Chapter 24: Time Away?

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It had been few weeks since Nathan Powe had caught Beca and Chloe making out in the music hall, so far the pair hadn't caught on that anyone else knows. Sure, Nathan had given the two some side glares and a few sniggers when seeing them together, but after a stern glare from either of the two, he soon shut up, resulting in more glares. But it was better than everyone else knowing.

Beca, Chloe, Stacie, Aubrey and Jesse were at their usual table in the staff lounge, enjoying the lunch that Mr Mitchell had served up for the team.
"So Stace, any of your students showing any more 'interest' in your class?" Jesse gave a light laugh, using air quotes.
"Meh, they're a bit more engaged but other than that there's not much change, with the core subjects it's kind of hard getting everyone to like it as some struggle or are simply set in hating it," she shrugged, "how about either of you?" She gestured to Jesse and Bree who was sat next to her.
"Not much change," the two both said. Opposite from the three, Beca and Chloe were engaging in their own light conversation but came to a halt,
"Me and Chlo are alright," Beca laughed.
"Yeah coz the students aren't basically forced to go to your classes," Stacie smiled.
"Exactly!" Chloe beamed. The five talked for a while before the subject of the end of year concert came up.

"How's the concert preparations coming on for both of you?" Aubrey asked.
"A bit stressful occasionally, but it's coming along well," Chloe smiled.
"Yup, only a couple more weeks to go now," Beca agreed. "Oh and I was meaning to tell you guys, I'm... Well, I'm planning to play a piece at the concert..." Beca trailed off, a hint of nervousness in her voice. There was a chorus of 'Really!'s and Beca simply nodded and smiled slightly at this.
"I never knew that, what're you playing?" Chloe asked, subtly placing her hand on the brunette's thigh, making her blush slightly.
"A piece of Mozart on the Piano," Beca smiled, "it was one of the first pieces I could properly play, it brings back memories," she sadly smiled, thinking of the times she would sit side by side with her mum at their piano in their old home, playing the piece.
"I bet it'll be awesome Beca, we'll all be there right..?" Aubrey looked round to a series of nods, "awesome, so we'll all be there, I can't wait to hear you play."

"There's sort of something I want to share as well, if it's okay with you Beca," Chloe smiled to the brunette. They had agreed in the past few days that Aubrey and Stacie should know, it had been about two months. Beca took Chloe's hand in her own and squeezed it, nodding her head. Chloe smiled and turned to the blonde and brunette, she spared a glance at Jesse who was grinning, knowing what Chloe was going to announce.
"So, for the past about two months, me and Beca have been dating, properly and officially. We kind of didn't tell you straight away because we didn't want to rush things but, we make each other happy, well I hope I make her happy, but.. Yeah." Chloe smiled.
"Course you make me happy babe," Beca laughed as she placed a quick kiss on Chloe's cheek, causing her to blush.
"Well it's about time!" Stacie sighed, turning to Aubrey and giving her a high five. 
"Wait- what?" Beca spoke up, having leaned slightly closer the Chloe.
"Well we knew you two went on a date so we had our suspicions but even before that, you two were like! Well there's no other way to put it other than that you were eye-fucking eachother every day!" Aubrey laughed, looking to Stacie for confirmation who nodded with a slight laugh.
"Yeah well we know what that look looks like don't we," Chloe whispered in Beca's ear her eyes rolling. Beca just laughed and grinned. Stacie let out an 'Awh' and Beca simply rolled her eyes, a smirk toying on her lips.

At the end of the lunch break, Beca rose, gave Chloe a quick kiss on the cheek and went of to her final free period, Jesse caught up to her on the way.
"So all's going well with Chloe I see," he smiled.
"Oh my gosh yeah dude, it's awesome. You know I'm crap with feeling and that but, like, I think I love her. Stuff that I do love her Jess." Beca smiled, giddy.
"Have you told her?"
"Well... No not yet, I don't know how. But I'm going to look tonight at maybe is going away somewhere in our time off, someone peaceful. I was gonna tell her after the concert,"
"That'd be really nice Bec, like seriously. That's a great idea, I'm sure she'd love it. And even if you weren't worrying, which I know you, you probably are. If you tell her you love her on this trip, I'm certain she'll say it back, certain. I can see it I the way she looks at you Bec, it's all love." He smiled pulling her in for a side hug.
"Don't forget the lust," Beca smirked, laughing.
"Wow, just wow. Maybe you can do that on your trip as well." He wiggled his eyebrows.
"Hope so," Beca smiled. Of course she had thought about her and Chloe actually sleeping together, sure they had got heated before but they'd never actually done anything. Beca was hoping this trip would maybe give them a chance, it was peaceful after all, and maybe she could make it romantic as well.
"Mmm great," he hummed, slightly pushing her, "anyway loser, I have a class, tell me when you find a place! Seeya!" He called, walking away down the corridor. Beca simply shook her head, laughing and pushed the door to the music hall, grabbing her laptop and settling into the back of the hall. She placed her headphones over her ears and sighed, pulling up some searches for a place away for a few days for her and Chloe.

Next chapter will jump to the end of year concert! :)

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