*Birthday Ball pt~2*

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"I can't dance." I said lamely.

"I'll teach you." He said and planted a kiss on my cheek.

We danced for a few moments, enjoying each others company. We whispered in each others ears and laughed at each other.

Lucas twirled me in circles then dipped me, making me blush on the way back up. Then I saw someone's hand land on Lucas' shoulder.

"May I have a dance?" a very deep and husky voiced asked.

We turned around and looked at the stranger. I gasped as a vision flashed in my mind. Black wings, dark skies, and orange eyes. Then I remembered him.

He was the one in my nightmares, the one I had forgotten about. He never told me his name, but I somehow knew it.


He found me. Just like he said he would.

But why is he really here?


I was scared. I was finally happy, until he walked in and asked for a dance. I couldn't stop staring in his gold eyes. They were captivating. It as hard to focus on anything else.

The corners of his lips curved up in a menacing smile- revealing perfect white teeth. His eyes continued to observe me, I felt vulnerable and scared.

"Who are you exactly?" Lucas' voice broke me out of my trance. 

"Sincere apologies, I have not introduced myself. My name is-,"

"Erebus." I finished off in a whisper.

"Ah, so you do know me?"

"How could I not?" My confused mind was finally registering what was happening. Different emotions went through my head, but finally settled on anger.

"Well, let me get more familiar with you. How about a dance?"

Lucas looked at me questionably. I nodded my head in assurance as he backed off the dance floor. I mouthed an 'I love you' and he smiled.

Erebus rested his hand on my waist and gripped it firmly while holding my other hand in his. Resting my hand on his shoulder, I couldn't think of anything else other than moving my hand closer to his neck and squeezing...

"I would appreciate it if you would not use my true name. I don't want anyone to figure out I'm here. You see, I'm not supposed to be here."

"I can tell. Why exactly are you here then?"

"For you."

"What do you mean?"

"I need you to come back home. With me."

"My home is here. Not with you, but with Lucas. Where he goes, I go. So please leave, cause I'm not."

"See that will not do." Erebus twirled and dipped me. His lips only inches away. "You need to come back with me. We can live a longer, happier life together. If you just say yes."


"So quick to decide. I will give you three days. Every night, I will enter your dreams. But until then, choose wisely." He lifted me back up and twirled me around. When I stopped, he was gone.

I looked around for Lucas and when I didn't find him, I left the room. I ran towards the kitchen, suddenly feeling very thirsty. A few maids asked if I was alright, but I kept running.

I finally made it into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge. I downed the whole bottle and threw it away. I walked over to the island and stretched my arms out.

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