Chapter Twenty One - His Majesty

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I sat sewing in my chambers while Beatrice slept. When the door burst open and one of the King's grooms stood there panting.

"My Queen. It's his majesty." I stood up

"What's happened." he shook his head trying to catch his breath.

"Jane, Ursula stay with Beatrice." I picked up my dress and did the most unbecoming thing of a Queen. I ran through the halls and the courts. I slammed into his chambers where my Uncle was waiting for him.

"What happened?" I asked

"It's his leg a old injury from his youthful days has taken a turn for the worst." I opened the curtains and gasped. He had a large ulcer on his leg.

"How could this have happened. He is rarely so athletic these days." I knelt beside him

"We don't know ."

"Fetch me some water and a rag. We'll wait it out. Also move a bed in here. I will stay until he is better."

"Yes, you majesty." I sat on the side of the bed.

"And you complain about me. Oh Harry."


It had been a week and Harry was still no better. The physicians were afraid he might die.

"Charles." he stepped forward.

"Send a message to Mary and Elizabeth. They are to go to Hampton court with their brothers till further notice. Take Beatrice as well. There is too much negativity at court. "

"Yes your majesty." I then looked to Mr Cromwell. "Lord Cromwell, send for the surgeon barbers."


"Now" he bowed and left. When they arrived I watch them ready and the roomed filled up with all sorts of members.

"Out, all of you." they looked at me

"I said out. You are suffocating the place." The bowed

"Not you Charles." he nodded and the other filed out of the room.

"I hate it when they do that, as if this needs a audience." The surgeon came toward the bed and sat down.

"Forgive me your majesty." he cut open the ulcer and I winced looking away and Henry grunted and gripped my hand in pain.


It was another week before Henry was feeling better. I sat in his chambers while he tended to some business.

"Your Uncle tells me that you had our children gather at Hampton court."

"Yes as a precaution. If anything were to happen with you. I know some would not be happy about the line of succession. I felt that it was better protected in one place."

"Very good. I think that we shall go visit them, tomorrow" I smiled nodding.


The next day we rode to Hampton court. I was brimming with joy at seeing Alexander and Oliver. When the carriage finally stopped Harry stepped out first. Then held his hand out for me. I smiled taking it and stepping out. We walked through the halls and entered the nursery. The all bowed and curtsied in respect. I saw Alex and Oliver who could now stand on their own.

"My children" I crouched down and opened my arms

"Mama" I laughed as I lifted them up and spun them around. I stopped and looked at them.

"Oh look at you, so handsome, like your father. Do you not think?" I looked at my husband who had a broad smile on his face.


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