"I haven't seen you in such a long time!" She went up to him, giving him a hug.

He quickly gave her a hug back. "Yeah it has," he said.

"So how have you been? I heard you transferred schools."

"I've been great actually. How have you been?"

"I've been good too. How do you like your new school? Make any new friends?"

"Yeah I do, and I've made some good friends." He glanced at us. "This is Felix, Remi, Lauren, and my girlfriend, Kaci."

"Nice to meet you all." She grinned, and gave all of us a hug. When she got to me, she said, "And you're Raj's girlfriend?"

"Yes," I said, slowly nodding my head.

"Awww, you're so petite, that's cute. I also love your hair, by the way, it looks great."


Just then, Takara walked over to us, pushing a cart full of makeup and food. "Hey, Kace, I decided to get a few things-" She said, and then stopped when she noticed Shoshanna. "Hey, you're one of the new co-workers at Charlotte Russe right? I'm sorry, I forgot what your name was."

"Takara, this is Shoshanna," Raj said, and then turned to Shoshanna. "She is Kaci's step-sister."

"Hey, nice to see you again," Shoshanna said, giving her a hug. "You're Kaci's step-sister? That's awesome."

"Yeah, and we're also friends."

"That's great." She glanced around at us, and then looked at Raj. "Well, it was nice meeting you all, and Raj, it was nice catching up. I have to get going, I have some errands to do." She waved to us, smiling, and ran her hand through her hair as she walked away.

"Well, that was interesting," Remi said. "Ugh, I don't have anymore chips." She threw the empty bag in the trashcan, and came back.

Raj came up to me, putting his arms around me. "Hey, I'm sorry if that was awkward..." he said.

"It's fine, she seems nice," I said, laughing. She seems like a cool person.

"A little too nice," Remi mumbled. "What was the reason you two broke up anyways?"

"Remi!" I gave her a look, and nudged her.

"It's fine," Raj chuckled. "The reason why we broke up is because we weren't really each other's types. She was a cheerleader, loved going to parties, and hanging out with a bunch of different people. I like writing, photography, and just hanging out with a few good friends who didn't have drama between each other."

"You dated a cheerleader?" Remi said, laughing as her eyes widened in surprise.

"Wow, I must say I'm surprised," Felix said.

"I love being with Kaci though," Raj said, kissing me on the cheek. "She's cute, nice, and doesn't keep up with drama."

"Awww," I said, laughing. "Well, I technically haven't really been involved with drama. I'm just nice and friendly to people." I shrugged.

I wouldn't say I've never been bullied, because they were some kids in middle school that would make fun of me because how small I was or about my hair, but I ignored it, and it eventually stopped. I knew that didn't work in every case, but it did with me.

We continued looking around in Target, and then when we were finished, we bought our stuff, and went outside.

"So do you want to go out this evening? I was thinking we can have a picnic at the park," Raj said to me.

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