Chapter 82: Terror At Night!

Start from the beginning

The giant gives out a mighty roar and send its fists down, what happens next shock the guards when Akeno lift her right hand up stopping the giants hand with ease "Uha!" the giant eyes widen itself in confusion while Akeno eyes flash yellow "Ufufuf... it's unfortunate for you that I'm your enemy" she states with a sadistic smirk spreading around her face as she lifts her other hand up, aiming it at the giant's chest "Say goodnight beast" Akeno utters then fires a wide range lighting blast to the giant's chest completely obliterating it, leaving a large size gap where it's chest and heart used to be.

The giant stumbles backwards before collapsing to the ground dead. Akeno lower her arms and turn around to see the boy opening his eyes and look at the fallen giant in shock before turning back to her "Ouf!" Akeno is send back a bit when the boy slams into her hugging her tightly around the waist "Thank you Miss!" he cries out in gratitude making the raven haired smile and softly ruffles the boy's dark hair "It's ok, I'm just glad I was at the right place in the right time to save you".

"Madam" Akeno look up seeing the two guards waiting patiently "We thanks for your help, but I think it's time for the boy to head back to his mother" Fradis said making the boy turn to him "Mama?" he asks making the man smile "Yes young lad, your mother is waiting for your return desperately".

The boy turns back to Akeno seeing her smile down at him "It's time for you to return back to your mother young one" she kneel down and ruffles his hair "O-ok" he said with slight hesitation and pouts making the three chuckle. Bran picks the boy up and make way to his house while Fradis stop in front of Akeno and place the right hand on his chest "I wanted to say thank you again, if it wasn't for your timely aid, I would be afraid to think what would happened".

Akeno shake her head "It's fine, I couldn't stand around seeing what was happening... it would be terrible to the mother if she lost her son" she said with slight coldness. Fradis nod "Mind if I ask who you are?" he question not being able to keep the question down, Akeno chuckles "Sorry, but I prefer keeping my identity a secret for now... just think I'm some girl passing by" "A very powerful and mysterious girl" Fradis add with a smile before turning around and make way to the two "Safe travel's" he said one last time before leaving.

Akeno sees the boy waving at her before the horse whisk them away, she lifts her hands and waves farewell as they ride down the hill. "Huh" Akeno sighs glancing back at the dead giant and quickly notice something strange "Is that a wound?" she looks at its left leg to see at the back of it, there's a big portion of a skin and muscle had been chewed off "Hmm" she glances at the other leg to see the slash wound the knight made.

"It looks like this leg was bitten off by another creature" Akeno examines the gruesome wound "The giant must have been in a lot of pain... now that I think about it, it did move very wobbly and was barely able to stand straight". "The creature that attacked it much have a large mouth and sharp teeth to ripped a giant thick skin off like that" the Himejima stands up and dust her tight black jeans.

Akeno reach down the pocket in her jeans to pull out a smartphone "Might as well take a picture of it" she snaps a few pictures of the giant's half bitten leg "This could prove useful, if it's the nightwalker doings".


"Harh... harh... s-satan's" Rias hurls before quickly retreating away from the barrel and falls to the ground holding her mouth trying to stop herself from vomiting. After a few minutes Rias takes a deep breath and stands up "I'm going to find you Kaz... and when I do, I will kill you slowly" she mutters with venom filling her tone as she walks back to the barrels and looks inside it while holding her breath.

The barrel holds gallons of blood with severed heads and other body parts floating in the surface "Oh no..." Rias eyes tears up a bit seeing a young-looking arm floating in there "That bastard" she silently curse wiping the tears away from her eyes.

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