Chapter 31

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{Song in video: Lumidee - Never Leave You (Uh Oh)}

While Raj, my friends, and I were hanging out, my phone buzzed and I noticed a few text messages from my dad.

"Who's that?" Lauren asked, looking curious.

"My dad," I replied, looking at my texts.

"That's great!" Raj said, smiling at me. "What did he say?"

"He invited Kristen and I over for spring break," I said. I loved both of my parents very much, and enjoyed visiting my dad whenever I got a chance to.

"I'm glad you two are going there for spring break." He grinned.

"You should come too!" I exclaimed, grinning.

"Are you sure? I don't want to intrude..."

"You won't. I'll ask my dad if he's okay with it." I smiled, and then sent my dad a text back. A few minutes later, he texted back. "He said it's fine." I grinned at Raj.

"Oh okay, cool." I could tell he looked nervous about it.

"Don't worry my dad is really nice." I reassured him.

"Okay, if you say so."

"It's true, and he's rich and stuff," Lauren piped up.

I rolled my eyes, and laughed. "Yes it's true, my dad is rich," I said. I didn't brag to people about it, since I'm not that kind of person. My dad wasn't that kind of person either.

"Oh um okay. I don't know what to say to that," Raj said, chuckling.

"It's okay, I wouldn't know either," Felix said, giving Lauren a look.

"What?" Lauren said innocently. "Well it's true, he's rich." She shrugged, taking a bite of her baked potato.

My phone buzzed again. "Hey guys, my dad said that my friends can come over too," I said, grinning.

"Heck yeah, that's awesome! I love your dad's house." Lauren grinned.

"You love his house because he the beach is basically his backyard, and he has his own yacht." I rolled my eyes, and giggled.

"Not true!" She jokingly smacked my arm.

"I can see it's very true," Felix said, chuckling.

"We'll see about that." She pinched his ear.

"Ow! What the heck?!" He rubbed his ear. Raj, Remi, Takara, and I glanced at each other, and laughed. "That's not funny, it hurt!"

"Oh Felix," Takara said, still laughing.

"So you guys want to go to my dad's house during spring break? It'll be fun," I said, looking at them.

"I'd love to but I'm going to visit my grandparents in Wyoming," Remi said.

"And I'm going back to my town to catch up with my friends," Takara said. "I already made plans, I can't ditch them."

"Aw, it's okay, I understand," I said. "So that just leaves Raj, Felix, Lauren, and I."

"Actually, I have a computer convention I need to go to then, but maybe I can visit the last few days of break," Felix said.

"Oh okay, well that will be cool if you can visit at least a few days," I said.

"I think I'll be able to. I'll let you know." He smiled.

"Okay, cool. We're going to have so much fun!" I exclaimed giddily.

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