"You bitch." I say moving towards her as she backs away.

"I won't hit you." I giggle and give her a hug. Tears leave my eyes like they have been stocked there for years.

"Eric.. I missed you so much." Lili sobs.

"Of course you would miss me bitch." I say between my sobs.

"Oh! I see you have grown to be a lot more bold." She chuckles as we untangle each other.

"I love you Eric." She says.

"No I am not buying that, I am still furious at you." I give her the angry look.

"Eria, look I found..." I look at Steve who manages to keep his mouth open as he sees lily, and look so adorable doing that.

"Lily!" He exclaims and walks towards her giving her a hug as well as taking care of the bump.

"Where the hell were you woman?" He says.

"Well, long story. And I really cannot manage to say all that in this freezer. Can we just." He gesture's the place and I nod.

"Yeah! Wait outside, we will just put some more ice-cream, lily." I say emphazing on her name so that she knows I am still pissed off at her.

"Okay! I will wait outside." She says as she moves out. I am sure she noticed that I am alot more upset than she thinks I am. I noticed the american ascent that she got in these 7 months. She looks alot more happier than she was when she left.

"Eria, you okay?"

"Yes Steve. Let's just put them and leave." I say him as we both put some tubes in.

"Eria, you should go with her. I will take all the stuff and place it in the house. I think you should be with her. That is what is more important." Steve says giving a kiss on my cheek.

"Okay. I will call you." I lean in for a kiss and he replies with much more enthusiasm. I quickly pull away knowing what that will result in next.

"Bye Eria." He says, I nod and leave.

I move out of the refrigerator section and see lily waiting for me eating pickles.

"You paid for that?" I ask her.

"Done." She says.

"Okay then come." I mock at her. She gives me the confused expression but follows me.


"So you thought you will just come and I will forgive you?" I say angrily. Lily is just pissing me off more since we came home. She told me all about the guy and the baby. Well I am happy that she returned.

"I know you would." She chuckles.

"Lily this..."

"You stop calling me that Eric. You know I am used to it." She pouts.

"You hurt me lily. You hurt Matt. You hurt your parents. You did hurt my parents." I say and guilt crosses her face.

"I know Eric, but you people should understand my problem. I was just not ready to face anything. Mom dad understands, Matt understands." She says.

"We are best-friends lily, how did you even think that I would not be with you." I say my words showing the hurt I hold.

"Eric, look I am sorry. I know I had no right to hurt you like that, but I had to. If I hadn't I would have never been so much happy than I am now." She says and it makes me happy that she is happy.

"It's okay Li." I say her.

"I am happy that you took this break. I am really happy that you went and sorted things." I say.

"I thought I would have to die to hear that from you." She says.

"I was back yesterday, but I did not have the strength to face you."

"That's okay. I understand. Now tell me all the shit that you went through." I say her as we eat our Vegemite.

"Okay so when I went to U.S. I was quite alone there. I had money you know my bank account had alot of it. But I did not want to use it because then you people would try to locate me and that stuff..." I cut her off.

"Stop. First tell me is it a boy or a girl?" I wink at her and her cheeks turn pink.

"Its a boy." She says.

"Wow! I am so much happy for you Li." I say giving her a hug.

"I am more happy for you. By the way, congratulations for the wedding."

"Thank-you" I blush.

"Yeah! Thank me. Just think Eric who would have been your bridesmaid?" She winks at me.

"You should think how you would look in the dress, like this." I motion towards the baby.

"You bitch." She crossed her hands over her chest.

"Li, I am getting married." I say resting my head behind on the couch and notice her doing the same.

"Eric, I am going to bring a baby out." She says.

"Well, that makes us.." She cuts me off.

"That completes us." She grins.

"Yeah!" I giggle.

Well, that makes us even, I am getting married then li is going to have a baby. Wow! We are best-friends.


Ok, so I don't want much about lily to be spoken here, because there is going to be another book. So we have to go on with the little information, but I hope that is also understood.

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