Chapter 31: Out On The Town

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Chloe woke up earlier than Beca the next morning, both were clad in just their underwear and had cuddled up after last nights events and fallen asleep happier than ever. Sure, her and Beca had come close to having sex before last night but they'd been a bit afraid to go all the way. Chloe smiled as she thought about the previous night, she may have just fallen for Beca even more than she had, the previous night was just perfect. She observed how Beca's chest slowly raised and fell with her breath and how the general light in the room seemed to make her skin glow. Chloe kissed Beca lightly on her head and pulled her closer into her embrace,
"I love you," Chloe stated, snuggling again into Beca's back, breathing in her scent.
"I love you too," she heard the brunette say. Chloe let out a small chuckle,
"Sorry I woke you,"
"No, it's okay I slept amazingly, last night was great, thank you," Beca smiled as she turned into her back.
"Right back at you," chloe smiled as she kissed Beca, the two then cuddled back together and fell asleep again.

Beca was awoken by the ringing of ehe phone, she looked at her alarm and saw that it was 10:30am, 'that's fair' she thought as she picked up her phone, she didn't look at who it was,
"Yeah?" Beca asked.
"Becaw! I hope I didn't disturb you, I just wanted to know how you are getting on!" Jesse said joyfully.
"Oh hey Jess, yeah it's good. Give me a second," Beca quickly rolled over to Chloe and told her she was going to go outside and talk to Jesse so Chloe could lay in bed for a while, she kissed her cheek and left, chucking on a t-shirt.
"Hey I'm back," beca smiled.
"Sweet, so... How is it? What've you done so far?"
"It's really nice Jesse, the view is beautiful and Chloe really likes it here and we have some time to ourselves. We've walked around the woods a bit and been to the lake, and then just had a lazy day in and just normal stuff I guess,"
"Awh that sound awesome Becs, I'm glad you two are having some alone time and enjoying it."
"Thanks," Beca smiled down the line, it was good to hear that Jesse was generally interested in their time away.
"So, anything happen between you two yet?" Beca could imagine Jesse wiggling his eyebrows.
"Oh gosh Jesse how did I know you'd ask," she laughed, "if you must know, we finally declared our love a couple of nights ago, it's such a weight off my shoulders,"
"Aw, that's great, I'm happy for you two,"
"Means a lot Jess, and before you ask the other thing, I'm not giving details but yes, it happened," Beca smiled, referring to last night with Chloe. She heard Jesse whistle down the line and rolled her eyes,
"No but seriously Bec, everything you've explained sounds amazing, I have to go but enjoy the rest of your time and we'll catch up at some point!"
"Bye Jesse, see you soon,"
Beca hung up the phone and turned around to see her ginger girlfriend at the doorframe, smiling sleepily.

"Morning babe, sorry, Jesse called to see how things were and ask what we'd been up to," Beca explained as she neared Chloe, giving her a kiss on the cheek.
"It's ok, hope you didn't tell him too many intimate details," Chloe whispered seductively into the brunettes ear before placing a kiss there. Beca's cheeks went a bright red and she groaned,
"Gross." She stated, which made Chloe giggle slightly, "c'mon I'll do breakfast," Beca took Chloe's hand and went to the kitchen.
"Ooh Chlo, chuck us the eggs from the fridge and I'll do something with them yeah?" Beca asked as she fetched a frying pan from one of the cupboards.
"Awesome," Chloe smiled, swinging open the fridge, "here Becs," Beca swung round and with a lightbulb moment and a smile, Chloe grabbed three eggs and threw them towards Beca all at once. Luckily, Beca's reactions were fast, she managed to catch two of the eggs, however. The third one sailed straight to her collerbone and smashed, covering her in egg white and yolk. Chloe took in her girlfriends appearance and was shocked, but then her face turned into a smile and she erupted in giggles.
"S-sorry Beca, I just, just.. Couldn't resist," she choked between laughter. Before Beca had a chance to respond she also had an idea, she skipped the few steps to Chloe and enveloped her in a bear hug, managing to wipe some of the egg onto her squealing girlfriend. She then took the egg that was in her hand and smashed it on the girls back, allowing Chloe to also have egg sliding down her. Chloe squealed once again and arched her back, eying Beca.
"Evens," Beca stated as she too started to laugh, soon both women were just stood in fits of giggles in the middle, trying to wipe all remnants of egg on eachother.
"Tomorrow's our last day, isn't it?" Chloe asked as their laughter died down, screwing up her nose.
"Yeah," Beca sighed, rubbing the back of her neck before remembering it had egg on it and cringing, Chloe chuckled lightly. "Sooo, whatcha want to do?"
"Honestly... I have no idea," Chloe laughed, "what's around here? Is there a town close? We could have a quick walk around," Chloe suggested.
"Yeah sure sounds great, I hear some towns around here are quite cute this time of year, according to the people who own this place," Beca smiled, "shall we go in, say, half an hour?" Chloe nodded and the pair shared a quick kiss and parted to get changed.

Around an hour later the pair were walking hand in hand down a street, lined with small shops and people strolling the sidewalks and milling around store windows. The sun was shining brightly through blue sky and a light breeze blew through the small town. It was beautiful.
"Ohhh yes! Beca c'mon," Chloe piped up as she tugged on the brunettes hand down a smaller side street.
"Oh gosh, what've you seen now red?" Beca laughed as she followed the woman. The par eventually stood outside a small shop, a few people were sat inside,
"Frozen. Yoghurt." Chloe beamed, wandering inside the shop.
"Weirdo," Beca smiled, but followed nonetheless, she couldn't help but crave the snack after she'd seen it, especially in the sunny weather. The pair placed their order, both going for the original strawberry flavour. They grabbed the yoghurt, said their thanks and left the shops.

The pair spent the rest of the becoming evening wandering the streets aimlessly, occasionally going in a few shops and gazing over their stock. Beca even went as far as to try on a dress with her red headed girlfriend in a small store on the corner.
After this they headed back to the cabin to enjoy a relaxing night in together...

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