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It's been a week since I had told Lucas about my painful past. Our relationship has progressed since then too. Over the week I have learned a lot about him too. One major thing was that he has a short temper, just like Mark had said.

Speaking of Mark, I only saw him a few times since the day Ace came and tried to kidnap me. He would nod his head every time he saw me but never approached to start a conversation. I also noticed that he'd been hanging around Rachel a lot more.

Rachel, Lucas and I had a lot of fun this week. Lucas gave us the grand tour of the mansion. Rachel said her favorite part of the house was the pool and jet stream hot tub out back with surrounding gardens. My favorite part of the mansion was the huge library and I got called a nerd for it.

But my new favorite place to hang out is the gardens out back. The other day I was feeling a little stressed and wanted to relax, so I ran to the library and grabbed a book then headed for the benches in the middle of the garden maze.

Sometimes Lucas would find me there and cuddle on the bench with me and read to me as I fall asleep. He said the gardens were his favorite place to relax too. He told me he would come back here and find me wandering around, so he would sit in the shadows and watch me.

So this morning I was not expecting a early wake up call. Lucas had woken me up fifteen minutes ago and told me to get dressed in some comfy clothes. Right now its six-o'clock in the morning. I heard the word training when he woke me up so I didn't bother with showering since I figured I would need one later.

I had no clothes here since I left everything at my house in a hurry to escape the cops. I opened the double doors and walked in. I would never get used to surveying the beautiful arrangement of clothing. The walk in closet was organized perfectly so I could find anything I wanted. On one side hung pants and skirts, while shoes rested on the huge shelves next to it. On the other side were shirts, blouses and beautiful dresses that looked very expensive. On the far wall were shelves and a couple jackets hanging up over them. I opened the shelves under the jackets and displayed the lace bras and boy shorts to match them.

I grabbed a dark purple vra and panty set and threw them on. Then I found some black leggings and a grey short sleeved shirt that had strings tied up the chest then put those on. I was a nice C-cup so my chest area was exposed a little bit. But not too much to make it look like I was desperate. I grabbed the leather jacket hanging up and looked through the shoes and found some white adidas.

After putting everything on I walked to the vanity in the huge bathroom and grabbed the brush then ran it through my hair. I've only been here a week and I'm already spoiled by the luxury of this place. I finished brushing my teeth and ran downstairs into the kitchen and greeted Lucas with a swift kiss on his lips, pulling away before he could grab me. I chuckled as he growled and I walked over to hug Rachel.

I leaned down and rested my fore arms on the island. "What's for breakfast?" I asked.

"You're gonna need your energy today so eat up." Lucas replied, handing me a huge plate of food.

I ate my eggs, sausage,pancakes and hash browns and when I was done I felt like I gained ten pounds. We all sat in the dining room and talked for a little bit before Lucas told Rachel and I to meet him outside in fifteen.

"So...what's going on between you two?" Rachel asked me.

"Do you know how stupid that question was?" I laughed and she widened her eyes. "What's going on with you and Mark...?"

"Oh, you know, the usuall."

"That doesn't help me out, you know?" I laughed.

"You will see soon enough."

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