Never Knew // BAM // Part 29

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"W-w-what was that for?!" I gasped. Blood is quickly pouring down my arm, my arm trembling like crazy.

"Because you're a selfish brat." Mike shrugged, crossing his arms. I glanced at him in disbelief, tears still pouring down my eyes, my heart shattering.

"I'm going to my room." I mumbled, my body aching in immense pain. I turned to leave, feeling Mike giving me another kick on my leg and hardly punched my waist. I bit my lip anxiously, rushing as fast as my ankle could carry me to my room.


I sat on my bed wiping the blood with a tissue, allowing tears to spill.

Why does my life have to be so screwed?

It sucks.

I curled up in a ball and rested my head on my pillow, letting out heavy breaths. Maybe if I close my eyes, I could wake up? Maybe this is all one big nightmare? If only I could escape. I closed my eyes, allowing myself to fall into a sleep, where I don't have to put up with the pain of living day by day. A relieved sigh escaped from my trembling lips, my mind finally shutting down.

My eyes opened and I instantly felf pain pound through my body but I ignored it. I let out a breath and looked at the time. 9pm. I must have slept for about 10 hours. I stood up, rushing as fast as my body could carry me to my cupboard, grabbed some clothes and my makeup bag. I want to go out.

I sneaked down the steps, making sure Mike isn't around. I let out a relieved sigh when I couldn't see him in sight. I was about to reach the door when I felt a gentle hand place on my shoulder, causing me to jump and instantly turn around, panic flooding through me.

       "Mia?" Jakes dark, husky voice spoke. I turned around and saw Jakes broad body tower over me, causing me to feel intimidated.

      "Er.. Jake.. hi?" I awkwardly spoke, nervously biting the bottom of my lip.

       "How are you?" He questioned, his voice filled with emotion. I felt his heavy breath blow in my face, his lips only inches away from mine. I let out a heavy sigh, shaking my head,

        "Painful, you?" I truthfully spoke. I felt him grip my hand softly and pull up my sleeve. I allowed it, feeling complete trust towards him. He examined my cuts, slowly brushing his finger tips against every one.

         "You don't deserve these..." he huskily growled, slightly scaring me. I placed a hand on his shoulder, gazing into his eyes,

        "Jake, don't worry. I'm fine. I'll be okay." I reluctantly spoke, trying to reassure him. He gazed into my eyes in return for a few seconds before letting go of me.

        "Where are you going?" He changed the subject, his barriers built up again.

         "Out. For a walk." I answered.

          "Do you want a lift anywhere?" Jake asked, raising an eyebrow. I shook my head, giving him a small smile,

          "No thank you, I'll see you later." I mumbled.

           "Be careful. Call me if anything happens." He cautiously demanded.

            "I have your number?" I raised an eyebrow, curious to know how he got onto my phone. He just winked and grinned at me before turning around and strolling off. I felt my lips curve into a small smile and my eyes to roll. Only Jake.


I strolled through the dark streets, hands in pockets, my heart racing feeling slightly petrified. I wish I'd brought a coat, it's freezing. I've been walking for about half an hour now. I wrapped my arms around myself, trying to warm myself up. I then felt a some rain drop on my head, causing me to let out a heavy breath, disbelief filling me. Suddenly, I heard shouts, causing my entire body to freeze in shock.

      "Mia?!" The guy laughed, racing up to me. I turned around, a lump forming in the back of my throat, my entire body shivering. Logan. I felt my heart trap in my throat as I took a step back from him. My stomach knotted up into thousands of knots. I caught sight of some of his friends behind him. I then returned my eyes to lay on Logan's intimidating eyes. I swallowed, seeing drinks in their hands.

       "Long time no see." His husky voice mumbled as he kept walking towards me. I felt my back hit the wall, causing me to let out a defeated whimper. His hands placed onto the walls beside me, causing me to become trapped.

       "Logan..." I warned, my voice breaking at the memories we had.

        "Yes, Maple?" He smirked. I swallowed, remembering our nicknames.

        "Go away." I breathed, pushing at his chest which did nothing due to his strength.

       "Awe, but don't you miss me, Maple?" He grinned, stroking my chin. His warm skin brushing against my skin causing my body to shiver.

       "No." I lied, my entire body trembling at this.

        "Hurry up with her or we'll have to do it for you!" I heard his friends yell at him. I saw a flash of emotion spread through Logans eyes for half a second, causing my heart to race, but his eyes turned vicious again, a smirk forming on his lips. I let out a sigh, shaking my head sadly.

       "I told you it isn't over Maple" he grinned. I clenched my hands into fists, petrified of what he could do.

       "Ready or not, here LogieBear comes" as his lips pressed against mine, causing my heart to shatter all over again.

Never Knew | Bars&Melody Fanfiction | ✅Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat