Chapter 46: Meetings n Greetings

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"Today is the day!" Chloe jumped into the end of the pairs shared bed and shouted loudly as Beca curled deeper into the duvet.
"I'm injured, go on without me," she groaned as she stretched her hand out from underneath. Chloe hopped off the bed and gave a sharp tug at the covers, pulling them off the bed in one swift motion, revealing Beca in sweats and a tank top, curling into a ball, her brown curls obscuring her face. She groaned and kicked out her legs, causing Chloe to grin widely and grab her leg.
"What're you trying to do to me you madwoman," Beca tangled her fingers through her hair and rubbed her eyes.
"Get you up, what'd you think?" Chloe teased.
"Get me naked," Beca smirked.
"Ooh don't you say that to me in your husky morning voice," Chloe laughed as she sauntered out of the room, slowly followed by Beca.
"They're coming here first, yeah?" Beca asked with a grimace as she started to make her morning coffee.
"Yeah, just for a little bit, then we're going out for early dinner, that's the only way I could book a table. They'll be here around 3 I reckon," Chloe shrugged.
"I better get tidying then," Beca grinned, "you know, we still have like 100 peppermint creams," she continued with a laugh. Chloe swung open the door to their fridge and revealed the tray filled with all the creams they'd made earlier in the week,
"98," the redhead shrugged as she picked two up and ate them.
"Sorry," Beca replied as she held her hands up in mock surrender.

A few hours later and Beca was lazily running the hoover around the home, only half paying attention as she danced along to the sound of one of her mixes blasting in the background. Chloe emerged from the bathroom with her hair loosely wrapped in a town, clad in a pair of skinny jeans and a low-cut tee. She picked up the hairdryer off of the bed and started to blow dry her hair.
"Low cut? In this weather?" Beca chucked from the couch as Chloe walked into the room.
"Oh I just like to tease you," she winked in response, "no I just put it on in case it got wet when I was doing my hair," she shrugged.
"Countdown?" Beca asked as she peered over the music magazine she was indulged in.
"T-minus one hour," Chloe smiled.
"Uh, time to get ready then... Your brother is called Nathan, right?" Beca cringed at the thought of getting it wrong.
"Yep, Catherine, Chloe, Nathan and Jack, the Beale family," Chloe smiled.
"Jack Beale," Beca smiled, "it's got a professional ring to it, don't you think?" Beca pondered.
"Jack Beale. Yeah guess so," Chloe shrugged.

It was 2:40 and Beca was nervously pacing around the house, constantly wandering from room to room or getting up to go to the loo.
"Babe, what're you doing!" Chloe groaned as she once again watched Beca walk past the door.
"Well you've told me about how close your whole family are, and I'm an only child and only really had my dad and we aren't proper close and you've already met him. And I want to make a good first face-to-face to your father and well, I haven't met your mom or brother that much either," Beca rubbed her neck.
"Oh my gosh, you're fretting too much," Chloe sighed with a smile as she cupped Beca's face and forced her to meet her gaze, "my mom loves you, my brother thinks your like cooler than me, and my dad doesn't take much convincing, honestly, and at the end of the day, who cares... I love you and that's all that matters," Chloe spoke softly, not breaking eye contact with the brunette once. Beca sighed,
"You're right, thank you. Sorry for panicking so much, but yeah, you're right, I love you too," she smiled. Chloe chuckled and kissed Beca lightly on her cheek, before their was a knock at the door. Chloe raised her eyebrow at the brunette before giving her a quick kiss and beelining to the door. Beca perched herself on the edge of the couch and waited to allowed the family to be reacquainted.

"Daddy!" Chloe squealed as the door opened to reveal her father. He was a tall man, well built, with soft brown hair and a charming smile.
"Chlo-bear," he smiled as he engulfed Chloe in a hug.
"Mom, Nathan," Chloe continued with a smile as her father let her go to hug her other family members. "Come in," Chloe ushered them in and Beca stood up, smiling sheepishly.
"Beca, good to see you again," Chloe's mum was first to speak.
"Likewise, how are you," Beca smiled as she accepted Catherine's hug. The brunette had grown to be rather fond of Chloe's mum, she was a gorgeous woman but also very sweet and eager to have a laugh.
"Good thanks," Catherine smiled as she pulled away. Beca greeted Nathan with a shake of the hand and then turned to Jack,
"Dad, Beca," Chloe grinned as Jack stuck out his hand, Beca took it confidently with a smile.
"Nice to finally meet you in flesh Beca," he laughed.
"You too," she smiled.

The five spent a while at the pairs home, sharing coffee and generally chatting, discussing what either got for Christmas and obviously sharing embarrassing anecdotes.
"I need to go to the loo and then I'll grab my coat and we can go?" Chloe asked as she hopped of the couch.
"Sounds good to me," Jack said and the Beale's and Beca nodded. Nathan also rose,
"I'll get your jackets," he said and sent a wink towards Beca as she laughed, guessing he was going to ask Chloe where to find hers.
"Whilst you're here, I'd like to talk to you," Beca smiled awkwardly as she shuffled up on the couch.
"Sure Beca, what's up," Caroline spoke warmly as she rested her hand on her husbands knee.

Over dinner, the conversation continued to flow easily, it was as if Beca had known Chloe for way more than the 15 months they had spent together and it warmed Chloe's heart that her family got in so well with her girlfriend.
"You're staying at a hotel for a few days right?" Chloe asked.
"Yeah, there was no point in Jack coming up here for one day so we're staying for a few days, going sightseeing," Caroline explained.
"Pfft, good luck with that mom, it's not like there's really anything interesting here," Chloe shrugged.
"You'd be surprised what they've found chlo," Nathan laughs.
"Oh dear... Oh yeah and Nath, I hear you have something to do with Beca's Christmas decorations," Chloe rolled her eyes and Beca grinned.
"I may have leaked some information. She sent me a picture of the finished thing as well, it looked awesome," he smiled at Beca.
"All down to your leaked info and, obviously, help from Google," Beca laughed.

Once they had finished dinner and left the restaurant, Jack refusing to let either Beca or Chloe pay for any of the meal, they all once again returned to Beca and Chloe's for the evening.
"Hey, Becs, do you have a mix I can show Nathan and maybe my parents?" Chloe asked as they walked through the door.
"If he wants to hear some yeah," Beca shrugged and she spun to look at Nathan.
"If that's okay, I'd love to yeah," he grinned and behind him Jack and Caroline were nodding.
"Awesome, I'll go and get my laptop," Beca walked into the pairs bedroom to search for her laptop whilst the Beale's settled in the lounge.
"Here, Chlo knows the good ones," Beca shrugged as she rested her laptop on Nathan's lap and stood behind him, nervously watching as Chloe picked one and pressed play, one of Chloe's favourite mixed of Bulletproof and Release Me.
The track soon finished and Chloe was obviously grinning,
"Chlo, you're girlfriend is seriously talented," Nathan laughed, "like I'm serious Beca that was amazing," he smiled at the brunette who nodded her thanks.
"Agreed, I can certainly see why your so good at your job," Jack smiled.
"Thanks," Beca laughed, "here, do you want this?" Beca asked as she turned to Nathan, offering him a USB.
"What's on it?" He asked warily.
"Oh yeah, sorry, some mixes, I put them on floss drives to save space and always have some spare if people are interested or as gifts..." Beca trailed off.
"Yeah, if you're sure," he said and Beca nodded as she dropped the USB into his open palm with a smile.
"Well I know what we're listening to in the way to the hotel," he grinned and the others gave out a light chuckled as Nathan stored the drive in his pocket. 

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