Chapter 23

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I wanted to open my eyes but something was stopping me. The surface I was on was rough and uncomfortable. There were voices around me but I felt like I was blocked from everything.

Why couldn't I wake up? Something was wrong with me.

Someone was shaking me but I couldn't do anything.

Maybe this was what death felt like. You could hear things and feel things but you were unable to do anything except stay silent.

I needed to open my eyes.

I tried forcing them open but got nothing in return. I heard more voices and arguing. There were sudden sounds and I couldn't make out what was happening.

Someone just got here, I could feel its presence. It was strong and all the commotion stopped.

I felt confusion fill the air. Then more shouting started, someone shook me and shouted my name but I didn't know who it was.

They picked me up and it felt like they were running with me. I forced myself to make them know that I did acknowledge what was going around me and I did make my pinky twitch.

The person stopped after my failed attempt at moving and urged me to move again but it used up too much energy. They started running again until they reached where they wanted to bring me.

They laid me on a soft surface and placed my arms next to me. I felt the persons breath on my face and felt them stroke my face.

I felt them sigh and touch my forehead.

I forced myself to twitch my finger again and it was slightly easier but not by a lot.

The person rushed over to me and begged me to do it again.

I took all my strength to do it again.

The person rushed outside and, I presumed, got a doctor.

They started speaking to each other and I could start making out a few words. I heard 'finger' and 'will she be alright'. I still couldn't tell who was talking but at least I knew it was a 'he'.

So I wasn't dead, that's a relief.

I decided to stop struggling for a while and just kept calm. Maybe I would get better by not doing too much.

When I woke up from my inner sleep, I was able to open my eyes slightly. I looked around where I was and it was too familiar. There was the smell of wolves. How the hell did I end up in this place again?

The wolf hospital. I guess Brandon found me. No one was in the room at the minute. Now I just have to wait for someone to come in.

It felt like forever before I heard any sort of movement.

"Hello?" I croaked. My voice sounded hoarse and dry, like I haven't drank water in a long time.

Someone rushed inside and I could've sworn it would;ve been either Markus or Brandon but it was neither of them.

It was Brandon's dad. The Alpha.

"Hi sweetheart. How are you feeling?" He was so calm. He didn't go get a doctor or panic like I thought he would, but instead, he talked to me like nothing had happened. I have to admit, I prefer it this way.

"Thirsty." I answered trying to clear my throat.

"Here." He said handing me a bottle of water.

I struggled to open the cap which was stupid since I was usually trying to not break the bottle.

"How long was I.... unconscious for?" I asked after taking a sip of water. I was hungry but I wasn't going to take a bite out of him.

"At least 2 weeks."

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