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***Lucas' P.O.V***

My meetings had gone terribly slow tonight. It was so hard to focus on everything my uncle had said to me while I was thinking about other matters. Brianne.

I couldn't get her out of my head all night and it was driving me crazy. The woman was driving me crazy.

So when I got home I headed straight for the third floor and heard the loud, joyous laugh of Brianne and Rachel. I walked a little bit faster to her door but when Rachel spoke up, I stopped.

"Do you like him? Lucas I mean." Rachel asked.

There was a pregnant pause.

"I know it's only been a couple days, but I see the way he looks at you and you at him. You may not realize it just yet, but I know how you feel about him. I can see it every time you look at each other." She spoke up. "So, do you like him?"

 I heard her sigh. "Honestly, I don't know. My emotions around him are all over the place, I don't exactly know how I feel."

"The night we got here, before we got here, I saw you guys arguing outside of the car. And when you got in the car you were crying. I saw the broken and hurt look in your eyes. What happened?"

"Lucas and Mike were arguing with these two guys while we were sleeping. They woke me up when one of them yelled. I went out there to see what was going on and found out that Lucas was keeping more things from me. He yelled at me and I walked off. To be honest, Rach... It hurt so much when he yelled at me. You know how I am when people yell at me, I get angry and yell back. But this was different. It hurt. And when he caught up with me I was so hurt and angry I walked off again. I guess some part of me wanted him to follow me. And when he didn't... I was hurt all over again."

My heart broke and I felt something like hope flutter through me.

"Is what your feeling any different from what you felt for with him?" Rachel asked hesitantly.

"This feeling is so much different. I feel different. Better. Safe." My heart jumped and I sucked in a breath. "I guess I never thought about my feelings. My life is a living nightmare. I guess I was more worried about getting my hands on my parent's murderer."

She broke down and it hurt me to hear her cry. I was opening the door to go in and comfort her when Mike walked up to me and whispered something in my ear.

"We need to go. Security has been breached."

Mike and I ran down the hallway, leaving the girls behind.


"What's going on?!" I yelled when we got down the stairs.

"Security has been breached, sir." Answered one of the guards.

"Yes, I know that but by who?" I demanded.

"We are not sure, sir. We are working on that now."

"Mike, help them out while I go get the girls."

I had reached the third floor when Rachel bumped into me, making me stumble. She looked up at me and broke down. I opened my mouth to speak but she interrupted me.

"Bri won't w-wake up!" She yelled and tugged on my arm, tears trailing down her cheeks.

I didn't need any help. I bolted down the hallway and into the room. I rushed over to Brianne and tried to shake her awake. No response. I checked her pulse and sighed in relief when I found one.

I picked her up bridal style and when she was close enough I smelled alcohol. When was she drinking?

I told Rachel to follow me into my room and she moved the covers over for me to lay Bri in my bed. I gazed down at her one more time and brushed her hair behind her ear.

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