Chapter 25: Concert

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It was the night of the concert and Beca was, well nervous. She was sat at the piano in the music hall with Chloe, she was going over her piece, perfecting it. She had been asked to open the show and she knew it had to be perfect to live up to her 'music teacher' profession.

"Babe, you'll be fine," Chloe laughed as she sat next to Beca who was nervously running her hands through her hair.
"Yeah but like, it only takes one slip up to mess the whole performance up!" She banged her head lightly on the piano. Chloe took her chin between her fingers and tilted the brunette head to face her full on, the pair locked eyes and Chloe smiled.
"Beca Mitchell, you are the most talented musician I've ever met and you're gonna do awesome. That, I am sure of," she smiled sweetly, speaking reassuringly.
"And you Chloe Beale are the best girlfriend a woman could have," Beca smirked. Chloe just blushed and pulled Beca in for a sweet kiss, before pulling away, resting their forebeads together, "now we better go, the concert starts soon." Beca grumbled and kissed Chloe again, grabbing her hand and pulling her up and out of the door to the hall, where there were chairs set out and a few students milling about, the pair dropped their hands and found where Mr Mitchell was standing.
"Beca, Chloe, everything okay?" Mr Mitchell smiled.
"Yeah it's great thanks dad, how long till we start?" Beca asked while Chloe just smiled and nodded.
"Around 20 minutes, you all ready to open the show?"
"Fingers crossed dad, better go now. See you later," she smiled as she gave her father a quick hug, Chloe scanned the room and spotted Aubrey talking to Stacie.
"Oi, Staubrey at 11 o'clock," Chloe smiled, pointing at the pair.
"Oh dear, well I better go speak to some of my students and 'prepare', I'll come talk to you after Chlo," Beca said.
"Okay. Good luck babe, you'll smash it," Chloe winked as she quickly took Beca's hand in her own and gave it a quick squeeze. With a sincere smile, Beca disappeared backstage and Chloe sauntered over to talk to Aubrey and Stacie, she saw Jesse talking to the IT teacher, Luke - well she thought he was and he smiled, giving her a wave.
"Hey Chlo," Aubrey said, giving her a quick hug.
"Hey you two," Chloe smiled in return before conversing with them further, offering her thoughts on certain topics whilst waiting for the show to start, some latent had begun to file in and many seats were now taken.

"Ladies and gentleman, welcome to our end of year concert..." Mr Mitchell began as the trio took their seats towards the back. "To open tonight we have our very own music teacher, Miss Beca Mitchell to perform Mozart's 'Piano Sonata number 11'... Beca Mitchell everyone," he smiled as he gestured to the piano on the stage, a spotlight landed on Beca amd the audience applauded. Beca beamed, scanning the audience before locking eyes with Chloe, she gave a smile back and Beca broke the gaze to glance down at the piano, placing her fingers on the correct keys. She begun her piece in the soft silence, her music filling the room. Chloe smiled, she was proud to see Beca up there playing in front of all these people, she knew it must've taken something big to convince her to not only play in front of all these people but to open the concert. It didn't exactly help her that Beca had changed into a short, strapless, black dress that hugged her perfect petite figure and her brown curls had been nicely pinned up in places, framing her face as she played the piece.
It may of only lasted around two minutes but it was still enough to knock the audience speechless, as soon as Beca drew out the final notes the watching parents and other people erupted into an applause, Beca looked up from the piano and smiled, nodding her head slightly before exiting the stage to creep behind the curtain.
"So, that was our very own music teacher, now we'll see a few pieces from choirs and even some individual pieces from drama and music." Mr Mitchell proceeded as he smiled to the audience.

Chloe was engulfed in one of the pieces of music from the choir, they were singing 'Eternal Flame', a piece she very much recognised from her accapella team in college. That was when a person slipped into the seat next to her,
"Hey," Beca spoke softly into the redheads ear and gently squeezed her hand, which was resting on her knee. Chloe smiled towards the brunette,
"Becs you're piece was amazing," she whispered, as to not draw attention to the pair.
"Yeah midget, well done, never knew you could play those type of lives so beautifully," Aubrey poked her head out from the other side of Chloe, smiling gently before tuning her attention back to the choir.
"Thanks," Beca smiled, before too turning to sink into her chair further and watch the rest of the concert.

"So, ladies and gentlemen as much as I hate to admit it that was the end of the concert. I'd like to say thank you to all the students for participating, the family members for coming and all the people who made this happen - including Miss Mitchell and Miss Beale, our talented drama and music teachers. Have a good night!" The crowd applauded as Mr Mitchell signed the end of the concert and as the lights began to switch on, parents and family members rose and began filing for the door.

"Yo Becawww! You're piece was amazing, well done," Jesse smiling as he pulled Beca in for a side hug. The five of them were sat on the edge of the stage talking.
"Oh hey, Chlo can I talk to you, um alone for a sec I want to ask you something," Beca said nervously as she stood up, offering her hand for Chloe to take as the redhead hopped up and the two went to talk outside.

"You alright? What's up?" Chloe panicked as she took hold of Beca's forearms and looked in her eyes.
"Yeah I'm great, no need to panic," Beca joked, "but I wanted to ask if I said to you that I'd found somewhere for us to 'get away' for a few days... Would you be up for it?" Beca asked hopefully, "we wouldn't have to, like ask for time off work it would be in the kids summer holidays, just us two," she added.
"Really!?" Chloe smiled.
"Err, yeah,"
"That'd be amazing! I'd absolutely love to, have you already found a place or something?" She squealed, hugging the shorter girl tightly.
"Maybe," Beca smirked, "it's a surprise."
"Oh, I see how it is!" Chloe poked Beca's nose, "you better tell me if I, like need a bloody winter coat or like swimming gear though," she smiled with a wink.
"Maybe you'll need both, who knows!" Beca laughed, teasing Chloe, "no but don't you worry I'll tell you what you need just not where we're going!" Beca said. Chloe pulled her in for a short but sweet kiss,
"You're so kind to me Mitchell! But seriously, thank you, this'll be awesome," she smiled as she took Beca's hand and led them back in to join Jesse and the others, both with big smiles on their faces.

Hey guys, hope your enjoying the story so far! If you could check out my other story n tell me what you think it'd be great! X

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