*My past*

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***Lucas' P.O.V***

I was in shock. At first when Brianne turned around I thought she was going to leave, to refuse to talk about her past but she didn't. She lifted the back of her shirt all the way up to the top of her shoulder blades. What I saw brought tears to my eyes.

Brianne had so many scars. They were rough, jagged looking scars all over every inch of her back. My guess would have been that she was whipped until she almost died from the pain. I couldn't imagine what she went through.

Did her parents know? I'm sure Rachel knew.

I know I've been hard on her this past day. I was furious with Christian earlier that morning because he asked me to track someone down for him. When he said Brianne's name, I acted like I didn't know her so I could figure out why he wanted her. And when she walked in I saw the look on her face. She hated the man, but she mostly feared him.

It made me wonder what he did to her.

And somewhere in me I knew that Christian did this to her.

I was gonna kill him.

I had been meaner to her because she wouldn't tell me about her past. I knew she wanted to but she refused to do it. Now I understand why.

I felt really bad for yelling at her now. I pushed her away thinking that I could protect her.
But I was wrong.

Oh, so wrong.

***Brianne's P.O.V***

I had just showed the most painful part of my past to Lucas. He didn't say a word afterwards either. He stood there with sympathy in his eyes and I hated it. He was cruel to me for twenty-four hours and know that I show him my scars, he's suddenly nicer to me?

I huffed out a harsh breath and turned around to leave but stopped when I heard his plea.

"Wait, don't leave."

"I don't need your sympathy, Lucas."

"I know you don't. Just hear me out."

I nodded and tuned back around to face him. "Why are you all of a sudden being so nice to me?"

"You're right, I've been so mean to you and I'm sorry. I want you to be safe. I didn't want to be that way with you but I had too. I thought that if I pushed you away the strong feelings I had for you would go away and I could protect you better. But I realized that I was wrong. The strong feelings I had for you drove me to protect you more. When I found that Christian had hit you, I lost it."

I was stunned. Did he just admit to me that he felt something for me? I walked over to him and sat down next to him on the bed.

"Did Christian do that to you?" He was referring to my scars.

"Yes." I choked out and felt a tear slip down my cheek.

"Will you tell me?"

I nodded and took a deep breath. "You may not like this. No scratch that, you won't like what I have to say but please be patient and don't get mad at me." he nodded and I continued. "A couple years ago, I met Christian at the school I was previously at. We were good friends. It was always us three. Me, Christian and Rachel. Then one day he fell for me, we dated for a while and I started to fall for him too. Or at least I thought he fell for me. One day, after almost three months of dating I went to his house. I figured out that he was an orphan and lived alone. He had no family and his neighbors were out of town so we were completely alone. He said he had something in the basement he had to bring upstairs so he told me to stay upstairs and he would be right back. Then I heard a loud noise and him call out in pain. I hollered his name but he said he was fine but I heard the pain in his voice, so I ran down there and couldn't find him."

I sniffled and stopped talking for a minute. I took a deep breath and continued with the story. "I don't know what happened next. I just knew that I was standing in the middle of the room and the next, I was chained to a wall. Christian beat me. He stripped me down and left me freezing down there. Then I tried to escape. He found me and whipped me until I passed out. I screamed until my lungs burnt and when I woke back up the paramedics were trying to wake me up. I was missing for a week, even though it felt like years. My parents did everything they could to try and find me."

"I remember that. Both of your parents looked like they haven't slept in days." Lucas said.

"It took me months to heal correctly. I was in excruciating pain for so long. I hate Christian, Lucas." I broke down and cried in Lucas' arms. He held me tightly and whispered in my ear that everything would be okay. He said he wouldn't let Christian or anyone touch me again.

Lucas suddenly got up and moved to the other side of the bed and pulled the covers back. He lay down and pulled me with him. I snuggled against the warmth in his chest and my heart did its little dance.

We looked into each others eyes as we lay there. An alarming thought came across my mind and I had to speak to Lucas about it.

"Where is Christian now?" My breathing increased and my heart pounded in my chest.

Lucas rubbed my arm and looked into my eyes. "He's gone, Brianne. I promise." I nodded and he continued. "This morning, Christian came here to ask me a favor. He asked me to track you so he could see you again. I argued with him and told him that my tracking skills were long gone. Then you walked in the door. I saw the mischievous gleam in his eye and I saw the fear in yours. I knew he was trouble."

"How do you know him?"

"He is an old friend of mine. We actually grew up together but I drifted away when he started getting into trouble. I wanted no part of it. I owed him a favor and he asked me to fulfill it."

"We need to talk."

"Isn't that what we are doing?" Lucas chuckled.

"Yes but, we need to talk about the kiss."

"I didn't think we needed to. I know your feelings towards me and you know my feelings towards you. So we don't need to figure things out."

"So does that mean I can do it again when ever I want?" I asked and laughed.

"Of course!" He laughed and leaned into me.


A/N~ So I was going to let you guys ponder on what was going to happen next and wait to update but I wanted to be nice and got bored so here ya go!

I want to try and get to 10-15 votes by friday! It would be so awesome! Lets keep the reading going!

Vote and comment!

~Hades & Persephone

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