Chapter 16: Time to Tell

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Beca's phone chimed from its place on her desk, a few of her students looked up but with a pointed glare Beca made sure that no one said anything I disrupt the class. She checked her phone,

Beale: New bar opened yesterday near yours.. Check it out with my tonight? You know you want to! ;) x
Me: Texting whilst teaching? Naughty heheh and yeah sure, I've been wanting to go there. X
Beale: Nope, I have a free... Don't you!?!
Me: Nope.... Who cares though it's fine :) Where should I meet you tonight?
Beale: Yours at 8 to go straight there? I said I'd talk to Bree tonight...
Me: Sounds okay to me... I better go, catch you later Beale! X
Beale: Bye ;) x

Beca was left with a smile on her face as she looked up to her students, many of which we're looking hesitantly at her, some quirking eyebrows.
"What..?" Beca asked, confused, "I'm the teacher I'm allowed," she smiled. A few of her students simply smiled and hummed, Beca had a feeling that that wasn't what they were cocking their eyebrows at. She let it slide and carried on with the lesson.

- - - - -
It was 7:30pm and Beca was getting ready to go out. She had chosen an outfit a while ago but was now contemplating wearing something else. She had on a pair of her black skinny jeans and a casual white tank top with her denim jacket and combat boots. After all, she was only going to a bar with Chloe she wasn't really there to impress anyone else. She decided to put on her makeup and do some other last minute jobs before she was going to go.

Chloe knocked on her door roughly 30 minutes later and was eagerly pulled into Beca's apartment by the groaning brunette. Chloe barely had time to register where she was before she was plonked down on the edge of Beca's bed, Beca simply huffed.
"Well hello to you too, what's this about?" Chloe laughed and quirked her eyebrow at Beca.
"Dude what do I wear!" Beca pinched the bridge of her nose as she pulled out a few outfits from her wardrobe.
"Beca, calm down a second." Chloe laughed, "ooh this is cute, what about this?" Chloe held up a black and white dress in one hand whilst smiling up at Beca. Beca simply shrugged and took the dress from the redheads hand, eyeing what Chloe was wearing. The girl was also in a dress, a tight fitting red one stopping just above Chloe's knee, fit with a silver necklace and heels. Beca simply started undressing in front of Chloe, before long she was stood in her bra and underwear. She simply stopped hesitantly and looked up to see the look on her friends face, suddenly realising what she had just done.

'Damn,' Chloe thought, she couldn't help but rake her eyes up and down Beca's now semi-nude body. She was clad in a simply white bra, paired with white underwear. 'Matching..?' Chloe thought and smiled to herself. Beca was beautiful, her body was perfect with all her curves and Chloe couldn't take her eyes off her. She again raked her eyes up Beca's body just as the brunette realised what she had just done, and slowly brought her eyes up to meet Chloe's crystal blue ones.

"Errrr, I didn't r-realise," Beca stammered, still stood frozen.
"Mmm, you don't say," Chloe laughed, struggling to keep her eyes focused in Beca's stormy blue ones, "it's fine now though I've seen all I want," Chloe winked at the stammering petite girl in front of her, only making a blush appear on her face and increase as she simply stared back at Chloe, who was now smirking.
After the girl had recovered, Beca simply slipped on the dress after sticking her tongue out at Chloe and slipped on some flats. The pair then left the apartment and walked down the streets together toward the bar that opened, no doubt it would be busy but busy is sometimes better.

- - - - -
"Beca Mitchell, either my eyes deceive me or there's a guy over there checking you out." Chloe laughed, the two had had a few drinks and were tipsy but still sober enough to be serious with eachother.
"Errrrm no, I'm pretty sure he's not," Beca replied, feeling a blush creep up to her cheeks.
"Look!" Chloe pointed towards a man stood by the bar ordering a drink, he was tanned and dressed smartly with black jeans and a causal blue shirt, "He'll look over in a second I bet you,"
Just as Chloe said, the man looked over in their direction and raked his eyes over Beca. Chloe couldn't help but feel a pang of something in her chest. Was she being protective over Beca? Was she jealous?
"Becs, go talk to him!!" Chloe shoved Beca in her shoulder whereas the brunette just set her eyes on her drink, pressing it up against her lips and swinging back the alcohol in it.
"No way Chlo, I came with you and I'm going to stay with you," Beca was making up excuses but, that was a believable one she thought.
"I don't care, if he's interested it's worth it," Chloe winked.
"Dude, no. I'm, um, not interested,"
"Why not! He's not bad looking you know," This made Beca's eyes shoot up a bit as she took in the man that Chloe though was 'not bad looking', no way, Chloe could do much better than him. Obviously Beca wanted Chloe to like her but, that wasn't going to happen any time soon. Beca simply sighed, 'Time to tell, Mitchell, time to tell' she thought.
"I, um... Look Chlo I, swing the other way. If you know what I mean..." Beca said hesitantly, meeting Chloe's eyes.
"Really?!" Chloe asked.
"Yeah... And um if that's a problem to you then that's ok I won't, like bother you any more or anything," Beca rambled.
"Becs calm down!" Chloe laughed as she hooked her arm around Beca's shoulder pulling her closer so she could whisper in her ear, "as long as your okay with me being bi."
Beca smiled at Chloe and nodded her head, "thanks Chlo that means a lot."
"No problemo, now, more drinks!! Chloe got up and got the pair some more drinks.

A few drinks later and some dancing, obviously suggested by Chloe, the pair left the bar and Beca walked Chloe back to her house as she wanted to make sure that she got back safe. The pair were outside Chloe's house and Beca was making sure Chloe got in safely, she hung in the doorway and watched Chloe put her purse down before returning.
"Tonight was awesome Becs, thanks for agreeing to go with me. We'll have to go again one time," Chloe smiled, "oh and thanks for making sure I got back safe."
"No problem Chlo, we'll go again some time soon yeah sounds good. And thanks for being so easy-going with... What I told you," Beca smiled.
"It's completely fine, thanks to you too,"
Beca smiled. "Seeya Monday Chlo," Beca spun round to leave but was stopped by an arm that pulled her back around to face Chloe.
The ginger kissed Beca ever so softly on her cheek and smiled at her, "text me when you get back safe," she said, still within inches of Beca's lips. Oh how Beca wanted to just kiss her there and then, but that was for another day. Instead she simply smiled genuinely at Chloe before nodding and turning around to walk her way back home.

- - - - -
Beca sent a quick text Chloe's way as she got dressed into her pyjamas,

Me: Home safe ;) sleep well Chlo xox
Beale: Right back at you xoxo

With that, Beca set her phone on the side and dived under her covers to sleep, settling down with a smile on her face.

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