Chapter Twelve - Lead by Example

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It was nearly Christmastide when I asked to see Mary.

"Your majesty." she curtsied

"Mary, come." I backend her to sit down. Which she did. "Forgive me for not receiving you properly. I find it tiresome at the moment to stand too long."

"It is perfectly fine in your condition, Charlotte." I smiled at her "Are you hoping for two sons?" She asked

"Yes but I don't mind one of each I want two girls anyway" I smiled at her "There was a reason for me calling you here. I wanted to get something special for your father. What do you get a man who has everything... well nearly everything."

"I too find myself struggling to give him something."

"Yes, I have had a special sword hang crafted for him. But it is our first Christmas as a family."

"Not all of us." She commented

"Exactly, i think you know what I'm thinking Mary"


It was Christmas tide and the date of my birth was drawing ever closer. I stood in the Chapel during a candle lit  mass. Henry held onto my waist as his candle was lit. He then lit mine and I turned slightly to light Mary's. I turned round slightly during the service and caught the eye of Mr Aske. I bowed my head slightly in acknowledgement. He returned it gracefully .

I laid in my chambers feeling exhausted and tired when Harry came in.

"How do you feel?" he asked

"Tired" I winced a little

"What is it."

"Nothing, I think they're kicking." I smile and he comes over. I take his hand and press it against my belly.

"They're strong." he commented

"Just like their father" I smiled up at him.

"Harry" he hummed stroking my belly. "I wish to see Mr. Aske." his head snapped up "Before you rage, I wish to know more about those who spoke against me. I promise you this will be the last action I personally take. My uncle tells me he is an honourable man."

"Very well."

"Not with you. You speak to him on your matters I will do mine." he sighed

"I would say no but I fear with the children so close if I did it might cause you and them harm."

"I should be with child more often, then" I jest.

It was how i came to be sat in the court throne room (you know where they usually sit without the grand chairs, I have no idea what it's called so I will go with unofficial throne room)

"Your Majesty, Mr Robert Aske." i nodded and with my ladies in waiting behind me. Mr Aske entered and kneeled before me.

"Your Majesty."

"Mr Aske." I bowed my head "I thank you for coming to see me. There is a matter which I wished to discuss with you away from the official court proceeding like you would do with my husband." he gestured for him to stand.

"Anything, my lady."

"Mr Aske. To my uncle you are considered a honourable man. You fight for what is needed and what is right. I apologise on behalf on my predecessor what was done to your people."

"I thank your majesty." I was helped to stand and I walked to him.

"I wish to help heal the rift that has been caused between you and your faith and my husband. I do share your views that he was ill advised in some aspects. I pray that with your help and that of Lady Mary we can help my husband to not only heal the rift but create a peaceful kingdom."

"I wish that too your majesty." I smiled

"That is good. Now before we discuss such plan in which I have already started talking about is ask for something in return. This is a simple good gesture and I think will bring you more favour with the King. But I do warn you, for the good of many a few must be given."

"What is it that you ask."

"The names of the people who threatened my life." he was about to say something.

"Mr Aske, this is a grave and delicate time for all of us. Unlike my predecessors I am not stubborn, controlling or manipulative. I do not say what I want. I mention things I like or advise and suggest. How do you think Princess Mary is here." he turned to me and I smiled

"I above all others wished she did not have to make such a sacrifice but she is young and has a life to lead, she is my step daughter and a inspiration. But back to the matter at hand I know my husband and if you wish to gain you must give. Both parties leave with something but neither win. Give and take if you will. If you so name these people I will do all I can to make sure they get a fair trial but that is all."

"But what about what was promised"

"He will give what was promised but he will seek to make an example first. I can defuse the situation slightly but he will have blood. Everything that was discussed will be put in place but people will die and most gruesome death."

"And how do you plan to stop it?"

"I want my children to grow up and rule a good kingdom but first we must heal what others have ruined. Not all think like you and I. There are different religions but you all love the same person, do you not?"

"We do."

"Then why should there be conflict? What I am proposing and advising to yourself and my husband is a treaty. Where people are allowed to worship god in their own way without fear of being prosecuted or judged. If our holy father wanted us to be the same it would be very dull and the world would not move forward. I want everyone to embrace and accept each other as we were created. 

His majesty is slowly warming up to the idea. You give him the names and promise to help with the unity. He can stop the attack on the remaining monasteries, call a parliament, in which half of the dissolved monasteries can be decided to be restored or not, the other half will remain with the King and be converted to educational places and places of shelter for the poor. Would that be more beneficial?"

"I do see it." I smiled

"I swear to you Mr Aske I will do all I can. But I want to make it clear I do not control him. I offer him something what he chooses to do with such is up to him."

"You are a wise and gracious Queen, you majesty"

"I thank you for such a complement. Do you think upon your return you could talk to the leaders."

"I promise upon my soul I will do all I can, your majesty."

"Then what's done is done. I trust you will provide names" he looked solemn."

"I know it is difficult, believe me. But a simple account of yours will not push him completely. Others such as Cromwell can influence and do the same that I. If he doesn't have the group there is no certain guarantee all will be well."

"I will write at once my lady." i smile

"Thank you once again Mr Aske. I think you could present it as a good will gesture upon your meeting with him."

"Your majesty might I ask why you would consider helping those who go against you and his majesty."

"It is called taking the higher road. I cannot no matter who I was let such things affect me because if I did, I would be in ruin and I would have lost my precious children a long time ago.  Besides how can I teach my children to be just and fair when I cannot. Lead by example."

"Yes your majesty." He bowed once more and left."


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