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Erica's pov

Sacrifice, for say it means, give up (something valued, loved) for the sake of others. But the true meaning of sacrifice, I knew it today. Matt showed me that loving is easy, letting go is the tougher part.

How can you be in love with someone and fall for another at the same time? Well if someone whould have asked me this 4 months ago I would have totally neglected to even think of something like this. But now I know, if you love two people at the same time, or atleast you belive that you love them, there actually you are in love with the second person, because if you loved the first you wouldn't have fallen for the second one.

I am happy, that now I don't have to get married to Matt. I am not selfish, it's just that it was against my will. But still being with Steven, it won't change the guilt I am carrying. I guess it will follow me everywhere. I need time to cope up. And I am sure Steve is going to help me there. I just cannot get out of a wedding and get into a relationship within a day. Who does that?

Yeah! I need time, but as I know that Matt also wishes for me to be with Steve, my guilt feels lighter.

"You were in complete shit, and you did not even let your best-friend know about it.?" Li snaps me out of my thoughts with her angry voice.

"Li, I really am guilty for doing what I did. I mean, look I was just confused, I thought if you would know that I hurt Matt, then you would just leave me. And you know I have so many limited people in my life, and you are very important." I give her the explanation.

"Erica, you are my friend. My best-friend. You were always there when I needed something, when I was in problem. And then you mess up your life so badly and don't even feel to tell your best-friend about it." When she says those words another pang of guilt hits me.

"Look Eric, we are bff's like Forever, and beyond that, it doesn't matter who you choose to be with, what matters is your happiness, yeah I am angry about you ditching Matt, but I know he is going to be okay. And the most important part, like for the first time, I saw you doing something for your happiness, for the first time it's your choice, and you think me and Matt would be against it. Then bitch you are wrong. We totally support you." Tears form in the corner of my eyes. I directly cling on to lily.

"Li, Thank you so much." I sob.

"Eric, Thank you for choosing your happiness" li pats on my back for my achievement. So finally, I take a breath of relief, as lily is not furious at me. Yaay! She is at my place and when she came she did not even speak a word for about an hour. But someone from us had to start.

"Li, come lets have dinner." I say freeing myself from the hug. I notice her face expression change from serious to the Li I know.

"I thought you would never ask. Because I am starving." She lets out a giggle as we both make our way down. As usual my parents have become the Invisible two, I open the fridge.

"Li, what do you want? I mean there is nothing ready to warm up, I need to cook. Tell me what you wanna have?" I ask her closing the fridge. Lily thinks for a while and then something pops in her head.

"Cook, criskin chicken." She says.

"You can order that from the Rockpool." I say. If she want to have that she can really order it.

"You are going to make that." She says.

"Okay, fine. Help me out here." I say as I remove some chicken meat, egg noodles and lots of veggie's.

"Li chop the veggie's." I say and she ties and apron and begins on her talent.

I quickly wash the chicken and clean it and begin with my cooking talents.

In Time. [Completed]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن