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We were down in the kitchen when the police showed up. We all stopped, looked at each other and bolted towards the back door, trying to make as little noise as possible. Lucas lead us into the woods and we ran for what seemed like forever, then Lucas stopped.

"Lucas what are you doing?! We need to keep moving! They'll catch us." I barked at him.

"We aren't going to get away from them fast enough, but I have an idea." the expression on his face was borderline fear and hesitation. "Just don't scream ok? If you scream, were dead." I looked at Rachel, her eyebrows disappearing in her hairline. "Got it?" we nodded.

He quickly moved his arms and his shirt was gone.

"Ok! What part of your plan requires you to strip? How will that do us any good?" I asked.

"It won't, but this will."

He stood there, shirtless, in a pair of jeans, as his body seemed to ripple. His form started to change into something bigger. I heard the sounds of bones popping out of place as they twisted in his body. His knees buckled and twisted as they turned into what looked like an animals hind legs. A sleek, dull orange color fur coated his body and a tail sprouted behind him as spots covered his body. When he looked at me, I found that his face had elongated into a snout and whiskers sprouted around his nose. His bright blue eyes shining back at me. He stretched his mouth out and I saw long fangs that replaced his human canine teeth.

I sat there, dumbfounded, and looked at what used to be Lucas. What was going on here? Im going crazy, thats whats going on.

Lucas advanced towards us and my feet stayed rooted in place. When I didn't move towards him he rubbed his body on my legs, telling me it was ok. I slowly reached down to pet him and he nudged my hand.

I heard the distant yells of policemen and Lucas walked behind me and forced himself between my knees, telling me to sit down. Rachel followed me and once she sat down, he sped through the woods.

The more he ran the further the voices sounded. How I heard them...? That was another mystery. At some point Lucas stopped, Rachel and I climbed off and let Lucas rest. We had stopped under a huge willow tree facing a frozen clear water lake. My adrenaline rush had finally gone away, and i just realized how cold it was outside. It wasnt as bad as earlier tonight though. I looked at Rachel and found her shivering in her huge bubble Channel coat. I walked to the willow tree and found a patch of dry grass with out snow. We sat down and hudded together.

I found myself staring out in the dark night sky. The full moon alluminating the tiny stars that littered the sky.

I was so lost in my thoughts, I didn't realize I was crying until Rachel came over and wiped my eyes. She snuggled up to me and made me lay my head on her shoulder.

"Sta andando tutto bene." Rachel said to me. <It's going to be okay>

"Sei sicuro?" <Are you sure?>

"Yes. You will get through this Bri."

I nodded as Rachel squeezed my shoulders. I heard big foot steps and
I opened my eyes to see Lucas, in jaguar form still, stalk towards me. He stopped in front of me and laid down next to me, lying his head down on my knee and closing his eyes.

I knew I shouldn't feel safe out in the open. Especially with my parents' killers out there, probably hunting me down too. But at this moment, I knew Rachel and I would be safe. All because of Lucas and my parents.

I couldn't help but think about Lucas as I sat there. He was a sleep on my knee, peacefully dreaming. Do jaguars dream? What if I'm one of them? What ever they were. Could I handle what was in store for me? Or would I run, tail tucked in between my legs?

What if I become something other than what I want to be? Something that will destroy us all.


I woke up to the sound of a distant growling. And of course, nothing good ever comes out of that. I tensed up and tried to pry my eyes open. When my eyes wouldnt open, I made the dumbest decision I've ever made.

I started swinging.

I swung my fist around like a wild man, trying to hit my target. Whatever it was, that is. I jumped up and ran a few yards when my hands never reached contact with anything. When I thought I was safe enough, I turned around and found my best friend and Lucas staring at me like I was a lunatic.

"Uh, Bri? Are you ok?" She asked me.

"You didn't hear the growling?"

"There is no one around to growl." Lucas said.

"I swear, someone was growling. And I could tell they were not happy." I said.

"Posso fare un controllo perimetrale. Se ti piace?" He said to me. <I can do a perimeter check. If you like?>

"You speak Italian?" I said shocked.

"Sì. It is the language of the shapeshifters. It is where we originated."


"Oh yeah, I still need to explain some things to you."

"Just check to make sure no one is around. Please." Lucas nodded his head and shifted. But he didn't shift completely. I saw small changes in his form that made him even more handsome.

I didn't really focus on his appearance when we first met. But know that I look at him, and I mean really look at him, he's nice on the eyes. He had messy brownish black hair, ice blue eyes and strong but soft features. He had a strong body, and being shirtless proved it.

When I realized I had been checking him out, I blushed furiously and turned away; trying to listen to anything else that might be around.

I started to panic when I heard the pounding of multiple feet hitting the ground. Lucas must have heard it the same time I did because he looked at me with a scared expression.

"Brianne was right. We have company."


A/N~ The picture above is Brianne.

I thought it would be easier for you guys if I put the translations next to the foreign words instead of guessing or going all the way down to the bottom. So try and refresh he last chapters (if you want) and it will change.

~Hades & Persephone

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