*Day out*

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***Above is Brianne's outfit for the special even about to happen in next chapter!***

"Wake up, Amore." I heard a husky voice whisper in my ear before I felt kisses along my cheek.

"I don't wanna." I groaned out.

"I know you don't. I don't want you to either. I would rather sit here and watch you sleep." More soft, butterfly like kisses.

I snuggled closer into Lucas' chest an tried to go back asleep. But he wouldn't have it.

"Svegliati, Amore." <Wake up, Love.> Lucas trailed more kisses along my jawline and planted kisses on the corner of my mouth. I turned my face to catch his lips but he left me hanging, chuckling at my frustration.

I popped my eyes open and glared playfully at Lucas. He chuckled and leaned in closer to me. I closed the space between us and kissed him ferociously.

He moved his arm to hold me closer, but I was too fast- I jumped away, laughing at his frustration. I walked to the closet and put on a pair of black shorts that showed my curves and a floral, beige, ruffled tank top.

I walked out the door of the closet, looking for my shoes and walked right into Lucas. 

"Significare." Lucas growled and grabbed my hips. <Mean.>

I laughed and he grabbed my chin, leaning my head up to find his lips. His kiss was slow but demanding. My arms wove themselves around his neck and his hands rubbed up and down my back. He squeezed the back of my neck and his hands traveled down slowly, not stopping.

Then I felt Lucas' hand slowly travel over my butt and stop there. A few seconds later, he playfully slapped it and pulled away.

"Your shoes are under the bed." I chuckled and moved from his embrace. I spotted my shoes under the corner of the bed and bent over to pick them up-  feeling the a hard object in my back  pocket.

I furrowed my brows and grabbed the object. It was a credit card.

Why was there a credit card in my pocket.


I laughed. When Lucas kissed me, he put the card in my pocket. I faced him.

"Why do I need this?"

"There's a ball tomorrow. A masquerade ball. Go buy anything you want."

"No, I can't accept this. I have money in my savings account. It's enough to buy what I need." I tried to give back the card.

"I will not take no for an answer." Lucas grabbed the card, put a hand on my waist and pulled me closer. "Your aunt, Alma and Rachel are taking you shopping to grab dresses for all of you. I rented out the best dress store in Milan, you pick whatever you want from there. Everything you need for the party. And, don't look at the price please, I got it all covered." Lucas rested his hand on my back and slid the card back into my pocket. I opened my mouth to say more. "Please don't fight me on this."

I nodded my head, smiled and planted a swift kiss on his lips. I walked over to the bed and put my Adidas on my feet, then Lucas dragged me downstairs into the kitchen.

I walked in the door and found Aunt Maggie, Alma and Rachel. I gave all of them hugs and fell beside Lucas. "Whats for breakfast?" I asked.

"We are going to have breakfast while we are out. If that's okay?" Alma asked.

We all nodded our heads in agreement and I listened to the plans today. We were going to go eat breakfast, head to the shoppe where our dresses were- which would most likely take almost all day- eat at whatever time it would be when we were done, and head home.

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