Chapter 16 - Captain Jack Fellow

Start from the beginning

As I walk towards the crib, Ferris turns around and my smile disappears when I see it.

"Oh, Ferris, it went through your jammies," I reach to pick her up but I stop because it's everywhere. "Hold on, Love."

Ferris starts crying as I walk over to the changing table and I hold my breath so I don't gag. I grab a bundle of wipes and walk back over. I take off her pajamas and wipe her hands, her hair, her dolly and the sheets.

Fatherhood at its finest.

"Okay, Love," I pick her up and set her down on the rug. "Stay right here, please."

"My dolly, Dadda," Ferris cries as I walk over to her window and open it to air out her room.

"Dolly is going to take a bath, just like you," I say in a fun voice, gathering the soiled items. "C'mon, Love, follow me."

With Ferris in tow, I walk to the laundry closet in the hallway and drop the items in the washing machine. I turn the dial to the smallest cycle and pour in some detergent while making funny faces at Ferris who's on the brink of having a meltdown.

"Dolly's taking her bath, so let's take yours, yeah?" I reach for her hand and she pulls away, vocalizing her disapproval. I suppress my frustration with all that I have in me and take her hand and the five-foot walk to the loo feels like an eternity. "It's okay, Ferris."

I turn on the bathtub faucet and let it fill a few inches while I take off Ferris' diaper. Trying to hide my disgust so I don't hurt her feelings, I clean her with a baby wipe and she starts crying even harder.

"What's wrong, Ferris?" I kindly ask as I wrap the soiled items in the trash bag to take downstairs later.

Ferris starts crying louder, stomping her little feet and I blow out a deep breath to keep my shit together.

Something tells me this bath time isn't going to be enjoyable. Ferris is no stranger to temper tantrums but they never last this long and she's usually not this difficult to console.

What's wrong with my little girl?

"Tell me about Barney, Love," I say to get her mind elsewhere while I turn off the faucet and test the water.

"No," Ferris mutters through her tears.

"Alright, let's take a bath, Love," I pick her up and gently set her in the bathtub, hoping the warm water will calm her down but it doesn't.

While crocodile tears roll down her cheeks, I prepare her washcloth with some bubble bath. I begin washing Ferris and sing the Barney song to distract her but dammit all, it doesn't work.

Think, Harry, think.

After I rinse off the soap, I get a few toys and play with them to earn Ferris' interest.

"Choo chooooo!" I sing while making the plastic boat skim the water and I roll my eyes. "What the he- uhem, this is a boat, not a train. Dadda's so silly!"

Even my stupidity doesn't win her over. She's just not happy right now and it breaks my heart and infuriates me that I can't fix whatever's wrong.

After I shampoo and rinse her hair, I drain the tub, all the while listening to my baby crying.

"Let's get you dried off, Love," I hold her hands and she stands up, coughing through her tears. I take her pink towel from the counter and wrap it around her. I stand up, taking Ferris with me and I kiss her cold, wet cheek. "Wasn't that bath fun, Ferris?"

"No," she pouts, letting her head fall on my shoulder and I just hold her that much closer to me.

As I walk back to her room, I feel helpless. I don't have a clue what the hell's wrong with her and it kills me.

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