and Chloe were stood outside the main entrance to Barden, watching the students mill around and leave for another year, like usual.
"Another year gone eh, how time flies," Jesse joked with a goofy smile. The girls hummed in agreement.
"Anyone fancy some drinks down the pub? To celebrate?" Aubrey asked.
"I'm in," replied Stacie and Jesse, "Becs, Chloe?" Stacie asked.
"We can stay for a while but then we must go, I'm helping Chloe pack," Beca smirked.
"Well I wouldn't call it helping seeing as I have no idea what to bring, it's more like telling," Chloe smiled, linking her arm with Beca.
"Hold up a second, what's going on here?" Aubrey asked.
"Oh shit yeah, well I booked a place for me and Chloe to get away for a while, we leave on Sunday morning," Beca smiled.
"Oh my gosh, that's awesome," Stacie squealed. The pair just laughed at Stacie's reaction and they hailed a cab to take them to the pub, Beca and Chloe opted to take their cars, so they couldn't drink.

"Right guys, this was great but we have to get going, it's already pretty late. Thanks a lot and I'm guessing I'll see you all at some point during the holidays, have a good one," Beca stood and offered hugs to all the teachers.
"You too Beca, and have fun together," Aubrey smiled.
"Yeaaah, lots and lots of fun I bet you," Stacie winked playfully at the pair who blushed and rolled their eyes.
"We'll try Stace, see you guys," Chloe spoke, hugging everyone. The pair left hand in hand and hopped into their cars,
"I'll follow m'lady," Beca laughed as she swung her door open. Chloe smiled at her and pulled away from the pub, heading to her home.

Beca was curled up on the redheads bed and Chloe had heaved a suitcase out and placed it on the floor, she was stood in front of her wardrobe.
"Becaaa," she called. The brunette mumbled in response as she seemed to bury herself deeper in Chloe's bed.
"Oi you, I need you," Chloe hopped on her bed and stood, straddling Beca. The brunette looked up slightly to take in Chloe,
"Not a bad angle Beale," she smirked as she ran her free hand up and down Chloe's lower leg, before putting her head back on the pillow. She reached out her hand and Chloe took it and was about to pull Beca up when the brunette beat her to it. Chloe landed half on Beca half on the bed,
"Sorry," Beca mumbled as she put her arm around Chloe and snuggled into her, inhaling her scent, "you smell good, how do you do it? You always smell good," she smiled with her eyes closed.
"Your such a weirdo, and to answer your question I have no idea," Chloe took her free hand and gently pushed a lock of brown hair from Beca's face.
"I'm tired, how about we sleep now and we'll pack in the morning... Technically we don't even need to pack now," Beca lifted her head slightly.
"Alright," Chloe agreed as she glanced a look at the time, it was 10:30pm after all. She got up and chucked Beca a long t-shirt before changing herself and the pair climbed into bed. Beca immediately latched onto the redhead and snuggled into her, she placed a light kiss on her neck before stretching up to Chloe's jaw,
"Goodnight chlo," she spoke softly.
"Goodnight Becs,"

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