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I could tell by the tone in Lucas' voice meant we were in trouble. And there was no way out of it. Hopefully we wouldn't have to fight our way through, unless we absolutely have to.

"Get in the tree." Lucas said.

"Get in the tree? Lucas, do you realize this is a willow tree? There are not a lot of stable branches to stay on."

"Just get in the tree and don't come out until they're gone!" He demanded.

I raised my hands in surrender and let Rachel climb up the tree first. I followed suit and pushed myself to go faster when I heard the footsteps getting louder. Rachel was sitting on a sturdy branch with bags in her eyes. She was scared.

"Sta andando tutto bene Rachel."<It's going to be okay Rachel.>

"Lo so, ho solo paura. Io non voglio morire." <I know, I'm just scared. I don't want to die.>

"Noi sopravvivere a questo." <We will survive this.>

She nodded her head and stared straight ahead. The pounding of feet stopped and in front of Lucas stood three wild animals. One was a jaguar, one wolf, and a fox. Lucas stood human and unwavering in front of them. The animals shifted, revealing their human bodies. The man that changed from a jaguar stepped up towards Lucas.

"Dov'è la ragazza?" he asked. <Where is the girl?>

"è scappata dalle mani di questa mattina." <She escaped from my hands this morning.>

"How did that happen?"

"She caught me off guard and knocked me out."

"I don't see any bruises."

"Did you forget we heal fast?" Lucas shot back.

"But it takes longer to heal if hurt by another shapeshifter. Especially one as powerful as her."

I sure hope he wasn't talking about me.


Aaaaand... he was talking about me.

My adrenaline was pumping hard and fast through my veins. My body made up its own plan before my mind could say no. But it was already too late to think about it. I swung my legs over and flipped upside down; still hanging from the tree.

I looked at the party who wished to accompany me. "Looking for me?" I asked innocently but planted a sultry smile on my face.

"Brianne, baby. Just the one I've been looking for." I scowled at the pet names. "Lucas, boss will be very disappointed to know you lied to me. Why did you even bother?"

Before Lucas could say something, I cut him off. "I requested he told not a soul I was with him. Now, who are you and why do you wish for my presence?"

"I have been ordered to bring you to my boss. My name is-,"

"Never mind, I don't care. Who is your boss?" I asked.

"That information is classified."

"Well then, I shall not go with you to meet your boss."

"Who said you had a choice in the matter?" he ground out.

"Well, aren't you rude. And it doesn't matter if someone doesn't give me a choice in the matter. I'm my own person. I do what I want. So if your boss wants to meet me that bad, then tell him I said to teach his henchman some manners. And maybe i'll consider it." And with that I sat back up in the tree; disappearing from their view. I listened close and heard Lucas laughing.

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