"You alright?" he played with my hair as I aimlessly traced his chest.

"Yeah." I lifted my head to kiss him and just as I did I heard the door nob turn. I jumped off of Harry and we both stood to our feet just in time for my mom to walk in.

"I put the chicken in the oven with the potatoes, make sure to watch it. And, check up on the rice every ten minutes or so." she told me throwing her blazer on.

"Okay, but can I stay at Harry's tonight?"

She slowed her movements and looked at both of us before continuing to button her blazer, 'you need to stay here and rest." she told me instantly making me sad.

"But I'm fine."

"I'm glad that you are, but you need to rest."

"I don't want to rest."

"I don't think it's a good idea for you to leave. You had a long day, I'm sure. Just eat your dinner and relax. Harry is more then welcome to stay here if he wants." she suggested and a small part of happiness hit me.

"Like sleep over?" I tried hiding my smile.

"If his mother is okay with it, then yes. The guest room is right down the hall."

This is so unlike her. She would never suggest that he'd sleep over. I really want to know what Alan told her to make her feel so comfortable with Harry staying over after everything. It's strange that she's being so nice...I wonder what she's planning.

"Really?" I asked still shocked.

"Yeah, Alan will be here with you guys so why not?"

Oh, that's why she's okay with it; because Alan is here to keep an eye on us. Typical.

"Are you alright with it?" she said looking at Harry.

"Yes." he said respectfully.

"Good. Be sure to ice your cheek, how's it feeling?" she walked over to me and touched it rather roughly making me wince. I hear Harry softly gasp and step forward but I smiled behind the slight sting.

"It's alright mom, thanks.'

"Okay, don't forget about the food." she walked out, "and call me if you need anything." she shut the door behind her and I turned on my heel towards Harry.

"Did she hurt you?" he asked walking up to me.

"No." I lied and he kissed it, "do you want to go back down?"

"It's up to you."

"Let's go down." I said and he smiled.

As we were walking down Zayn came to mind. I almost forgot about him and what happened with us. I haven't spoken to him since Monday. I miss him, actually. I feel bad for yelling at him and forcing him out but I'm still upset about him not telling me. I should probably call him or text him later to see how he's doing; that's if he actually answers.

Alan and Harry watched some baseball game waiting for dinner to be ready while I sat and watched with boredom. I never liked baseball. It's the only sport that actually bores me and it leaves me wondering how in the hell these two get so worked up over a game. I left the room for about twenty minutes but I don't think either one of them noticed my absence. I set up table and mixed the food, tasting it to make sure it was fully cooked and ready.

Zayn kept popping up in my head and for some reason I had the strongest urge to call him. I was alone in the kitchen left with my thoughts and forced to think about it. I don't know how Harry feels about Zayn. Ever since he found out I went to his house instead of his I feel like his liking for him has decreased. There's no reason for him to dislike him or to be jealous of him, which I doubt, because I don't think of Zayn in that way. I don't think I could think of him in another way besides a brother. Yes I think he's cute, obviously he's not ugly, but it would be weird if I did have any type of feeling for him since we grew up together. He used to babysit me and even help change my diapers when I was little, so you'd understand why I'd feel that way.

I set the food on the table and called them in, setting up their plates and drinks.

"It smells amazing in here." Alan smiled taking his seat, "doesn't it Harold?"

"Sure does." he laughed sitting beside my chair.

Alan and Harry seem to be closer then I actually think. They don't seem like "good friends" they almost look like father and son. They joke around differently, not the usual way a man Alan's age or a guy Harry's age would talk with each other. It's like they've known each other forever. They're so comfortable and he makes Harry happy. Only Alan can make him smile that.

After dinner, they both went back to watch the game and I cleaned up the table and put the food away. The kitchen was spick and span and I was proud of my good work.

It somewhat stressed me out that Harry would be out of school for three weeks leaving me all alone. I don't like anyone in school and I wouldn't even be able to hang out with Harley as much as I would like since we don't have any classes together. I honestly don't even want to go to school tomorrow. I know everyone is going to look at me weird and talk some shit and I'm not ready for it. I don't want to go anywhere near the school and if Harry does sleep over, I might as well stay home with him.

"I'll be back." I stood up from the couch but the two losers were too busy chanting and focusing on the game to acknowledge me. I ran up the stairs and in the room to lie down a little. I had a bit of headache and felt exhausted with all the cleaning and every other fucked up thing in my life.

In a odd messed up way, I don't want to lose Ava as a friend, and it makes me sad knowing our friendship meant nothing to her. I don't think I've ever trusted anyone in my whole life as much as I trusted her. She was more then a friend to me, I considered her my sister. I always think about how she chose Liam of all guys. There's no doubt in my mind he will treat her the exact way he treated me.

Once a cheater, always a cheater.

If he hits once, he'll do it again.

But she's too stupid to realize how deep she just dug the hole and she's in for a surprise if she thinks she'll be able to get away easily.

I crossed my arm over my eyes and took deep and slow breaths. Obviously Harry will be sleeping with me and not in the guest room; like I'll let that happen. I actually can't wait for us to sleep together. I always seem to sleep at my best when his arms are around me. It's almost as if he's the drug that kills the pain.

I picked up my phone and looked through the contacts searching for Zayn. When I found it, I stared contemplating if I should text him or not. But, why should I make an effort to call or text him if he won't make an effort for me? I mean, if it really upset him that much then he should call me. Right? His words still replay in my head at times.

"I love you, and you're my friend."

I've never heard him say "I love you" before, not even as a joke. He's not one to express his feelings which is why his sudden attention and protection towards me is so different and somewhat strange. Of course I love him too, but sometimes, especially when we're in sitiuations like this, I hate him; even though I don't mean it.

I felt myself slowly fading and falling asleep, just as I was about to my phone buzzed and my eyes shot open. I grabbed my phone and looked at the screen, watching the name I despise pop up on my screen. A little part is telling me to ignore her, another is telling me to answer but I know she'll say all these hateful things and it would be cowardice of both of us to end it on the phone.

But my curiosity got the best of me.

"Aleevonne?" I've never hated the sound of my name as much as I did when I heard her say it.

*hi guys! I'm really sorry for the late and short update but I hope you enjoyed it! The story reached 144.1k reads!!!!!!!!!! thats amazing honestly, it's insane and I can't thank you guys enough. Just two days ago it was 137k and the amount of reads it gets daily is unbelievable. I love you all so much and your support means the absolute world to me! please dont forget to comment vote and share! <3*

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