Chapter 9

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I was poked awake by my cheek and without thinking, I punched up.

"Are you always so violent in the mornings?" Brandon said holding his nose.

"Sorry! I was only trying to protect myself. It's just a natural thing for me to do in the mornings." I said sheepishly.

"I'm glad your prepared for whatever may happen though. But I thought that maybe we should go to school today. Since we haven't gone a while."

"What time is it?"

"7, I thought that we could walk so I have more time with you all by myself."

I laughed and got dressed in some clothes I got from Bioko, the little store run by Lucy. It was a cute top which was all white except for the black collar and tucked it into a black skater skirt given to me by Brandon's dad. I wanted to ask him about the note but since he didn't bring it up, I decided I would ask him after school.

The outfit made me look really tall and that I had abnormally long legs. But I liked it.

"Are you ready-- Woah you look... Great!" He said eying me up and down.

I smiled. "Thanks and yeah I'm ready. Let's go. By the way, I don't have my school stuff so I'm gonna have to steal your books."

We walked to school laughing about some seriously stupid stuff like whether tomatoes were a fruit or vegetable. But it wasn't even funny so it just made it funnier.

When we entered the school gates, it felt like there was no sound except for the wind. Everyone was staring at us and Brandon just growled. No one turned around but some started whispering and I flashed my fangs and everyone pretended to be involved with their conversations.

"How come no one was scared of me?" Brandon pouted.

"Don't worry, you're very scary." I said patting his back. "It's just most people here are under my dad's control so they know not to mess with m." I tell him with a wink.

The bell rung and we walked to our next lesson talking and who ever we walked passed, they would go to the side to make a way for us to walk. It was slightly creepy.

I had to say bye to Brandon since we didn't have the same lesson. I had German and he had History.

"Do I get a hug?" He asked.

Everyone gasped because I was never close enough to anyone to be able to give them a hug. But everyone would be in for a shock.

I gave him a hug leaving everyone with their mouth open.

I entered my German class and people pretended not to notice me entering .

"Welcome Emma. Wie gehts?" Our teacher had this thing where she wanted everyone involved so she would always ask me how I was.

"Sehr gut. Danke, und dir?" I asked her.

"Nicht schlect."

That was pretty much all I ever said to her in class.

After class, I was surprised to see Brandon waiting outside for me leaning against the door frame. Many girls swooned when they saw him but his eyes were fixed on me.

He put his arm around my shoulder as if we were a couple, I'm pretty sure lots of people thought we were, and kissed my forehead.

"Sorry I had to do that because the girls were kinda creeping me out. In my history lesson, they kept asking whether I was available and if I wanted to go watch a movie with them. I had to kindly reject them because the only girl on my mind was you." He said looking at me as if he was refering to the note.

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