Chapter 23 - Mary's Affairs and Imperial Army

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I danced around with my ladies the next morning. We were all laughing and giggling when the door opened.

"Your majesty, the Duke of Suffolk." I stopped as did the music. My Uncle entered and my ladies bowed.

"Uncle." he gave a grave smiled

"Your Majesty." He bowed then stood back up.

"Please, come sit." I gestured for the two chair and took one. The girls dipersed to duties and I faced my Uncle.

"You seem different, is something the matter?" He shook his head

"Why would there be." I took his hand.

"Uncle Charles, please do not keep the truth from me. I beg of you not to." He sighed

"There is some grave news that the Holy father has allied himself with the French and wishes to march on England." I gasped

"But, But..."

"Do not dishearten yourself, young one."

"But, Harry he... Surly they can see the changes that are taking place. England is entering a state of peace, is it not. Why would they want to disturb that."

"The Poles."

"The Poles." I deadpanned

"Yes, Holy church believers who his majesty thought would take the crown from him."

"This is insane. I did not wish them dead but to start a war at such a delicate time. Do they not want peace? Are they so bent one making everyone under one faith. That is not how the world works."

"Be calm my niece. All will be well." I nodded

"If you believe it then I know it will be. Now there is a reason I brought you here." I smiled

"What would that be?"

"Mary's marriage. Henry is not convinced Duke William's son will be up to standards so I have decided to come up with my own list."

"I thought you wouldn't"

"Mary's affairs not his and besides how long has she been of marital age? Nothing. Two failed matches by two contraries. And the rest she spent shunned away. No, as a mother and step mother it would be simply wrong to let this carry on further. Which is why you are going to help me." He looked uncertain but agreed


I looked at the portrait of Duke William son Karl. I raised my eyebrow towards my husband and handed it to him. The look of him would not do for me. He had a stern face. No Mary should be happy and not with a man of his dull features.

"What does the ambassador say." Harry asked

"I am told that his grace is a kind and athletic man who would be a suitable husband for the Lady Mary."

"Then why does he look like a horse has kicked him in the face?" I wondered. Henry chuckled "Surely that cannot be how Master Holbein has painted him. Kind and being athletic will only go so far what are his interests would he be willing to live here in England. I know it is custom for the bride to live with their husband but...." I looked at Henry who was very amused

"I beg your pardon, my lips sometimes have a mind of their own. All I meant to say was does the ambassador think his grace is a worth suitor for the eldest daughter of the King of England."

"I would say so, your majesty."

"Leave us we have much to discuss." Cromwell bowed and left.

"I apologise. I just so wish to see Mary have the life she deserves. It is something I am very passionate about. I know by blood she is not mine but she has waited for so long"

"I see, Lottie. But you must remember that she is my daughter and I will decide what is best." I nodded

"Harry what if I was to find someone that would benefit you but also make Mary happy. Would that be something you would be open to."

"All the suitable ones are disappearing fast. Only the nessacery ones will remain. But it might be something I would look into." I smiled


"Your majesty." Jane curtsied hastily. I looked at her

"Whatever is the matter, Jane."

"There are Imperial ships near the border, with a black eagle. The court is at frenzy with the possible invasion. His Majesty wishes for you at his side." she breathed. I stood and smartened out my dress before taking my leave.

I stood with a tense Henry and the men of the council. Uncle Charles gave me a worried look.

"A message for the King." I stroked Harry's hand as a messenger entered and kneeled. Harry let go of my hand and took the report off the messenger before handing it to my Uncle. Who read out.

"From Sir Thomas Cheney warden, the clique ports. Your Majesties, Lords of the Council this morning we counted 68 imperial ships in the Channel. I sent out two ships and my boatmen were taken aboard the imperial flagship and shown every curtsey by the admiral. He said he fleet was bound for Spain, not England..." I breathed a sigh of relief as Henry took my hand and kissed it.

"...and that he meant no harm to us or our coast. If they doubted his word they had only to see how poorly armed his ships were equipped more like merchantmen, their hold bursting with provisions for the Emperor's voyage to Constantinople." Henry sighed and let of of my hand as he wondered thinking whatever."

"Leave. Charlotte, stay." The Lords bowed and exited leaving my husband and I alone. I waited for him to speak.

"This has been a long a trying time, my love. Enemies at every turn. Wars inside and outside the walls of our home. Almost losing you at the birth of our daughter." He turned toward me.

"Harry. There will always be tasks and lesson set out for us. But it cannot be avoided, you are a great King and Father. The men that are playing with you, only know the old you. The one that is quick tempered. I know that you will be smarter than that. I know that you will out match them and show them the true meaning of a ruler. You have already begun and I am proud to be by your side seeing the world and kingdom you are making for our children. No matter what happens they will not define who you are. They try to knock you down but you will only be made stronger and that is who you are and the legacy you will leave.

Never should you doubt that. You should know that you will always be a King of England. Let them come and meet the Lion if they dare." he kissed me heatedly as I wrapped my hands around him.

"My Warrior Queen."


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