Chapter 40: Surprises

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I'm sorry this took me loooong, I've been super shattered this week and haven't had much time to write!!

October 16th, today was the day. Beca and Chloe's 1 year anniversary, just so happening to fall on a Wednesday, possibly one of the worst days. Beca woke early, needing to get up and out for what she had planned for Chloe, it was nothing major but with Beca's sloppiness in the morning, who knew what could go wrong. She send her girlfriend a quick text, not ever worrying about the fact it was 5:45am.

Me: Good morning Beautiful, happy anniversary, just wanted to say I love you, you should swing by room B07 this morning ;). B xx

Beca quickly set to work as she put her phone on to charge, before throwing some clothes on, grabbing her laptop and heading to her car. She ran through in her head what she head to do one last time and smiled, sending another text to Bree to tell her their plan was a go, and checked her messages, grinning to see one from Chloe.

Beale: Happy anniversary babe, I love you too. I'll see what I can do ;)

Beca smiled as she set her phone aside and started her engine.

"And this has nothing to do with it being mine and Beca's anniversary?" Chloe asked as Bree had her whisked into her car, not even having enough time to grab breakfast.
"Honestly chlo, I don't mean to sounds rude or anything but I literally didn't know it was until like 30 minutes ago," Aubrey said with a grimace.
"No worries, where are we even going?"
"Duh, breakfast!" Bree smiled as she pressed her Bluetooth into her ear and started the engine.
"Ok that I can't say no to," Chloe smiled.
The pair were just down the road when Bree got a call, she rolled her eyes but eagerly pressed the button on her Bluetooth, the volume being just loud enough for Chloe to hear snipped of conversation.
"Ugh I'm sorry Chlo do you mind detouring to Barden with me for 10 minutes, Stacie's left some work there and she's not in this morning and would like to look at it..."
"No worries, it's fine I can drop my stuff off then,"
"Great," Aubrey smiled mischievously as she made a turn towards Barden.

Chloe gathered her things and headed inside with Aubrey in tow as they headed for Chloe's drama room, the redhead quickly darted in and was then back again and followed Aubrey towards the staff room,
"If you could do me a favour, I'll collect the things from Stacie's pigeon-hole and can you go down there, third door on the left I think and it's just her red folder," Aubrey pointed down one of the corridors and Chloe nodded, the blonde sped off towards the staffroom, finding it hard to conceal her smile.

Chloe hummed to herself as she pushed the door open to the room third on the left and was astonished at what she saw, the tables had been arranged around the room and were adorned with all of Chloe's favourite breakfast foods, candles lit up the space and as her eyes panned over to the corner, a petite brunette stood with a bunch of red roses and smirk on her face.
"Ok so I know it's lame, breakfast at our work but I wanted to surprise you because you know it's like our anniversary and I just hope yo-" Beca was cut off as Chloe swiftly crossed the room and captured her lips in a soft kiss, hands coming up to cup the brunettes jaw as Chloe smiled into the kiss.
"It's perfect, thank you," Chloe breather as she wrapped the brunette in a tight hug.
"Happy anniversary," Beca smiled sheepishly as she handed Chloe the flowers,
"And happy anniversary to you too," Chloe smiled as she pecked her on the lips again. Beca walked up to the door Chloe had come through and opened it swiftly, causing a blonde to come stumbling in, caught by a laughing Beca,
"Thanks for your help Bree, and sorry for dragging you into it," Beca giggled.
"Please! I was happy to,"
"I knew it!!" Chloe giggled as she wrapped her arms around Beca's waist from behind, "you sneaky bitches," Aubrey just winked at the pair before giving Beca a high five and leaving the pair, a wide grin on her face.
"I always knew you were a hopeless romantic," Chloe teased as she kissed behind Beca's ear,
"Anything for my girl," she smirked, "now can we eat I'm hungry, this took a while y'know!" She joked.
"Wait, someone let you do this right? We're not gonna get told off?"
"Chloe, my dads the headmaster, I can pretty much do what I want," Beca laughed as she led Chloe to a seat before.
"But I'm guessing sex on the desk is still off limits?" Chloe suggestively quirked an eyebrow.
"That depends on whether you want to say you've had sex with a teacher on a desk," Beca matched her with a smirk.
"Not just any teacher, a hot badass one,"
"I'll second that," Beca laughed as she raised her glass.
"Are you going to say cheers as you clink your apple juice with mine?" Chloe laughed.
"Whatever else," Beca grinned, "cheers?" She laughed as she bought her glass to meet Chloe's with a smile and a kiss on the cheek.
"Now we better pack up or either my dad or our students will do something about it," Beca grinned as she finished eating and picked up both her and Chloe's plate.
"Where are you planning on putting them?" Chloe asked.
"Who says I don't have friends in the food economics department that love washing up," Beca smirked, "and by that I mean I'm probably gonna go and wash them in the toilets," she finished with a laugh.
"And to think I was going to offer a hand," Chloe smiled.

Beca sighed as the bell rang, finally it was the end of the day and she could go home and actually celebrate her anniversary with the redhead with ice cream and probably movies that they would aimlessly chat over and fall asleep to.
"Hey, by the way I'm picking you at 6," Chloe shouted in her door as she caught the shocked expression in the brunettes face and ran off.
Maybe not.
Beca leapt up and ran after Chloe down the corridor grabbed onto Chloe's hand as she giggled.
"Picking me up for what chlo," Beca whined,
"Nothing fancy, bit of dinner, ugh you know! You got to surprise me!" The redhead groaned.
"Ok you got me," Beca picked her hands up in mock surrender and smiled. 

- - - - -
"Why?" Beca asked.
"C'monnnnn," Chloe whined, the pair were sat in the car park at the local ice rink which had reopened st the end of September.
"There's no way you can ice skate in that!" Beca pointed to Chloe's dress, which was pretty tight fitting and smirked.
"Well you see I have a plan," Chloe smirked as she reached behind Beca to grab two sets of sweatpants and jumpers, "it pays to be prepared," she winked. Beca just sighed but ended up laughing as she grabbed a set of sweatpants and took off her jeans,
"You're on then Beale, suit up," Beca smirked.

That night the pair spent half the time on the rink with Beca gliding around the ice and her picking Chloe off her behind.
"Since when were you so good at ice skating," Chloe asked as she once again was clutched to Beca's arm.
"I've always been good, I just never really go," Beca smirked.
"You're such a tease,"
"That's just how you love me,"
"Too damn right," Chloe smiled as she captured Beca's lips once again in a sweet kiss, one of the multiple ones the pair had shared whilst on the ice.
'By far the best way to spend an anniversary' Beca grinned as she tightened her grip around the redheads waist as she skated off the ice, pecking her on the cheek.

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