Chapter 31-Visitations

Start from the beginning

"They'll stop clinging to you in few months or so," Gael said. "But for now, I guess we're going to have to take them with us." Alec's brows met in the middle and he faced the older man. Gael held up a small piece of paper, before giving it to him. He raised a brow at this, before he saw Gael incline his head towards Solana. He nodded in understanding.

He unfolded the white paper, and silently read the words written in neat cursive.

Hey kid,

I want you here in Cetrulis. We caught a few men that matched your description, and I need you to confirm if one of them is the bastard we're looking for. I know you're not worried about your studies. But you are worried about getting the late-night tutoring punishment Gael promised if your grades are low.

You have four days of free time to be here; two days for the visitations, and the other two for the weekend breaks. So forget about school for the moment, alright? I expect yours and Gael's asses are already on this skyland before dawn breaks tomorrow.

Your ever loving uncle,

Alec's eye inevitably twitched in irritation at last bit of the letter. The part where he held the paper crumpled in his tight hold. He narrowed his gaze at Gael when he heard him chuckling.

"He's so...," he trailed off before groaning.

"Forget about that now, Alec," Gael said. "You should go pack clothes for at least a few days. The Float Kreis sent will be arriving before noon."

"Where are you guys going?" Solana asked. They looked to her. She leaned forward with her elbows on her knees and her chin nestled in her hands.

"Cetrulis Skyland," Alec said.

"You don't look excited though," Knox pointed out.

"Do I need to be excited?"

"Of course," Solana said. "Cetrulis is the melting pot of all cultures of the three main skylands. You'll find all sorts of incredible things there. The Festival of the Dead is being held there right now as well! That event is so much fun."

"What's fun about getting surprised by people dressed as monsters, Eimions, and apparitions?" Knox said. He grimaced as he seemed to be recalling a memory. Solana rolled her eyes before jabbing her thumb at him.

"Don't mind him," she said. "When we were younger the Festival of the Dead was held in Saggaran. Knox was scared for the most part, and he wet his pants―"

"Solana!" Knox said. "You said you wouldn't speak of it anymore."

"You didn't make me promise." In the next moment, Alec was smiling down at the two as they wrestled each other on the floor. Solana had the upper hand. Though if it was because of her unusual strength or Knox was letting her win, he couldn't tell.

Alec, Gael, Edrik and Zandria laughed at the sight until they doubled over from the pain in their stomachs. They only stopped when a different voice spoke.

"Everyone seems lively here."

Their attention snapped to the entrance. Alec saw a man with dark blue eyes which seemed to be staring at him, and only him. Along with the eye color and the brown hair, Alec could guess whose parent he was.

He wore a blue tunic, brown pants and boots. Despite the simple attire, Alec could feel the authoritative and regal air coming off of him. He held his chin up as he took purposeful steps toward the lounge. Edrik was the first to break out of their surprise and met the man half-way.

"What a surprise to see the great Sheriun Roselintine, Skylord of Saggaran, out of his office and adorned by lesser garbs compared to his grandeur ones!" he said.

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