Knight's Story

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Hmm. Well I didn't seem to have seen that coming. I guess this is the story of how I came to be...dead. I'm pretty sure that my childhood was quite a fucked up one seeing as I come from an alcoholic father and a mother that was to scared to leave him for money issues that aren't mentioning. You know the typical sad sap of a story where the little boy is left alone in his own world and he has to learn to grow up at an early stage of his life to protect his mom and suffer beatings and such.

But I'll spare you the details. I'll flashback to the time, a particular time, where I was actually happy for once in my life and everything seem to have stood still and lasted a life time in my mind. Every time I replay that moment I just want to freeze and embrace that moment for what it was.

The ravishing colors of greens, pinks, blues and the aroma of cinnamon and vanilla filled my nostrils to an enriching enhancement of my senses.

And then there was a girl. You're probably thinking "Oh you must have fallen in love and lived together and something happened blah blah blah ," No.

Nothing like that occurred back then, but a simple friendship, or so I thought. To my surprise, my father wanted a change of scenery and soon after he said that he had already packed our bags for us and moved out of our rickety old apartment and into the little town of Oakwood Valley.

My father apparently got a job there as a hardware store manager because he's so handy with the tools that their willing to pay him 12 dollars on the hour. I remember going through town and wondering off... and that's when I meet her. She was such a lively person and then it hit me, when did I come into a gorgeous garden to match her beauty? This is how my most fond memory began. 

She had invited me to go to her party and that's how I got caught off guard. She was so friendly that her smile captivated me. I felt like I have been dead for years and that she revived me to a whole new me. 

Now that I think about it.... I never even asked her name and she even invited me to her birthday party... I feel completely bad for disappearing like that. I wonder how everything was? And the weird part was that even though it was such a small town, I never saw at school again. I wondered if that was her last day? I have so many things on my mind that I just can't deal with the damn mysteries.

Flash Forward Seven Years

My grades are absolutely the worst, yet the best in the district. You may wonder why and that's because no one ever bothers to even learn the material and I at least try. The problem is that I can't seem to grasp some of the material that is handed down to us, so basically it's just hard for me to learn because the school's system sucks. It needs more attention to it. But then again it's this economies fault, but whatever what could I do about it?

At any rate, I'm back t my old apartment, living with my parents, and it's getting worse by the minute.

Gah! I only wished I could see that girl again. All I can remember was her enchanting smile of hers and her kindness. I feel so ignorant for not asking her name and even if we did meet, we might not even recognize each other, or perhaps just her, she might not recognize me.

And today out of all days my dad has to bring home a harlot while he knows how my mom get hysterical. I hate this family. But today seems as though it's different. It's different because of the atmosphere. Something was off, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

I go into the bathroom to got some Vicodin to sooth my nerves and that's when it hits me.... The bottle is gone. To which I come to realize that my mother is wanting to commit suicide in god knows where!

I really hate my life more than ever.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2013 ⏰

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