Chapter 16

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"Hey mom, I'm back home."

"Did you have a good time?" She asked

"Yeah. It's was fun. I'm going to my room." I shouted and went up the stairs.

I played on my phone for a while and looked out the window to see Markus looking straight back at me.

I waved at him and he waved back. He made the texting motion and I realised he wanted me to text him.

(A/N -Emma, ~Markus)



-Why'd you want me to text you.

~Blondie is at your door.

Then the doorbell rung.

-How did you know that?

~I saw him pacing at the door for a while

-let me go see what he's here for

"Honey, a wolf is here to see you." My mom shouted

"Okay. I'm just coming."

I saw Brandon leaning against the doorframe talking to my mom.

"What do you want." I asked.

"I'll leave you kids to talk." My mom said as she shot Brandon a warning look.

"I'm here to ask why you can forgive your mom for a life time of hatred but you won't forgive me over something so little." He asked

"If that's what you want to know then you're about to get slammed in the face with a door." I said as I got ready to slam the door in his face.

"Stop playing hard to get. I know you still want me. Even though you think you don't, the mate bond isn't that easy to break."

"Your such a jerk you know that? If you wanted me back, you should've apologised instead of waiting for me to do something because I actually did nothing wrong." I said crossing my arms.

"You're going off with some boy like you guys are perfect together."

I scoffed at him. He's blaming me for hanging out with someone different? Idiot.

"You've got to be joking me! You're the one sleeping around! You're the one who has gotten yourself a new girlfriend. Just leave me alone! I want nothing to do with you anymore." I said with only honesty. All those words were true and at that moment, I felt like I had been tricked all this time.

I had forgiven him for two stupid things and he has done nothing. All he's done is do the wrong things.

I've been the one being played.

Then all my emotions leaked into one big glob of hatred. I hated Brandon so much I don't know why I ever thought I loved him.

The mate bond had tricked me into thinking he was the only one for me when actually we were perfect if we were away from each other.

He was the player type and I was stupid enough to trust him.

"You... You! You broke the mate bond! That's not possible." He crumbled onto the floor and started sobbing. "I lost my mate."

"Obviously you had and it was completely your fault. I had never done anything wrong in my part except trust you." I stated.

I slammed the door into him and walked back inside feeling satisfied since we no longer had anything in common. Well, except for birthdays.

"Was that the guy who claims tone your 'mate'" my mom asked

"Yeah but he is no longer my mate. I have broken the bond." I said

"Isn't he the new alpha."

"Yeah he is. He's not going to be a good one though." I said as I ran back up the stairs feeling happy with myself.

I no longer had to keep looking at him and thinking why isn't he with me and now I can just look at him with no emotion at all.

My phone vibrated and I knew it was Markus. A reason is that he's the only contact I have in my phone.

~why is he crying on your doorstep?

-He's so weak, anyways it's 'cause I broke the mate bond.

~I didn't know it was possible.

-neither did I until I realised that actually the only emotions I had for him were bad ones.

~cool. Does that mean there's no more crazy ex boyfriend?

-I hope so. I don't really know what breaking the bond does to the other person.

~nice anyways I have to go take a shower now since my mom says I smell horrible. But that's because I've been hanging out with you. :P

-shut up. I should get some sleep, my heads hurting a little.



I stretched out as I woke up with a terrible headache.

I looked in the mirror and saw the I had a massive bruise on my neck.

Okay. Who did this?

I changed quickly and went downstairs.

"Hey mom, Do you know what happened to my neck?" I said as I sat down next to the kitchen counter.

"Oh my.. That looks painful! I don't know what happened but we have to cover it up. People will think someone beat you up." She took my hand and dragged me back up the stairs. She got out her makeup box and put concealer all over the bruise.

It was less visible but if you looked closely at it, you would be able to see it.

My phone vibrated and I read that Markus wanted to meet me outside so we could go to school together.

I said bye to my mom and ran out the door.

"Hey." Markus said when he say me. "What happened to your neck?"

"Is it that obvious?" I said as I rubbed it.

"Yeah it kinda is. Here take my scarf." He said as he unwrapped it.

"Thanks." I said as he put it around my neck. "It smells good."

"That's because it's from me." He said winking at me.

"Come on, lets go to school."

"We have german now." I said. "Do you know how to speak it?"

"Actually I do. I lived in Germany for a few years when I was around 10." Is he bad at anything?

"Show off." I joked

"You asked me."

"The teacher will like you a lot. I've been failing German so she'll pair me up with you so I can get better. She shows how much she likes good students and how much she hates me." I said as we entered the class

"Ah. I see we have a new student. is its your first time speaking German?" The teacher asks

They start speaking quickly and I have absolutely no idea what they're talking about.

I sat down in my seat and played on my phone. It was hard to make sure you were clicking on the right thing.

"Today class, we have a new student, Markus who has lived in Germany and can speak German better than all of you combined. He will be the person who will help you if you need any help."

"What will you do then." I muttered.

A few people laughed but the teacher ignored me.

"I will pair him with people who I believe aren't doing so well, so Markus, please sit next to Emma."

He came over and sat down.

"Told you so." I said to him.

He rolled his eyes and listened to the teacher.

I don't see how he can listen to the teacher when he already knows everything there is to know about German.

The lesson felt like it was going on forever but the bell finally rung and I rushed out the class.

"What's the hurry?" Markus said as he caught up with me.

"I just don't like the teacher." Or the language or the lesson.

"Emma can you please come back? Oh, Markus you too." The teacher shouted from the door.

I groaned as Markus pulled me along.

"As you are failing German, I had a good idea for Markus to be your tutor. He will teach you about what we learned in the lesson but more in depth. Is that okay with the both of you?" She asked

"Yeah." We said at the same time.

"Good, now off you go." She dismissed us

"At least it's with me and not some other person." He said. I heard a hint of coldness in his voice but he did well to hide it.

"We've got drama next." I said.

"Cool. I like drama. What are we doing?"

"I'm not sure. I haven't gone to a lot of the lessons." I enjoyed drama but Amy, Candy and Brandon were all in that lesson.

The teacher talked to Markus and told him that we were starting a group project. We would have to a T.I.E, theatre in education.

We would have to get the point that bullying is bad through the play.

"I have decided to be nice and let all of you pick your groups. Each have to be at least 4 people and at most 6 people." He announced.

"I'll go with you." Me and Markus said at the same time.

"Now all we need is two other people." I said.

"Markus, come in our group." Candy shouted across the class.

"No. I'm okay here." He replied trying to brush it off but I could feel him a little annoyed that they kept trying to get him.

"But our group is so much better." She continued.

"I said no and that final." He said, there was so much venom in his voice that Candy flinched.

In the end we got another girl and boy who were twins.

"So how should we start it?" I said as we crowded around a table ready to write the script.

"We should set it at school because its normally where bullying occurs." The girl, Stephanie, suggested.

"Do you think it's a little mainstream?" The boy, Shane, asked.

"I agree with Shane, maybe we should do something no one else would think of." Markus says.

The lesson went by quickly and I think I may have met some potential friends.

Shane and Steph argue a lot but in a funny way and we got a lot of things done in the lesson.

"Lunch now." Markus says as he walks next to me.

"Yep. My favourite time of the day. Well, depends if some idiots decide to annoy us." I add the last one in under my breath.

Markus laughed a little as we walked into the canteen. It was so quiet.

The last time it was this quiet, someone tried to kidnap me.

"Oh no." I mumbled.

Me and Markus sit down on my usual table and in come the popular people.

Amy is like a leech on Brandon's arm and candy and the others are behind them looking ready to beat some people up.

Aka that people, is me.

They come straight towards me and I am soo ready for it.

Amy pushes me hard but not hard enough to make me move.

A few people laughed and Amy blushed slightly. She tried pushing me again but failed.

"What do you want." I said as I put my hands on my hips.

"Brandon was so caring and dedicated to you but you decided to reject him. Since I have the role of being his girlfriend," Ew. "I will make sure you suffer as much as he did. He gave you everything he had to offer and you break the unbreakable."

"Obviously it's not unbreakable of I broke it." I back fired.

"He's been hurting like hell and you're here with your new boyfriend."

"Hold on. He's hurting? I saw him cheat, well sleep with other girls, twice! Go meet other girls when he was with me. Have you seen the bruise on my neck, I'm sure he had caused?" I said as I tugged the scarf off my neck.

A lot of people gasped because I'm sure the concealer has rubbed off.

No one said anything for a while.

"Plus, he's not my boyfriend." I added.

Markus laughed a little and a smile tugged at the corner of my lips.

Amy and Candy both tried pushing me but I have killed my dad. I know much more force than that.

"You're so weak. Maybe if you spent your time training rather then wanking some guys, you would be able to defeat me." I said cockily.

Brandon ran in front of me and pushed me. He was stronger and made me move slightly but I stayed put.

"Tut tut tut. You're the new alpha and you're no stronger than a mere little vamp girl." I sat down and crossed my legs.

Amy stepped in to slap me but I grabbed her hand and squeezed it.

"I don't think you want to mess with me." I said looking into her eyes.

"Maybe not but I'm sure I can beat this guy." Brandon said walking over to Markus.

Markus, I think, is stronger than Brandon. Plus he has the extra ability as an advantage.

"I doubt it." Markus said standing up ready to throw a flame at Brandon.

"You guys are unnatural freaks." Amy said as she went and linked Brandon's arms in her and walked away.

Me and Markus looked at each and high-fived.

We sat down and laughed.

"Isn't she being a little hypocritical by saying we're unnatural? We're all unnatural beings." I said.

He laughed and nodded his head. "Your right. We won anyways. But I don't think they're done."

"No way are they finished but we will win no matter what."


Sorry for not updating a little sooner, my parents made me do loads of maths that I didn't get.

Anyways thanks for over 400 reads!

May the odds be ever in your favour... Goodbye!


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