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"Wait... why the rebels territory?" I asked Lucas.

"Because, your parents were a part of the rebels. They were the leaders and now that they are gone... your taking over."

"Ok, I'mma need you to start over from the beginning... because I'm pretty sure Bri is as confused as I am." Rachel said.

Lucas nodded as he guided us through the woods. It was getting lighter outside as the sun started to rise in the sky.

"Your parents founded the rebels because our shapeshifting council was doing bad things. They put up laws for all of us to follow by, but they weren't following them themselves. They murdered for fun or without reason. So when you parents found out, they rebelled. They create their own council so they could stop them from doing this. Your parents were so close to over throwing them. They had all the evidence they needed to get rid of them and put everyone on the rebel's side. Word caught on to the council somehow and they killed your parents."

"So then... who is Ace's boss and what does he want with me?"

"No one knows who he is. But everyone knows who Ace is, and when he mentions his boss he means business. He knows about your shapeshifting linage and, no doubt, wants to use you as a weapon to take down the council and the rebels."

"Then we need to make s-sure that he d-doesn't get her." Rachel shivered.

I walked closer to Rachel and wrapped my arms around her shoulders to comfort and warm her. "How are you guys not c-cold?" She asked.

"Shapeshifters don't feel weather as much as humans do. It doesn't bother us."

"I guess the cold never b-bothered you anyway..." Rachel sang as I chuckled.

"What did Ace mean back there? A powerful shapeshifter? Was he talking about me?"


"Does that mean I'm a shapeshifter too?"

"Yes, you are a shapeshifter too."

"My mom said that I come from a powerful bloodline, is that what she meant?"

"Yes, but there is more to it. I will explain everything elseto you when we get to our destination." I nodded as we contiued our way down a hill.

I looked over at Rachel when I heard her exhale a shakey breath. Even in her huge coat she looked like she was freezing, it didnt help that we slept a few hours out in the snow. Even though we found a spot that wasnt covered in it. She shivered and I noticed her lips were tinted blue and she was as pale as the snow that lay on the ground.

"Lucas, abbiamo bisogno di fare in fretta!" I said. <Lucas, we need to hurry!>

One look at Rachel and he nodded. "There is a road down there. I'll call my buddy and ask if he'll come and get us."

We walked for another ten minutes and finally found a road. It was very secluded, not many cars had passed us and when they did they ignored us. We walked along the road for another twenty minutes and found a gas station. Rachel sighed in relief. We ran to the gas station and barged in the front doors.

"Do you have a phone?" Lucas asked.

"Yes, over there," he pointed to the back of the store. "Is everything alright?"

"We are fine. Thank you." Lucas said. The man nodded and continued to stare at me and Rachel.

Lucas mumbled some words into the phone as I tried to warm Rachel up some more. After a few shared muffled words Lucas came over and told us that someone is going to pick us up in a few. I looked at Rachel, now sitting on the floor, and was glad we got here when we did. Just a few more minutes out there and she would have been gone. I shivered at the thought, I could never imagine living life without my best friend.

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