Chapter Six: Greyson Blacks face is stupid.

Start from the beginning

I shake my head, "Greyson thats vandalism."

He turns, pulling his arm out of my reach, and starts back to the end of the alley way. I run after him, "I'm not doing this with you."

He stops abruptly making me bump into his chest. He grabs my shoulders to center me, "you are doing this with me actually. But don't worry, no one has touched this car in months, I'm sure no one will catch us. But incase they do," he leans down so his breath caresses my ear, "its a good thing you wore something you can run in."

I shove his away, "I never said I would do illegal acts with you, Black."

He rolls his eyes, "I dont remember you saying that." When he sees that I'm not ammused he grabs my wrist and starts to pull me towards the car, "come on Smiles, it will be fun."


"Don't forget that I have connections with the maintaince crew that have access to the schools sound system. With the push of a button you and Coles secret relationship will be on blast."

Oh I want to kick him. But I know its true. Tayler Finkler does the morning annoucements every day and just last month I saw Taylor and Greyson snuggiling up in the schools library. It was gross and I threw a book at his head. He wasn't to happy.

He stops infront of a dirty red beat up Honda with a smug grin on his face. Were still in the alley but if someone was to drive by on the main road they would definitly see us. This is risky. I don't want to do this.

But I have no other choice.

"I hate you."

He smirks at me, "love you too Smiles. Now you ready for this?"


He pops the cap of the purple spray can and shakes it, "well better get ready."

I reluctantly open up the eggs, "this is a really bad idea, Greyson."

He tilts his head and grabs an egg putting one in my hand before picking up my hand with his and throwing it at the car with me. It splatters on the broken windsheild in a blast of pink paint.

"They're filled with paint?" I ask in disbelief.

He nods with a small smile, "all different colors, love."

That was actually really fun. I look up and down the alley way before throwing another one with a laugh. Greyson goes and starts spray painting big lines along the side.





In no time were both laughing and I've completely forgotten that I'm doing something illegal right now.


I look up mid throw with wide eyes. A guy, rouchly the size of the abominal snowman, is running down the alley way towards us with angry eyes.

And I just stand there.

"Shit," Greyson says from somewhere next to me. I don't realize I'm being pulled before I hear Greyson talking in my ear, "Skyler. Run!"

The fog finally clears and I find myself running hand and hand with Greyson towards the car. My heart is beating so fast and for some unknowable reason I feel more alive then I've ever felt. I actually feel myself smiling.

I look back to see the guy still chasing after us but I also catch what Greyson had been writing.


Caught up with the Bad Boy {COMPLETE!}Where stories live. Discover now