Chapter 27: Packing

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"Up, up, up, UP!" Beca was bouncing on Chloe's bed whilst the redhead groaned and wriggled underneath her, her hand emerging out of the covers to swat at Beca legs. The brunette fell on the bed in a fit of giggles,
"You're never a morning person, why so happy?" Chloe laughed.
"That's actually a very good question," Beca smirked.
"Wait.. Are you dressed already!" Chloe peered over the covers at Beca who was already clad in a pair of jeans and one of Chloe's t-shirts.
"Yep," Beca replied, popping the p, "thanks for the t-shirt by the way," Beca smiled, kissing Chloe on the nose.
"Suits you better anyway, may I ask why you're dressed exactly," Chloe smiled.
"I bought breakfast," Beca smiled before jumped off the bed and exiting the room, "now your awake... Get up you lazy bitch!" Beca wasn't expecting the pillow that had been thrown at her from the bed where Chloe sat eying Beca. The brunette stuck her tongue out and laughed before going to the kitchen.

The pair had ditched their original plan of eating in Chloe's kitchen and instead brought a tray and sat on the redheads bed, well, Chloe was sat on the bed whilst Beca bounced around her.
"Beca seriously what's got into you this morning!" Chloe laughed.
"I'm sorry is it illegal for a girl to be happy and excited," Beca joked.
"It is when your normally... Not," she smiled, "well like, not this happy, I'm not saying you're grumpy,"
"Nice save Beale," Beca smiled, "where's your case?" Beca swung open the older girls wardrobe.
"Under the bed?" Chloe offered, pulling up the duvet and sticking her head over the bed, looking for her case. Beca took this opportunity to bounce towards Chloe and smack her ass hard with her hand. "Oh trust you to do that," Chloe laughed, pulling her case out from underneath her bed and cocking an eyebrow at her girlfriend.
"You love it babe don't lie," Beca smirked, leaning towards Chloe so there lips were centimetres apart before abruptly pulling away, laughing,
"Now... We pack!" Beca grinned.

- - - - -
"Urgh, Beca!! Seriously, can't you just tell me where we're going already," Chloe was taking her pillow and hitting the brunette repeatedly from around the room.
"Dude! If you stop hitting me I might tell you!" Beca laughed, collapsing on the gingers bed. Chloe sat next to her excitedly and hugged the pillow to her chest,
"Welllll..." Chloe asked.
"Pfft! I said maybe, thanks for stopping hitting me though," Beca whipped a pillow out from behind her back and jumped up, whacking Chloe back whilst laughing. The redhead simply whined and curled into a ball, allowing Beca to hit her, secretly enjoying the way the wind swept through her curls.
Eventually Beca slumped down onto the bed and lied next to Chloe, her head propped up onto her hands.
"Payback," she whispered into her ear, giggling before pressing her lips lightly to Chloe's ear lobe.
"You're mean! I am no where near closer to know where we are going. I mean, I have hardly any clues! I have a bathing suit, a jumper, shorts, jeans, stuff for all weathers basically!!" Chloe groaned.
"Yeah well I guess you'll just have to wait, c'mon baby I promise you'll like it I wouldn't of asked you otherwise. I'm hoping the weather will be in our favour but you can't be sure," Beca smiled, taking her hand and rubbing small circles on Chloe's back.
"Okay," Chloe whispered, letting herself smile.
"There's the smile I love. Now c'mon we've packed and you have another few hours of 'Beca time' before I myself have to pack," she smiled as Chloe crawled up next to her, nestling her head in the crook of Beca's neck. She grabbed the remote and turned on the telly on the wall.

The next few hours were spent with light conversation, mostly about whatever the pair were watching, before Beca had to leave to pack and get ready for the next day.
"I'm picking you up at 10am Beale, be prepared!!" Beca smiled.
"Oh I will be, it's you I'm worried about," Chloe winked as she walked Beca to the door.
"See you Chlo," Beca gave Chloe a few kisses before smiling and leaving.

That night Beca was bouncing with energy, she couldn't wait for the next few days with Chloe. It had been roughly 3 months since they became official and Beca didn't want my to rush things with the redhead, but she hoped that this time would be the time. Her and Chloe had done some sexy things with eachother but she really wanted to actually make love to her on this trip, she was going to try and make it as romantic as possible.
She smiled to herself as she thought about the upcoming time, Beca decided to take Chloe there for four days. She'd searched the Internet for a few days and found a small cabin in Portland, Maine, away from the busy town but not too far to travel. It had a jacuzzi on site, yet dependant on the weather, Beca didn't know what would happen. She snuggled down in her bed and closed her eyes, hoping for the best four days with Chloe she could have, she smiled and slowly fell asleep.

Just so you guys know, I'm from the UK with no knowledge about America so any things I've already got wrong or anything I get wrong in the future... I apologise! Thanks guys!

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