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I sat at my desk looking at all the papers that needed to be finished. I was so stressed that I could pull all my hair out.

Then a little boy ran to me and started tugging on my leg.

"Mommy, can I have something...?"

This little boy is my son. The one I shared with... him

It had almost been four years since his death and it wasn't getting any easier. After his death, nothing had happened. There were no troubles or problems. I had taken over my mom's positions and led the vampires. I also had to help in the rise of the pack.

I had no social life and I rarely got out of my house.

The little boy was our son. He was so much like his father that at times I couldn't even look at him without breaking down. But I needed to be strong. It's what he would've wanted.

"What do you want Landon?" I asked as I plopped him onto my lap.

"I want to get some flowers for a girl." He said nervously. Aw how cute? He was such a charmer. Just like his dad.

"You can ask grandpa to help you pick some from the backyard." I smiled at him.

Brandon's dad always came to visit for the sake of his grandchild. We had a relationship like father and daughter.

My mother had died of a heart attack and it wasn't easy. But it was much easier than what I had dealt with already. All I felt was numbness.

Landon nodded his head and jumped from my lap and ran to his grandad.

I looked at the picture on my desk of him and I. It was the day we had went on the date that made my son.

I was a cold person after his death. To everyone I was just the girl who dealt with a hard life, the girl who lost her dad, mom and lover. The girl who was practically dead.

But I had my son to live for and I knew how much of a mother I needed to be for him to grow up and be successful. He was a powerful boy. I knew it, he had the blood of an alpha and he was to be the future vampire leader. He needed to be strong.

I was determined to be the best mother I could possibly be.

The mother Brandon would want me to be.


So guys, that was the last part of 'Too Different'! I hope you all enjoyed it!

I'm sure you still have a few questions unanswered but now it is all for your imagination.

You might be thinking that why I finished today but I did it because December 17 is my birthday and I want to start something new on my birthday.

Remember, I have my other book 'Love You Jerk', it's a -hopefully- humorous book!

Haylie Jefferson, the schools nerd, has to move again thanks to her dads job. That means leaving everything behind, including her boyfriend for over a year. Ken Hanson. He was all she could've wished for, they promised to keep in touch but as we all know, long distance relationships don't work out very well. He cheats on her several times, she hears all of this from her older brother, James, who was attending university. Keen to mend her broken heart, Dean, the captain of the football team takes interest in this nerdy girl. And before she knows it, she's falling for him. Hard.

This book was great and fun to write, I loved every second of it and I will hopefully be writing many more to come!

I love all just readers and I really do appreciate everything.

So for the last time in this book...

May the odds be ever in your favour... goodbye!


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