Chapter 5

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I woke up once again in the woods and I sat straight. Wolves were here at night but I was too knackered to notice. I smacked myself because I could've been kidnapped.

It wasn't a normal wolf though. It was the alpha also known as Brandon's dad. I groaned and put all my things in the plastic bag i used to buy things from. I hid it in a hole inside a tree and I was about to go to school when I realised that today was Saturday. Now i really had nothing to do.

Suddenly leaves behind me crunched and I turned around slowly to be faced with the alpha.

"What are you doing here in the woods?" He demanded.

"How does it concern you?" I ask cockily.

"Well you are in my land."

"Technically it's mine too."

"Well for now its mine and I don't appreciate intruders. So tell me why you weren't at home?"

"This is my home now. My parents kicked me out so now I live in the woods so I would appreciate if you stopped bombarding me with questions." I said almost dismissing him.

"Do not use that tone of voice on me." He sounded like my dad and he was only making me angrier.

"Stop telling me what to do! All you wolves and adults are the same! Always telling me what to do! None of you control me! I have a mind of my own."

He softened slightly. "Okay. You can stay here but you're going to have to go back sooner or later or else I'm personally telling your parents."

"Tell them whenever you want. They won't care." I scoffed.

He didn't try and say everything would be okay because everyone knew it wouldn't be.

Soon another wolf entered our presence and it was he beta. The exact one I had made faint.

He stood still and started baring his teeth at me. I would've thought he would know not to threaten me again.

"Caleb." The alpha warned.

Caleb lowered his head and went behind a tree to shift.

He came back a little weary of me since he wasn't in his wolf form he would most likely be weaker than me.

I haven't told you yet but since my parents don't really care about me, I took all of my childhood going to the gym or training with the stronger vampires. I must say, I learned a few things from them.

"What is wrong with you. Hold yourself high." Alpha said

"Sorry." He straightened a little but was still nervous about my presence.

"This girl here, the daughter of the vampire leader has been kicked out of her house and she has to stay in the woods. Tell all the wolves not to harm her because they would be facing consequences from me." He orders Caleb.

"Why? She'll be nothing but trouble" He snarls.

"CALEB! How dare you disrespect her. I told you to tell everyone now go!" He dismisses an angry Caleb.

"I'm sorry about him. Usually he is more obedient." He said looking slightly embarrassed.

"No. I understand why he's so rude to me. Earlier this week he was about to attack me and I accidentally, on purpose, made him faint by intimidating him with my eyes." Now it was my turn to be embarrassed. "You can ask Brandon about it. He was there. And that's when I truly realised he was an idiot." I muttered the last sentence but him being a wolf, he heard it.

"What happened between you two?" He sounded so caring.

"It was nothing." I said trying to avoid this conversation.

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