Chapter 7: Party Plans

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Beca had just woken up when she heard her phone chime multiple times indicating she'd received a text. She groaned as she swatted for her mobile on the bedside table, who on Earth is texting me at this time in the morning, she thought.

Beale: Beca! Come over and get ready with me later for tonight!

Beca groaned at this before scrolling through the other multiple texts the redhead had sent over the past half hour.

Beale: Beca it's almost 11am you can't still be asleep you dork.
Beale: Becaaaaa!!!
Beale: Fine, have it your way, text me when you get these ;)

Beca chuckled to herself before sending a reply back.

Me: Dude! I was asleep! And can't we just get ready in our own houses - like normal people.
Beale: Ahh! Sleeping Beauty finally awakens. And no doofus we can't, you're coming to mine and that's settled. 5pm sharp Mitchell I know you're a dawdler. I'll text you the address ;)
Me: I hate you. You know that right. I'm going back to sleep 'doofus' - Seeya later.

Beca didn't even wait for a reply before diving under the covers of her comfy double bed. She sighed and drifted back off to sleep.

- - - - - -

It was 4:30pm and Beca was... Well bored. Usually she would fill the time with mixing, but today the inspiration and knack for the flow of the beats wasn't there.
Mixing was something Beca had done from when she was 17, when her talent for music grew more and more so her father bought her a flashy computer so she could mix. Beca loved it. The way the tracks flowed together so easily under her touch was amazing. Sometimes she'd place her headphones over her ears and close her eyes, focusing on the tracks and how they mixed into one another. But she'd never shown her mixes to anyone, well there was Jesse, but apart from him... No one. They were a secret to Beca, her little escape. Whenever she needed to relax or focus her mixes were there to do just that.
But it was on days like this where there was just no inspiration for Beca, she didn't know what tracks to mix or how.

After a while of debating, Beca decided to go and grab 2 coffees and a few cupcakes. She'd need them if she was to spend the next two hours with Chloe helplessly trying to find her an outfit when really she couldn't care less. Whatever Chloe wore, she was always beautiful. A thought that had been going round in Beca's head ever since she first met the girl. Beca shook her head, grabbed her keys and headed out the door.

After grabbing two steaming black coffees and a mix of cupcakes, Beca found herself standing awkwardly outside Chloe's house. She knocked on the door lightly as to not spill the coffees or drop the cupcakes.
"Hey Becs come on in, welcome to my humble abode." Chloe winked. Beca had gotten used to Chloe's winks and also the many nicknames the girls had for her. Some of them she found a bit strange but oh well.
"Cheers... Err I brought cupcakes and um coffee?" For some reason Beca was nervous, maybe it was the fact that Chloe was beaming at her and it made Beca feel butterflies in her stomach.
"Awh well aren't you sweet" Chloe laughed as she welcomed Beca through the door.

Beca simply murmured something under her breath as she looked around the house. It was totally Chloe, the house was surprisingly tidy, with a few books here and there and a nice cosy atmosphere.
"Like my place?" Chloe joked as she watched Beca walk aimlessly around her house. "My dad helped pay a bit for it, he's well off I guess." Chloe rubbed the back of her neck.
"Cool, it's cosy." was Beca's simple reply.
"Let's go upstairs,"
"Oh okay Beale, didn't realise we were that close yet." Beca jokes wiggling her eyebrows at Chloe, she couldn't help it.
"I-er I meant, y'know..." Chloe's cheeks has tinged red and she was reduced to a stuttering mess.
"O-oh my god you should see your face right now! Relax I was just kidding dude!!" Beca was finding it hard to stop her laughing as she took in Chloe's flustered state. Chloe slapped her on her arm before grunting to herself.

- - - - -

It was 6:30pm and Beca was lying on Chloe's bed on her phone whilst Chloe rushed around her fixing her makeup and choosing an outfit.
"Becaaaaa... What do I wear!!" She shouted from her bathroom where she was changing.
Beca reluctantly rose from the bed and starting raking through her wardrobe. She pulled out a light blue summer dress.
"Hey, how about this one? It's pretty cute... I-I mean it's y'know it's cool." Beca stuttered after just saying 'cute' -she was meant to be a badass.
"Beca Mitchell did you just say cute," Chloe giggled from behind the door.
"No I didn't, will you just take the bloody dress," Beca smiled, waving her hand in the door as Chloe reached for it.

Chloe came out wearing the dress a few minutes later,
"Wellll...?" Chloe asked, looking at Beca and twirling round.
"Yeah, see told you it was cool. You look good, can we go now the sooner I go the sooner I can leave." Beca deadpanned.
"I'll make you stay don't you worry, we'll have a laugh!" Chloe smiled, gathering her stuff before putting her shoes on and gesturing to the door, "shall we." She asked.
"If you insist," Beca sighed and walked out the door shortly followed by Chloe, who linked arms with her and lead her to the bar they were going to, seeing as it was close to Chloe's house they decided to walk.

The 'party' will be next chapter, I was going to put it on this chapter but I have something planned for it :)) seeya next chapter!!

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