Chapter 34: Wandering.. or not?

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Beca awoke and stretched her arms, she was confused when her hand hit something soft but not her red headed girlfriend, she scrunched her nose up and opened her eyes. She was currently laid on the couch in Chloe's living room after staying too late to be bothered to go home after meeting Ashley.
"What the bloody hell happened here," she mumbled to herself as she got up of the couch, stretching both her back and her neck, she looked around the room and caught a look at the time, 8:30am. She groaned and got up, deciding against waking Chloe. Instead she scrawled down a note, grabbed her legs and quietly left.

The redhead woke at 9 and yawned, rubbing her eyes,
"Beca?" she questioned. When she heard no answer she cocked her head but rolled over to check her phone, to see a note over the top.

Woke up on the couch, don't know why so don't ask ;) have gone back to my place but lunch later? Text me,
Beca x

Chloe smiled briefly before picking her phone up and sending Beca a quick text to say she had got her note and where to meet the redhead for lunch. Shortly after sending the text her phone rang and she swiped the screen to answer, ignoring the caller ID out of haste.
"Nice to hear from you too Chloe,"
"Oh, sorry Bree I literally woke up like 10 minutes ago,"
"Yeah sounds like it, so I was just gonna ask if you would perhaps fancy grabbing lunch with me and Stacie today? We were going to go anyway but we just wondered if you'd care to join, Midget too perhaps," Aubrey laughed.
"Well I would love to, I'd have to ask Becs but as long as we're not intruding on anything..."
"Like what Chlo?"
"Pfft c'mon Bree you're obvious. I know you like Stacie and if you'd like to have lunch together alone then me and Beca won't intrude," Chloe smirked down the line.
"Shut up I'm not that obvious. But no really we'd love for you to join, me and Stace have y'know had lunch a few times already and it'd be great to see you two,"
"Well I'm sure we'll be joining you but I'll ask Beca and text you back yeah?"
"Awesome, see you Chlo,"
"Bye," Chloe grinned as she hung up. Her and the blonde had become surprisingly close and, apart from Beca, was probably the friendliest colleague Chloe had. Of course her strict ways and uptight exterior were a difficult front but when the woman was out of the classroom she was very sweet and could let her real personality show through. Obviously Stacie helped taut side of Aubrey be more present and relaxing and Chloe loved to observe the pair when they thought nobody was watching. She smiled as she sent a quick text to her girlfriend and when she replied she confirmed lunch with 'Staubrey'.

- - - -
"So, is this some kind of double date?" Beca asked as she scrunched up her nose. She was sat on Chloe's bed whilst the redhead got ready.
"Nope, don't think so anyway it's just lunch," Chloe said as she came out of the bathroom dressed in her underwear and bra.
"Mm yeah, um what..." Beca had let her eyes trail over the expanse of her girlfriends rather uncovered body and had totally lost her trail of thought. She let her eyes rake slowly up Chloe's chest to reach her eyes, finding out she'd been caught as a blush rose to her cheeks and she dropped her gaze.
"Something distracting you Becs?" Chloe teased as she clambered up the bed to eye Beca on her hands and knee's, knowing the brunette would have an eyeful of her cleavage.
"Not at all," Beca murmured, still  focusing on her hands in her lap. Chloe simply laughed but used her fingers and tucked them under Beca's chin, forcing her to meet her gaze, the brunette was met by a smirk. She couldn't help but slightly drop her eyes to flick over all of Chloe that she could see. Chloe simply laughed as she caught Beca's lips in her own. The initial kiss turned heated quickly as Chloe moved to literally lie atop of Beca and the brunettes hands wondered from the curves on Chloe's chest to her waist as her fingertips toyed with the band of Chloe's underwear. Chloe knotted her fingers into brunette curls and ran her tongue once again over Beca's lower lips. The brunette let a low moan escape her lips as Chloe moved to kiss her neck and jaw, Beca captured Chloe's lips in her own once again but was slightly interrupted,
"Lunch," Chloe murmured against Beca's lips and broke away, ignoring the pout on her lips as she gripped onto Chloe's waistband with a smirk, "if you behave at lunch maybe you'll see more of this later," the redhead winked as she kissed Beca's lips lightly again.
"I'll be on my best behaviour Beale, don't want you to have to spank me do I?" Beca smirked and Chloe chuckled as she pulled her wardrobe open to find something to wear.
"Oh and why did you end up on the coach this morning?" Chloe asked.
"I must've gone wandering, or not... I have no idea..." Beca trailed off with a slight chuckle.

"Hey, Beca, Chloe," Stacie called as she jogged up to the pair, following just behind them to the diner they were going to eat at.
"Oh hey Stace, where's.. Oh no I see her," Chloe laughed as she looked past Stacie to see Aubrey scuttling down the path. The blonde came up behind Stacie and slapped her lightly on the arm,
"I told you not to run off," Aubrey smirked as Stacie just laughed and liked the fours arms, "ladies," the blonde nodded her head in acknowledgment to Beca and Chloe who smiled in response as they walked into the diner and were sat at a table.

"So, what've you guys been up to," Chloe posed the question as she sipped on her lemonade.
"Meh, this n that," Aubrey shrugged.
"I must try that it sounds riveting," Beca joked as she smirked at ge blonde who simply chuckled in response.
"To be honest we've probably spent about 85% of the time together," Stacie grinned and the blush that crept up on Aubrey's face didn't go unnoticed.
"Oh yeah? How's that gone," Chloe asked as she winked at Aubrey, causing her blush to increase as she mumbled a good under her breath.
"Much better than good," Stacie whispered into Beca's ear but still loud enough for the table to hear.
"Stacie!" Aubrey hissed and the other three just laughed. Stacie placed her hand on top of Aubrey's on the table and squeezed it lightly, causing the blonde's jaw to slack and shoulders to relax slightly. Beca and Chloe exchanged a knowing side glance at eachother with a smirk.

The rest of the lunch continued much the same, the four talked more about Beca and Chloe's few days away and even Ashley came up as a topic and Beca cringed slightly. The four shared their funny moments from the holidays and their annoyance of having to go back after such a break but looking forward to it nonetheless. After a few hours the four parted ways, sharing hugs before Beca climbing back into Chloe's car and Stacie into Aubrey's.

"Why can't we tell them Bree," Stacie pleaded.
"We can, next time," Aubrey smirked as she placed her hand lightly on Stacie's thigh and giving it a quick squeeze before driving back to the brunettes apartment.

Staubrey fans?! Staubrey will more be a side story but I thought I'd include it nonetheless!
I go on holiday for 2 weeks tomorrow so I'm not sure how my writing pattern will be... I'll try to keep it roughly the same!

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