Chapter 14 the mission part 1/2

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Juls p.o.v

Me and Harry were in the common room staring at the fire it was about 11o'clock at night, we found out about 3 hours ago that Sirius Black had been seen in a town not to fare from here. I looked over at Harry on the sofa whilst I'm in the arm chair, I could see the fire reflect in to his glasses mine were probble the same.

I sighed and went and sat next to him once I had got there he looked at me with a smile on his face which I returned then he looked back at the fire. I started to feel my eye lids drop and I think Harry noticed because I herd him whisper

"Lie down"

So I lied down and put my head on Harry's lap and he started to play with my white hair today this reminded me of a memory from when I was in 4th year with James- I mean errr ugh oh for god sake I got sent on a mission by the order of the phoenix to go back in time and try and save James and Lily Potter but my mission got canceled when I was in 7th year.


Ugh again with the WHY AM I A CRAZY GIRL THING


Yes I know very short but It was just a quick one but there is going to be a second part which I promise will be longer anyway got to go DOCTOR WHO AWAITS I missed it yesterday I feel so sad because I was out with my mum and dad when it was on

I DONT WANT MATT SMITH TO GO :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(


Juliet Diggory (HPFF/ HPLS) SLOW UPDATES Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin