Chapter 43: Moving in day

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"You sure you have room Chloe?" John asked as the pair chatted aimlessly whilst waiting for Beca. The couple had told Beca's father about their plans to move in together and he was very supportive, offering to cover all of the landlord troubles and even help the brunette pack up her things, knowing that Beca would probably do it wrong.
"Oh yeah totally, I have a spare room anyway so we can always turn that into a study for Beca's mixing and I'm pretty sure I can shove a closet somewhere to house her clothes," the redhead joked and John chuckled.
"It's surprising how little she has, of anything other than clothes, to be honest, knowing Beca, I'd of thought she'd of had a lot more!" He smiled as he gestured to the boxes littering the floor.
"Hey!" Beca said as she hung in the doorway, "I have all I need and not much else, you of all people should know that being a teacher doesn't pay all that much! And as for my clothes, well they're the one thing I spend my money on," Beca cocked an eyebrow at her dad.
"Now that I can agree with, although I'm pretty sure most of that money goes on, let me guess, black jeans and flannels?" Chloe laughed.
"She has a point, I've never seen so many pairs of jeans! Shall we get these loaded?" John asked with an eyeroll as he brushed past his huffing daughter, box in his arms, followed by Chloe who stopped to give Beca a kiss on the cheek with a laugh.

"Boom, jobs a good'un," Chloe smiled.
"I'm sorry what did you just say?" Beca laughed.
"Shut up." Chloe smirked, "but hey, 4 hours to move in your crap, I think that's pretty good," Chloe smiled as she collapsed back on the bed, followed by Beca, who simply sighed.
"You don't think this is gonna be bad for us do you?" Beca pondered.
"In what way?" Chloe asked as she propped her head up on her elbow.
"Well like I know a lot of people who say that's it's only when you move in with someone that they start to realise, well.. How awful they are," Beca chuckled dryly.
"Well I happen to think you couldn't be awful if you tried, not to me anyway." Chloe winked, "as long as you're not regretting anything, it'll be totally fine,"
"Nope, not at all, it's gonna be aca-awesome," Beca smirked, "now I think that we deserve a pizza for all this hard, hard work,"
"Now that I agree with," Chloe smiled as she swiped at her phone and tossed it to Beca who called the nearest pizza place and ordered one for the two of them.

The two were now sat in their lounge, causally sat with a steaming pizza between them as they sat on the floor, backs leaned up against the couch.
"Hey, when are we getting a dog?" Beca asked.
"A dog?" Chloe questioned.
"Yeah, y'know... A couple get together, eventually move in together, get a dog," Beca grinned, "or a cat, but I don't like those very much,"
"Woah, Beca Mitchell doesn't like the pussy," Chloe laughed.
"Ew, you're so immature, and anyway, I never said I didn't like that," the brunette smirked as she took a bit of pizza.
"Ooh, seductive pizza eating, you know just how to turn me on," Chloe said sarcastically.
"You betcha babe," Beca mumbled through a mouthful of pizza as she winked at the ginger.
"I think we should get, a gerbil?" Chloe mulled over with a laugh and a tilt of her head.
"A gerbil? Yeah right, here we go, welcome to our house, come look at our tiny little rat," Beca laughed.
"It'd be called Samuel," Chloe nodded matter-of-factly.
"Right, Samuel," Beca pondered as she briefly flicked her eyes up to Chloe's before both fell into giggles.
"We could get... oh my gosh what about a tarantula!" Beca chuckled.
"I would never go near that thing,"
"Pfft, neither would I, it would just sound cool,"
"Yeah until it gets out one night and you find it, crawling up your stomach at 3am," Chloe smiled as she ran her hand over the younger woman's stomach only to have it swatted away.
"Ok, so no to the tarantula... What if I stole a baby goat?"
"Yeah and where the fuck are you going to steal a baby goat from?"
"Petting zoo?" Beca shrugged with a grin.
"We could call it Billy,"
"Original," Beca rolled her eyes.
"Ok missy! Judith," Chloe playfully shoved Beca with her foot.
"Better," Beca nodded.

Moving in day had been successful, to say the least, and it was only when Chloe stood in the pairs shared shower that she realised just how far they had come. They'd known eachother little over a year, and already Beca had become the most important person in her life. She couldn't imagine where she would be right now if she hadn't decided to go to Barden. Of course, she missed her family, but now, in their house with Beca, that was home. From now on, wherever Beca was, that was home. And Chloe couldn't believe it, how a presumed 'badass' and alternative woman could have come into her life and simply made it infinitely better, infinitely more worth living and enjoying, treasuring and blissful.
So as Chloe climbed into bed, where the petite figure of her girlfriend already lay, her hair loosely tied into a bun as she curled under the duvet, the redhead curled up to her. Dipped her head, into the crook of Beca's neck, placed her usual gentle kiss and drifted asleep. She was home, and she knew that for however long the pair were together, that she would be protected and loved, treasured and spoilt, by the one and only Beca Mitchell.

Just a little filler chapter, hope you liked it!

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