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***Lucas' P. O. V***

I cocked my head to the side as I focused on the whispers.  They we're trying to tell me something,  but they we're talking at the same time. Then one voice popped out at me.

The basement...take me there.

I got up and walked towards the door,  without saying another word.

"Where are you going?" Brianne's sweet voice brought me back to reality.

"I found him." Closing the door,  I ran down the stairs,  skipping three steps at a time.

When I reached the basement doors,  I stopped. I remember the last time I was here. An image  of Brianne's bloody,  and mangled body laying on the floor. 

I pushed the image away and opened the door. I checked every room in the long hallways until I reached the last one. 

The same room Brianne crawled out of: barely alive.

The vines that wrapped around the room we're still there. If it weren't for her powers,  she wouldn't be here right now.

"You found me."

I swung my head around and found Erebus standing behind the door.

"That is what it seems."

"How did you find me,  Hades?"

"Why are you here,  Erebus?"

"I presume Persephone has told you already?"

"Yes,  but she has already made her decision. So what are you still doing here?"

"She will change her mind."

"You seem so sure."

"I know she will change her mind. Because I can give her something you can't."

"And what exactly is that?"

"Protection. Isn't this the very room she almost lost her life in? Where we're you when this happened?"

I sucked in a breath as rage took over me. "You have no idea what really happened here."

"Don't I? I've been watching Persephone for a long time now. I know her weaknesses,  she will be mine."

"No I won't." Brianne's voice frightened me.

I rushed over to her side."Brianne,  what are you doing down here? You need to rest, you are hurt."

"I'm fine, Lucas. Just weak."

"How did you know I was down here?"

"I had a feeling." She looked at Erebus. "Erebus,  I already told you,  I'm not leaving." She said finally.

"You still have two days for me to change your mind."

"I will not change my answer. But you cannot stay here."

"You wish for me to leave?"

"Yes!  That's what I wanted the moment you walked into our home." Our home. My heart warmed at those two simple words.

"OK,  I will leave for the time being.  But I will be back.  You will know where to find me."

I pulled Brianne hard against me as Erebus walked out of the door and out of our home.

I kissed her forehead and looked down into her frightened eyes. "Don't worry,  everything is going to be fine." I assured her. 


***Brianne's P. O. V***

My mind has never been scattered to this extent before.  It was hard for me to think with all of this new information.

Erebus has taken over my whole thought process. His warnings,  his deadlines,  his whole persona.

My mind is so full of worry,  I've been pacing our bedroom.  Back and forth in front of the bed.  Lucas was sitting there trying to comfort me: but it's only making it worse.

"Baby,  what are you so worried about? You already said you're not leaving. So why are you pacing?"

"If I decline his offer to go with him...what will happen? What is he hurts someone until I change my mind? What if he uses someone against me?!" I started to panic.

"He is trying to get in your head. If you let him,  then he wins. He can't win. Who knows what he'll do."

"I can't help it. Ever person I thought I loved ended up using the ones I love against me! I can't help but think what they'll do this time. They can hurt me all they want. But they need to leave my family alone. I'd rather suffer with the pain than let someone hurt my family!" I kicked the couch at the edge of the bed and smashed my toe, I yelped in pain.

"Stop Brianne! You don't need to sacrifice yourself for us. We all work together, we make sure no one gets hurt."

"But someone has to get hurt.  I'd rather it be me."

"Brianne, stop talking like that please. No one needs to get hurt. You cannot put yourself out there like that.  It makes you a bigger target."

"A bigger target?!  I'm already the biggest target out there! I'm the biggest freak out there! I just want to be normal. I want the life of not knowing.  I was happy with my parents,  I was happy with the thought of being normal. I never signed up for this."

"You are not a freak!" Lucas stood up and took a few steps forward.  "No one really signs up for something like this. You are like this for a reason. No one else could handle this role like you could." He took another step towards me; backing me up against the wall. "And besides,  normal can be boring."

"Yes,  because I think being pursued by a god is totally fun. Worrying about what he'll do if I decline his offer. Letting him in my head because he won't stay the hell out!"

"We will be there when you let him down. He won't harm you or or family.  I promise."

I nodded,  hoping that everything would be okay. I wanted to pretend that everything was prefect for just a few moments.  I lay down with Lucas,  talking and laughing until we both fell asleep with the reassuring sound of our hearts beating in unison.


Hades & Persephone

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